Landlord Complaint Record: #23-4885

James Israel    |    Mesa    ,    Arizona 85204    Landlord Complaint 23-4885

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WARNING! This property/ landlord refused to mediate a fair resolution or response to this complaint. Landlord refused to cooperate.

Case Number : 23-4885 Filing Date : Sep 29, 2014
Investigating Agent : Kept Private Case Disposition : Mediation Refused
Complaint Level : Code Landlord Response : Case Closed

Type Title / Link Posted By Date Uploaded Comments
upload Kept Private RPA Mailing Center Sep 29, 2014 The following attachment is a copy of the mailed complaint notice that was processed and sent out the Landlord/ Manager.

LANDLORD / MGR : James Israel RENTER : Kept Private
Property Name :      
Address : 119 South Stapley Dr. Address : Kept Private
City, State - Zip : Mesa, Arizona - 85204. City, State - Zip : Mesa, Arizona - 85213.
Phone : Kept Private Phone : Kept Private

COMPLAINT : Repair Issues From Storm On 8 Sep 2014
Fair Resolution according to renter :
  1. Repair Damage From Storm On 8 Sep 2014

Address               :   
City, State - Zip   :   , - .


On 8 Sep 2014 a major storm hit and the roof leaked extensively. After the storm, workmen came and removed all the drywall, insulation and carpeting, but have done nothing since. On 27 Sep 2014 another major storm hit and the roof still leaked extensively. There was even some wiring sparking due to the leaks in this most recent storm. I need help in getting the apartment owners to make all necessary repairs to the apartment including but not limited to repairing the roof, repairing the wiring, installing insulation and drywall, replacing the casement around the windows and doors, replacing the window coverings, replacing the carpet and padding, and painting all the repaired walls and ceilings.

From Date IP Address Response
Landlord Oct 7, 2014 Explain why you can't accept / Offer Alternative Resolution.

Agent Date Response
SYSTEM Dec 13, 2014 OFFICIAL COPY OF COMPLAINT: An official copy of the complaint has been requested by the tenant and mailed out by the nearest mailing center. The tenant should receive the copy of complaint within 3 days.

SYSTEM Dec 12, 2014 REFUSED RESOLUTION: The Landlord or Manager has REFUSED to resolve this complaint. The RPA has made beyond reasonable efforts to work with the Landlord / Manger to find a resolution to the complaint. Management has refused all reasonable measures to resolve this complaint. Due to the unwillingness from management , the RPA has no choice but to close this case with a negative disposition. Case Closed.

SYSTEM Oct 7, 2014 FINAL 3 DAY RESPONSE PERIOD: The RPA is providing a 3 day response period for additional updates by either party. The tenant may at their discretion offer an alternative resolution. Pending further updates.

SYSTEM Oct 7, 2014 Email Sent to Tenant: The RPA has sent an email to the tenant showing managements explanation as to why they can't accept the tenants resolution or provide an alternative resolution.

SYSTEM Oct 7, 2014 LANDLORD UNABLE: According to the response made by Cluff Management, management is not able to accept the tenant proposed resolution, nor are they able to offer an alternative. This case will be documented as Refused to Mediate.

SYSTEM Oct 7, 2014 LANDLORD EXPLANATION: The Landlord Cluff Management cannot accept the tenant's resolution nor provide an alternate resolution as per the statement provided: We currently are in the process of preforming repairs for this property. We cannot guarantee when these repairs will be completed, though we expect them to be completed before the end of this week. Please contact us if there are any other issues following these repairs.

SYSTEM Oct 6, 2014 PENDING LANDLORD RESPONSE: The complaint case is still pending a response from the Landlord or Manager. The landlord has been requested to respond by end of the day. Case pending update from the landlord or manager.

SYSTEM Oct 2, 2014 Delivery Estimate: The complaint notice sent to Cluff Management Mesa, Arizona should have arrived or will arrive within 24 hours.

SYSTEM Sep 29, 2014 CERTIFIED MAILING: This case is being sent via USPS Certified Mail:
A duplicate Mailing is also being sent via USPS First Class Mail in case the landlord refuses to sign for Certified Mailing. A signature is required for delivery of this certified complaint notice.

SYSTEM Sep 29, 2014 PENDING LANDLORD RESPONSE: The landlord or manager have been provided with the following response deadline: October 05, 2014 This deadline provides a reasonable time frame of 3 days for delivery of written notice and 3 days to respond to case # 23-4885 as outlined in the mailed notice. THIS CASE IS PENDING RESPONSE FROM LANDLORD OR MANAGER.

SYSTEM Sep 29, 2014 LANDLORD / MANAGER MAILING: Complaint Notice is being delivered to:
Cluff Management
119 South Stapley Dr.
Mesa, Arizona 85204

USPS Mail center has confirmed acceptance of the complaint notice parcel and provided confirmation ID: 42304243

SYSTEM Sep 29, 2014 MAIL CONFIRMATION: The complaint notice has been processed and is currently in route for 23-4885.

SYSTEM Sep 29, 2014 COMPLAINT NOTICE PRINTED: The complaint notice has been successfully transferred to the nearest mailing center and is pending mailing confirmation.

SYSTEM Sep 29, 2014 Complaint Accepted by RPA and is pending further processing.

SYSTEM Sep 29, 2014 An email confirmation was sent to the tenant at 09-29-2014 15:37:49. The email included a confirmation of the complaint filing, case number, and pin.

SYSTEM Sep 29, 2014 CONFIRMATION OF COMPLAINT: A complaint about Repair Issues from storm on 8 Sep 2014 has been filed pertaining to 23-4885 or Cluff Management located in Mesa, Arizona 85204. Case is pending mailing confirmation.

SYSTEM Sep 29, 2014 Complaint 23-4885 has been filed and is in queue for further processing. Pending further updates and confirmation of mailing.