Jul 4, 2014 |
OFFICIAL COPY OF COMPLAINT: An official copy of the complaint has been requested by the tenant and mailed out by the nearest mailing center. The tenant should receive the copy of complaint within 3 days. |
Jul 3, 2014 |
CASE RESOLVED: This complaint has is now closed with a disposition of RESOLVED. |
Jun 20, 2014 |
Email Sent to Landlord: The RPA has sent a confirmation email to the landlord about their acceptance of the tenants proposed resolutions. |
Jun 20, 2014 |
Email Confirmation Sent: The RPA servers have sent an email to the tenant to inform them of the landlord's acceptance. |
Jun 20, 2014 |
CASE REMAINS OPEN: The Complaint Case 23-4065 will remain open through 2014-05-16 as stated by the landlord as the date this complaint would be resolved. Either party may update the complaint with the status of the resolution. |
Jun 20, 2014 |
Digital Signature Accepted: As a legally binding agreement the landlord; Kettler Properties, digitally signed the acceptance of the tenant's proposed resolutions. As part of their acceptance a digital signature was provided. The RPA has further documented the acceptance of these terms by recording the Internet Protocol used by the landlord. |
Jun 20, 2014 |
LANDLORD AGREEMENT TO RESOLUTION: The Landlord; Kettler Properties has agreed to accept the tenant's purposed resolution. Get Repair Or Replacement For Not Functioning Waterheater Management has agreed to complete this agreement by: 2014-05-16. |
May 24, 2014 |
LANDLORD RESPONSE PAST DUE: The Landlord has failed to respond to the complaint by: May 23, 2014 .The Landlord will be provided a grace period of 3 additional days to respond. CASE IS PENDING LANDLORD RESPONSE. |
May 24, 2014 |
PAST DUE RESPONSE: The Landlord or Manger has FAILED to respond by the deadline set within the complaint notice. |
May 23, 2014 |
EMAIL TO LANDLORD: The RPA has sent an email reminder to Kettler Properties in request for an immediate response to the complaint. Pending Landlord/ Manager Response. |
May 23, 2014 |
PENDING LANDLORD RESPONSE: The complaint case is still pending a response from the Landlord or Manager. The landlord has been requested to respond by end of the day. Case pending update from the landlord or manager. |
May 19, 2014 |
Delivery Estimate: The complaint notice sent to Kettler Properties The Residence At Waterstone Pikesville, Maryland should have arrived or will arrive within 24 hours. |
May 16, 2014 |
As per tenant request, a duplicate copy of the Complaint Notice mailed to the Landlord has printed and is in route to the Tenant's address. USPS Mailing Center has provided the confirmation ID: 0 |
May 16, 2014 |
CERTIFIED MAILING: This case is being sent via USPS Certified Mail: A duplicate Mailing is also being sent via USPS First Class Mail in case the landlord refuses to sign for Certified Mailing. A signature is required for delivery of this certified complaint notice. |
May 16, 2014 |
PENDING LANDLORD RESPONSE: The landlord or manager have been provided with the following response deadline: May 22, 2014 This deadline provides a reasonable time frame of 3 days for delivery of written notice and 3 days to respond to case # 23-4065 as outlined in the mailed notice. THIS CASE IS PENDING RESPONSE FROM LANDLORD OR MANAGER.
May 16, 2014 |
LANDLORD / MANAGER MAILING: Complaint Notice is being delivered to:
Kettler Properties
225 Galvariun Court Pikesville, Maryland 21208
USPS Mail center has confirmed acceptance of the complaint notice parcel and provided confirmation ID: 0 |
May 16, 2014 |
MAIL CONFIRMATION: The complaint notice has been processed and is currently in route for 23-4065. |
May 16, 2014 |
COMPLAINT NOTICE PRINTED: The complaint notice has been successfully transferred to the nearest mailing center and is pending mailing confirmation. |
May 16, 2014 |
COMPLAINT NOTICE PRINTED: The complaint notice has been successfully transferred to the nearest mailing center and is pending mailing confirmation. For Renter |
May 16, 2014 |
Complaint Accepted by RPA and is pending further processing. |
May 16, 2014 |
The RPA server has sent an initial email complaint notice to Kettler Properties The Residence At Waterstone concerning the Complaint filed by the tenant: No Repair For Inop Waterheater Within One Weak. The email address was provided by the tenant at the time of filing. |
May 16, 2014 |
An email confirmation was sent to the tenant at 05-16-2014 11:37:25. The email included a confirmation of the complaint filing, case number, and pin. |
May 16, 2014 |
CONFIRMATION OF COMPLAINT: A complaint about no repair for inop waterheater within one weak has been filed pertaining to 23-4065 or Kettler properties located in Pikesville, Maryland 21208. Case is pending mailing confirmation. |
May 16, 2014 |
Complaint 23-4065 has been filed and is in queue for further processing. Pending further updates and confirmation of mailing. |