Landlord Complaint Record: #23-2973

Total Real Estate of Nevada    |    Steve Marlis    |    Las Vegas    ,    Nevada 89146    Landlord Complaint 23-2973

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WARNING! This property/ landlord refused to mediate a fair resolution or respond to this
complaint. Landlord refused to cooperate.

Case Number : 23-2973 Filing Date : Sep 22, 2013
Investigating Agent : Kept Private Case Disposition : Force Required
Complaint Level : Code Landlord Response : Case Closed

Type Title / Link Posted By Date Uploaded Comments
upload Kept Private RPA Mailing Center Sep 24, 2013 The following attachment is a copy of the mailed complaint notice that was processed and sent out the Landlord/ Manager.

LANDLORD / MGR : Steve Marlis RENTER : Kept Private
Property Name : Total Real Estate of Nevada      
Address : 6420 Spring Mountain Road #16 Address : Kept Private
City, State - Zip : Las Vegas, Nevada - 89146. City, State - Zip : Las Vegas, Nevada - 89183.
Phone : Kept Private Phone : Kept Private

COMPLAINT : Security Deposit Refund Issue
Fair Resolution according to renter :
  1. My Main concern is for the reimbursement of the interior painting $675.00.

Address               :   
City, State - Zip   :   , - .


The property manager refuses to return my phone calls to get this issue resolved. The owner had originally agreed to provide all the appliances, to have the interior of the property completely painted and to have all the carpeting in the home cleaned. We were advised that the owner backed out on those terms and agreements. The agent then had us sign a revised lease agreement, in which they included the following terms:Paint at the house is in �AS � IS� condition. Landlord not to paint it as of tenants moving in.We agreed and signed the revised lease on 7-28-2010. With that said we just finished our lease and moved out of the property on July 31, 2013.We received a check in the mail for the security deposit refund 30 days after and it was only for $270.00. We had put $1,300.00 toward the security deposit when we moved in. They provided us with a list of charges deducted from our security deposit and some things did not make any sense to me. One of the repairs on the list caught my eye and it was for �INTERIOR PAINTING� in the amount of $675.00. I explained to the rental company over and over again that the �dirtiness� on the walls was pre-existing and that the dirt, smudges, and stains were already there prior to us moving in. I also found a section of the contract that claims that:The premises have been freshly painted. If not been freshly painted the premises has been touched up.The section includes options that can be checked off. On the lease agreement they checked both choices. It seems to me that this is contradicting, when they check both options off and then under the additional terms and conditions, they include:�the landlord will not paint the house prior to tenant moving in. Paint is in �as � is� condition. It seems to me that this may be an error on the contract. If not, then I feel that the agent and landlord mislead us and fraudulently made the terms of the contract indicate that the property had been painted when it was not. The interior painting is my main concern however there are a few other charges that are false. $30.00 charge for 6 door stoppers (there were no door stoppers when we moved in). Towel and paper bar $30.00 ( that was pre existing). Cleaning Fee $150.00 ( no where on the contract shows there will be a cleaning fee). I left the house clean and also gave them a receipt showing the carpets was cleaned as well. I would like help in getting my refund for the above mentioned issues. However my main concern is the interior paint

From Date IP Address Response
Renter Sep 26, 2013 I have faxed over my complaint letter with more details and also the 2 contracts as stated on the complaint for proof. Faxed to RPA at 800-780-1195. Thanks

Agent Date Response
SYSTEM May 5, 2014 FORCE REQUIRED! After repeated attempts to resolve this complaint; management has FAILED to comply and requires force. The RPA has taken all reasonable efforts to contact the Landlord / Manager. They have REFUSED all request and will require FORCE. This case is closed with a negative disposition.

SYSTEM Sep 24, 2013 Delivery Estimate: The complaint notice sent to Steve Marlis 23-2973 Las Vegas, Nevada should have arrived or will arrive within 24 hours.

SYSTEM Sep 24, 2013 PENDING LANDLORD RESPONSE: The landlord or manager have been provided with the following response deadline: September 30, 2013 This deadline provides a reasonable time frame of 3 days for delivery of written notice and 3 days to respond to case # 23-2973 as outlined in the mailed notice. THIS CASE IS PENDING RESPONSE FROM LANDLORD OR MANAGER.

SYSTEM Sep 24, 2013 LANDLORD / MANAGER MAILING: Complaint Notice is being delivered to:
Steve Marlis
6420 Spring Mountain Road #16
Las Vegas, Nevada 89146

USPS Mail center has confirmed acceptance of the complaint notice parcel and provided confirmation ID: 42058059

SYSTEM Sep 24, 2013 MAIL CONFIRMATION: The complaint notice has been processed and is currently in route for 23-2973.

SYSTEM Sep 24, 2013 COMPLAINT NOTICE PRINTED: The complaint notice has been successfully transferred to the nearest mailing center and is pending mailing confirmation.

SYSTEM Sep 24, 2013 Complaint Accepted by RPA and is pending further processing.

SYSTEM Sep 22, 2013 The RPA server has sent an initial email complaint notice to Steve Marlis Total Real Estate of Nevada concerning the Complaint filed by the tenant: Security Deposit Refund Issue. The email address was provided by the tenant at the time of filing.

SYSTEM Sep 22, 2013 An email confirmation was sent to the tenant at 09-22-2013 05:24:30. The email included a confirmation of the complaint filing, case number, and pin.

SYSTEM Sep 22, 2013 The RPA server has sent an initial email complaint notice to Steve Marlis Total Real Estate of Nevada concerning the Complaint filed by the tenant: Security Deposit Refund Issue. The email address was provided by the tenant at the time of filing.

SYSTEM Sep 22, 2013 An email confirmation was sent to the tenant at 09-22-2013 05:22:32. The email included a confirmation of the complaint filing, case number, and pin.

SYSTEM Sep 22, 2013 The RPA server has sent an initial email complaint notice to Steve Marlis Total Real Estate of Nevada concerning the Complaint filed by the tenant: Security Deposit Refund Issue. The email address was provided by the tenant at the time of filing.

SYSTEM Sep 22, 2013 An email confirmation was sent to the tenant at 09-22-2013 05:21:55. The email included a confirmation of the complaint filing, case number, and pin.

SYSTEM Sep 22, 2013 The RPA server has sent an initial email complaint notice to Steve Marlis Total Real Estate of Nevada concerning the Complaint filed by the tenant: Security Deposit Refund Issue. The email address was provided by the tenant at the time of filing.

SYSTEM Sep 22, 2013 An email confirmation was sent to the tenant at 09-22-2013 04:54:10. The email included a confirmation of the complaint filing, case number, and pin.

SYSTEM Sep 22, 2013 CONFIRMATION OF COMPLAINT: A complaint about Security Deposit Refund Issue has been filed pertaining to 23-2973 or Steve Marlis located in Las Vegas, Nevada 89146. Case is pending mailing confirmation.

SYSTEM Sep 22, 2013 Complaint 23-2973 has been filed and is in queue for further processing. Pending further updates and confirmation of mailing.