May 6, 2014 |
OFFICIAL COPY OF COMPLAINT: An official copy of the complaint has been requested by the tenant and mailed out by the nearest mailing center. The tenant should receive the copy of complaint within 3 days. |
May 5, 2014 |
FORCE REQUIRED! After repeated attempts to resolve this complaint; management has FAILED to comply and requires force. The RPA has taken all reasonable efforts to contact the Landlord / Manager. They have REFUSED all request and will require FORCE. This case is closed with a negative disposition. |
Jul 11, 2013 |
LANDLORD RESPONSE PAST DUE: The Landlord has failed to respond to the complaint by: July 10, 2013 .The Landlord will be provided a grace period of 3 additional days to respond. CASE IS PENDING LANDLORD RESPONSE. |
Jul 11, 2013 |
PAST DUE RESPONSE: The Landlord or Manger has FAILED to respond by the deadline set within the complaint notice. |
Jul 3, 2013 |
PENDING LANDLORD RESPONSE: The landlord or manager have been provided with the following response deadline: July 09, 2013
This deadline provides a reasonable time frame of 3 days for delivery of written notice and 3 days to respond to case # 23-2431 as outlined in the mailed notice. THIS CASE IS PENDING RESPONSE FROM LANDLORD OR MANAGER.
Jul 3, 2013 |
MAIL CONFIRMATION: The complaint notice has been processed and is currently in route for 23-2431. |
Jul 3, 2013 |
COMPLAINT NOTICE PRINTED: The complaint notice has been successfully transferred to the nearest mailing center and is pending mailing confirmation. For Landlord |
Jul 3, 2013 |
AUTOMATIC EMAIL TO LANDLORD: The system has automatically emailed the landlord a digital complaint notice. Initial Email to Landlord has been sent. |
Jul 3, 2013 |
EMAIL TO TENANT: The system has sent an email to the tenant. The email included a copy of the complaint as filed by the tenant. |
Jul 3, 2013 |
Complaint Accepted by RPA and is pending further processing. |
Jul 2, 2013 |
Complaint 23-2431 has been filed and is in queue for further processing. Pending further updates and confirmation of mailing. |