Rex Lewis stated that I broke my lease in September of 2011 by stating that I texted him that I moved back to Arizona. As a result Rex stated that he did not need to return my deposit. I informed Rex that I did not send him a text that I had moved, I sent him a text that I had personal matters to attend to in Arizona. In addition, I own property and a business in Arizona, I frequently was in Arizona during my rental agreement with Rex Lewis. I also paid the rent for September in the amount of $1600. After moving out I was informed that I would not be receiving my full deposit back due to damages.
When I moved in, I took pictures of when this fully furnished place was rented to my husband and I from Rex Lewis. Right before leaving, I took pictures of how it was left. Everything was left in great condition and cleaned. In the deposit return letter, there is a cleaning fee of $300 that was assessed with a (smoking in house) next to it. There was never any smoking in the property. I have text messages from Rex Lewis that indicates he was aware that any smoking that was done, was outside of the property. In addition, their are fees for a duvet that was charged for $165 for a stain. The same exact duvet is at Target for $49.99. I informed Rex that you can not charge 3 times the amount then what was actually paid. I also requested receipts and never received them from Rex Lewis.
In looking at my rights as a renter in Alaska I found that "normal use" of something can not be charged in the deposit like the duvet, comforter and pillows were. Also, it is unlawful to withhold a cleaning fee from the deposit when the tenant keeps the unit as clean as the condition of the premises permit then the tenant has forfilled its obligation. Rex never provided in the written lease agreement of a $300 cleaning fee. Also, by Alaska law Rex Lewis also states that "normal use and wear" of property is permitted in the property and will not be seeked after with the security deposit.
I have a copy of the lease agreement from Rex Lewis, pictures of the way the property was left, and further details to including text messages from Rex Lewis and myself to show that Rex Lewis owes me, Caryn Loffredo $778.00 and the fee of $35.00 to file this complaint.