Landlord Complaint Record: #20-1934

Eric Gunderson, Emily Gunderson    |    Fargo    ,    North Dakota 58107    Landlord Complaint 20-1934

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RESOLVED! This complaint has been resolved. Landlord acted professionally by providing a fair and prompt resolution.

Case Number : 20-1934 Filing Date : Sep 4, 2011
Investigating Agent : Kept Private Case Disposition : Resolved
Complaint Level : Code 3 Landlord Response : Case Closed

Type Title / Link Posted By Date Uploaded Comments
upload Kept Private RPA Mailing Center The following attachment is a copy of the mailed complaint notice that was processed and sent out the Landlord/ Manager.

upload Kept Private RPA Mailing Center The attached file is a copy of the 2nd written notice that was printed and mailed to the landlord/ manager.

upload Kept Private RPA Mailing Center This is the 3rd and final notice that was sent to the landlord/ manager. This is the final attempt / notice to request an immediater resolution to the complaint. I has been processed for mailing.

LANDLORD / MGR : Eric Gunderson, Emily Gunderson RENTER : Kept Private
Property Name :      
Address : PO Box 323 Address : Kept Private
City, State - Zip : Fargo, North Dakota - 58107. City, State - Zip : Moorhead, Minnesota - .
Phone : Kept Private Phone : Kept Private

Fair Resolution according to renter :
  1. Would like to terminate the lease.

Address               :   915 5th Avenue Sout
City, State - Zip   :   Moorhead, Minnesota - 56560.


The property has been treated for bed bugs one time. Landlord refuses to pay for the extermination fees. There are still bed bugs in the house. There is no evidence that bugs were brought in, nor is there any evidence that the bugs were there prior to the lease agreement. Bugs were found shortly after moving into the premises. Would like to exit the lease so landlords can treat the property fully and we can get rid of our old furniture without the chance that bugs will infest our new furniture.

From Date IP Address Response
Landlord Sep 14, 2011 Here are the facts. We have owned the property since June of 2008. We have 'zero' history of bed bugs and will provide certified statements from the previous tenants who lived at the house for 2 years up until mid-May of 2011. The current group of tentants, or I believe 2 members of the group moved in with belongings sometime late in May of 2011. The 1st communication to the owners of bed bugs was August!!! Nothing about bed bugs in June or July, or over 2 months from the current tenants move in date. Further, the pest control service gave testament that bed bugs were brought in by current tenants given the time-frame of events and pest control sourced the bed bugs to a box spring (current tenants brought into the property) in the basement evidenced by the fact that the box spring had previously been opened on the bottom. The pest control agent said the only known reason that a box spring would be open on the bottom was a 'previous' problem with bed bugs. This claim by the current tenants is totally unfounded, personally and professionally insulting, and we will be working with the pest control agent to fully collect from the tenants the money owed to treat the property. We also had a city of Moorhead property inspection, which is done annually, and we passed with 'zero' infractions, inspection date was June 9, 2011. Please consult with the city of Moorhead as a reference as to the condition of our properties and our integrity as owners. Erik and Emily Gunderson

Renter Sep 5, 2011 We also feel, as renters, that we should not be held responsible financially for the extermination fees, because the origin of the bed-bug problem was never fully realized.

Agent Date Response
Agent Oct 17, 2011 NO FURTHER RESPONSES: The agent has provided more than reasonable time for additional responses or updates. This case is now closed.

Agent Sep 20, 2011 TENANTS RIGHT TO RESPOND: The tenant has right to respond to the response made by the landlord. Agent will review the response to determine if further mediation is applicable to this case. Agent will allow one week for the tenant to respond. Pending tenants response...

Agent Sep 9, 2011 LANDLORD RESPONSE DATE: Landlord is expected to respond no later than: September 16, 2011 by 7pm

Agent Sep 9, 2011 EXPECTED LANDLORD RESPONSE: Written notice is being mailed to the landlord and expected to arrive in 3 business days. Following delivery the landlord will have 3 business days to respond. Pending landlord response.

Agent Sep 9, 2011 MAILING PREPARED: Agent has prepared case for mailing.

Agent Sep 9, 2011 COMPLAINT NOTICE: Agent has prepared an official complaint notice and will be attaching the notice to a bonded copy of the case. Pending Mailing...

Agent Sep 9, 2011 CASE REVIEW: Agent has reviewed the case and is preparing complaint notice and paperwork.

Agent Sep 9, 2011 CASE ACCEPTED: Agent has accepted the case and is will be reviewing the case details.

Agent Sep 9, 2011 CASE ASSIGNED: An RPA Agent has been assigned to mediate this case. Pending case acceptance.