Landlord Complaint Record: #20-1297

Nick Lieggi    |    Coeur d Alene    ,    Idaho 83814    Landlord Complaint 20-1297

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WARNING! This property/ landlord refused to mediate a fair resolution or respond to this
complaint. Landlord refused to cooperate.

Case Number : 20-1297 Filing Date : Feb 17, 2011
Investigating Agent : Kept Private Case Disposition : Force Required
Complaint Level : Code 5 Landlord Response : Case Closed

Type Title / Link Posted By Date Uploaded Comments
upload Kept Private RPA Mailing Center The following attachment is a copy of the mailed complaint notice that was processed and sent out the Landlord/ Manager.

upload Kept Private RPA Mailing Center The attached file is a copy of the 2nd written notice that was printed and mailed to the landlord/ manager.

upload Kept Private RPA Mailing Center This is the 3rd and final notice that was sent to the landlord/ manager. This is the final attempt / notice to request an immediater resolution to the complaint. I has been processed for mailing.

LANDLORD / MGR : Nick Lieggi RENTER : Kept Private
Property Name :      
Address : 2589 E. Gunnison Pl. Address : Kept Private
City, State - Zip : Coeur d Alene, Idaho - 83814. City, State - Zip : Coeur d Alene, Idaho - 83814.
Phone : Kept Private Phone : Kept Private

COMPLAINT : Bed Bug Infestation
Fair Resolution according to renter :
  1. I would like him to pay for extermination, and notify and check next door tenants for bed bugs as well.

Address               :   912 E MONTANA AVE APT B
City, State - Zip   :   COEUR D ALENE, ID - 83814 4383.


My four children and I have rented here for over 2 1/2 years. Since the day we moved in, nearly all of us have been suffering with what we and doctors thought were hives. Last year I spotted little bugs on my sofa. I put some in a jar and began to research them... to my horror... I learned they were bed bugs!!!!!! I immediately called my kids pediatrician and threw away my $4500. sectional. We moved in with my mom for about a week because we were so creeped out. I talked to Mr. Leiggi while I was staying at my moms, starting off by asking him what kind of tenants lived there prior to us and he said "They were absolute filthy, dirty, pigs" That's when I told him about the bed bug problem. He was understanding but didn't feel the two were connected. After over a year of research I am convinced they were here when we moved in. We just can't live like this anymore... we can't sleep and are being eaten alive!!! my two younger boys have missed so much school because this situation is so emotionally and physically dibilitating. I feel like I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I had an exterminator come out for an inspection, and he confirmed that we are infested with bed bugs. He called Mr. Leiggi and left a detailed message, but Mr. Leiggi has not returned his phone call. I must say on Mr. Leiggis behalf, he has always been a very nice landlord and I feel bad making this complaint but My kids and I can't live like this any longer, and we can't move because the bed bugs would just move with us. PLEASE HELP!

From Date IP Address Response

Agent Date Response
Agent Mar 26, 2011 CASE CLOSURE: The agent has no choice but to close this case. The landlord has refused to cooperate.

Agent Mar 26, 2011 LANDLORD REFUSAL: The RPA has received a notice back from the landlord. The landlord has refused the notice and unwilling to cooperate with the RPA.

Agent Mar 11, 2011 CASE UPDATE: The agent is requesting and update as to the status of this complaint. Has management resolved this complaint?

Agent Mar 2, 2011 LANDLORD UPDATE: Landlord has responded to the agent stating that they are preparing estimates and will respond to the complaint soon.

Agent Feb 24, 2011 CERTIFIED MAILING: This case is being sent via USPS Certified Mail: 7010 0780 0000 1430 3239 A duplicate Mailing is also being sent via USPS First Class Mail in case the landlord refuses to sign for Certified Mailing.

Agent Feb 24, 2011 LANDLORD RESPONSE DATE: Landlord is expected to respond no later than: March 4, 2011 by 7pm

Agent Feb 24, 2011 EXPECTED LANDLORD RESPONSE: Written notice is being mailed to the landlord and expected to arrive in 3 business days. Following delivery the landlord will have 3 business days to respond. Pending landlord response.

Agent Feb 24, 2011 MAILING PREPARED: Agent has prepared case for mailing.

Agent Feb 24, 2011 COMPLAINT NOTICE: Agent has prepared an official complaint notice and will be attaching the notice to a bonded copy of the case. Pending Mailing...

Agent Feb 24, 2011 CASE REVIEW: Agent has reviewed the case and is preparing complaint notice and paperwork.

Agent Feb 24, 2011 CASE ACCEPTED: Agent has accepted the case and is will be reviewing the case details.

Agent Feb 24, 2011 CASE ASSIGNED: An RPA Agent has been assigned to mediate this case. Pending case acceptance.