Apartment Ratings are now Attached to the Public Record Database
The RPA® maintains public records on every landlord in the USA! Currently:21,500,489

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Official Apartment Ratings for Landlord and Rentals

Tenant Identity Trace Report

   Tenant Identity Trace Report :: Heading

  • Does this Report Include the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
    Brief Text explanation
  • How Should a Landlord Use the Data From the Report?
    Brief Text explanation
  • How can I use the report to find a previous tenant’s current address?
    Brief Text explanation
  • How will I know if my tenant is using a valid Social Security Number?
    Brief Text explanation
  • Why is this report so important?
    Brief Text explanation

   The Screening Process

  • How do I comply with FCRA Requirements?
    Brief Text explanation
  • Do I have to be an RPA® Member?
    Brief Text explanation
  • What information do I need from my Applicant to run this report?
    Brief Text explanation
  • How quickly do I get my results?
    Brief Text explanation

Category Two / Title

   Heading 1A

  • Headiong Text
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  • Headiong Text
    Brief Text explanation
  • Headiong Text
    Brief Text explanation

   Heading 2A

  • Headiong Text
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  • Headiong Text
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  • Headiong Text
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Rental Statistics /Clock

As of FEB 2,2025 | 05:49 EST
Renters 118,878,290
Landlords 24,398,202
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