wrongfully accused of being loud by my neighbor
By Dhillan
We’ve been living in our Apartment for 2 years now and since day 1 we never get any complaints regarding loud music or having our surround sound being on high volume( which we don’t have a surround system). A new tenant upstairs moved in and they’re already complaining on us being loud and having loud music and called a security patrol on us. The first time they had the security patrol came over our apartment, we just got home from the store and told the security that we literally just got home, the second time the security came knocking on our door again we literally just got home again from the store and I even asked the security if he heard a loud music coming from our apartment and he said NO. The next day we got a notice from our apartment office that we need to keep the noise level down. I called the manager and spoke to her about it and told her what was going on, so she told me if it happens again to let her know so us and our neighbor can meet up with her in the office to talk it out… I thought they stopped already, but we got another complaint a week after talking to the manager and same complaint as always. I don’t get why our neighbors upstair are making all this story up. I don’t know if they are trying to get us kick out our apartment soo they can move in in our apartment cuz its on the first floor, but whatever their reason was its sure stressing us out big time… What should I do? Can anyone here help me please!!!
Edited on: Friday, February 8th, 2013 7:32 am
2 Responses to “wrongfully accused of being loud by my neighbor”
Cynthia February 8th, 2013 6:55 pm |
A lot of people live in apartments and with poor insulation, noise can be heard from one unit to the other. However, it does not necessarily mean that the apartment below or above is making all that noise; it could be that someone else in the apartment complex does. So it may be possible that your neighbors are hearing the noise from other tenants. To settle the issue once and for all, it is best to go to the apartment manager and request for a meeting with your neighbor. You don’t have to wait for the next incident. You can proactively work on getting the problem resolved sooner. Good luck! |
Dhillan February 9th, 2013 6:07 am |
Thanks for the reply Cynthia. We did had a meeting with our neighbor and our apartment manager, I was really hoping for worst, but it turned out to be good, the neighbor that was complaining was really nice and explain what kind of noise she hears from our apartment, we also told her that it wasn’t us who’s making all that noise. Anyways, we agreed to exchange phone # and if ever she hears the loud music again that she will call or text us for us to go to their apartment so we can hear it too and I think that would be a great idea! I’m just happy that she wasn’t what I expect to be, what I meant was like one crazy “B”. |
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