Why is my landlord NOT approved?

By Carol Fudold

I checked the Renters Protection and they show my landlord with a 297 score and NOT approved????  How is this possible?

Edited on: Saturday, September 7th, 2013 9:35 am

2 Responses to “Why is my landlord NOT approved?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


September 10th, 2009 11:22 pm

To understand why your landlord’s risk score is so low, its best to understand how the RPA works. Landlords are not required to register with the RPA. Landlord registration is completely optional. So, if your landlord is “NOT APPROVED” that basically means that the landlord has not registered with the RPA. The landlord risk score is low (297 in this case) due to the fact that your landlord has not passed a background check and hasn’t committed to Landlord Code of Ethics and best practices.
Before I rent I always check the Landlord Risk Score… if a potential landlord hasn’t been approved, I ask them why they aren’t RPA Approved landlord or rental property. If they aren’t willing to become approved– I’m not willing to rent from them, its a huge red flag!
I say- Ask your landlord why the haven’t registered, and if they refuse, run like the wind!


September 10th, 2009 11:25 pm

You should also pay attention to your landlords Complaint History and Renter Ratings. Both of which are found on the public report provided by the RPA. If there are no negative complaints, that’s good. However, the renter ratings are tough to consider, it seems that many times they are from disgruntled tenants that may not be completely true.


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