why i am i responsible

By Curious

I recently rcvd a call from a collection agency regarding an apartment that I lived in with my mother from 03-07. I moved away my mother took a notarize letter to the mgt co. In 08 stating that I no longer live there. She then renew her lease without my signature on the lease for two additional years. She then broke her lease in 2010. Also the appartment, rent was based on income. The collection department is telling me that I am responsible and I need to show a release of occupy form.What is my recourse? How can prove that I am not response?

Edited on: Wednesday, August 25th, 2010 8:02 pm

One Response to “why i am i responsible”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


August 30th, 2010 1:20 am

If you have the collection agency after you, I would suggest you file a complaint with the RPA. That, or hire an attorney locally. By filing a complaint you should be able to legally dispute the charges. The RPA will contact the collection agency to request a valid proof of debt, then when they can’t produce it, the charges would be reversed.

If you do file a complaint you will need to pay $35 for the filing fee, then upgrade your case to be certified. (I think that’s around $15 extra)

The worse thing you can do is nothing. Go take care of it before it haunts you!


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