who is liable

By Anon


one of our roommates brought home bedbugs.  despite expert advice, she plans to follow local remedies which thus far have not worked and despite us treating our rooms, we get bit by the new ones she brings into the common areas, she has no regard for our health and safety and feels the lanlord should get rid of the bugs.  eventhough, there were none when we moved in and we debugged the house once with success.

how can we get her to comply by the experts and whom is really liable?

Edited on: Saturday, August 28th, 2010 12:39 am

3 Responses to “who is liable”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


August 28th, 2010 8:54 am

A roommate? Is her name on the lease or rental agreement? If so, then she might be able to give a written notice to the landlord to deal with the problem, and the landlord has a certain amount of time to do so… but this is unlikely if you know for certain that she brought them into the place. Check with your lease/contract and state laws about the landlord and tenants duties, rights, and responsibilities… it should make things clear. If her name is NOT on the lease/contract, and you just have an informal agreement among you, then whomever has their name on the actual lease or rental document has say in what to do. Also, you can ‘outvote’ her and have her take necessary actions or tell her to find someplace else to live. Or you can do it yourself (check online about how to get rid of them… but be sure NOT to put insecticides on your clothes, bed, or bedding—it will get through your skin and poison you).


August 28th, 2010 8:55 am

A roommate? Is her name on the lease or rental agreement? If so, then she might be able to give a written notice to the landlord to deal with the problem, and the landlord has a certain amount of time to do so. Check with your lease/contract and state laws about the landlord and tenants duties, rights, and responsibilities… it should make things clear. If her name is NOT on the lease/contract, and you just have an informal agreement among you, then whomever has their name on the actual lease or rental document has say in what to do. Also, you can ‘outvote’ her and have her take necessary actions or tell her to find someplace else to live. Or you can do it yourself (check online about how to get rid of them… but be sure NOT to put insecticides on your clothes, bed, or bedding—it will get through your skin and poison you).


August 30th, 2010 12:46 am

Normally the landlord is responsible for bed bug treatment, however, if you are sure the infestation was caused by your roommate, then you have another issue.

Let me tell you how to keep these bed bugs at bay:

1) Frequently vacuum
2) Don’t let covers, or bed touch walls or floors.
3) Buy a steamer for clothing. (DAILY go along your floor boards and mattress area. (The hot steam will kill adults and eggs laid by adults.)
4) Go to IFA or country type of store and buy Diatomaceous Earth (this is the secret stuff!!) Spread a layer around your bedroom walls and door.


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