What you would like to ask?Noisey Neighbors

By MzPee

This is a complaint on the neighbors in apartment XXX; they are playing their music unfairly to loud. The base is so loud the walls and floor shake outside my apartment in hall way. Needless to say in my apartment I can also hear them in front room/kitchen/bathroom and sometimes but not least bedroom.. If you walk down the hall away from them towards the front door to the street you can hear them. I have asked them in a very nice way to please turn the music down. I thought maybe by telling them about the noise it would bring their attention to the fact that they were not aware of the noise that they are creating .Not to mention their neighbors under them are never home to complain. You see I also live here and pay rent, and I am in titled to my piece and quite. Although they have rights too, their rights do not include the disturbance of their neighbors. I also do not have that right to disturb my neighbors and I am always asking my neighbors "Am I creating any unnecessary noise, if so please let me know so I can solve that. I have no way of knowing unless I am told, of course that does not include common sense! Please can someone tell me what the procedure is in California in which to complain and take action about this matter? I have asked the manager for help and he refused!

I found procedures for Illinois but none for California please help!

Edited on: Sunday, February 12th, 2012 7:35 pm

One Response to “What you would like to ask?Noisey Neighbors”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


February 22nd, 2012 4:28 am

Hey there’s been many concerns about extreme noise. I also dont know the law of California or the procedure to complain. I suggest though that you contact your landlord so he can take an action. It’s also possible to ask your other neighbors and create a petition. Then contact your local police and ask for more information.


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