What to ask new Landlord


I will be moving to a new apartment in a few weeks.   My current apartment does not have bed bugs, nor have I ever had a problem with them.    I just read some reviews of the new place I’ll be moving too (from last year, mid of year until now) and there are multiple mentions of this new complex having a bed bug problem.   Some of the reviews were from tenents who had recently moved in and did not have bed bugs prior.  The management company blamed the new tenants and would not pay for the extermination.   This happened multiple times. 

I am concerned about ending up with a problem I don’t currently have where I live now.   I can’t stay where I am and have to move as it is a condo that is being sold.

What should I do?   I have asked a company for a quote to double check my current apartment’s status so I can be somewhat certified as not having bed bugs.    What can I do about the new apartment, other than having it looked at?   What questions should I ask and what recourse do I have if they are not truthful?

Edited on: Thursday, March 7th, 2013 4:30 pm

One Response to “What to ask new Landlord”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


March 7th, 2013 11:49 pm

I suggest the best thing you can do right now is to do a walk through to the new apartment. You can hire a professional to check if the new apartment is bed bug free. If it is not then I think you should go and look for another apartment to prevent yourself from having to deal with the same problems the previous tenants had experienced while staying there. If is safe then move in, you can ask for a certification or something that states that the apartment is bed bug free when you moved in. If during your stay there you find that there are bed bugs you can talk to your landlord and demand that they pay for the treatment, you can show them the certificate you have before you move in. If still they would not pay for the treatment, you can file a complaint against them through the RPA complaint center.


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