what right do i have to live in a apartment where the tenants children is playing basketball in the apartment
By Shelia
i having been living in a apartment where the new tenants are very noise the noise has became a nauisance now the children are playing basketball in the apartment i have called the police 5 times since they moved in but to no avail i have contacted the ladlord about this problem and nothing has happened my rights as a tenant has been violated because the rental office refused to give me the phone number to where to report them to their boss they refused i called another rentl office and they helped me to find the people that are over the apartment that i rent from, well i called them and they never called me back so what i did was send them a letter and it was finally forward to the right people the people that manage the apartment came from Mississippi to talk to me and they said it was nothing that they could do about the noise i have 4 letters from people that have heard the noise i sent them those letters still nothing i was hospitalize with sever chest pain from all the noise that is coming from that apartment still nothing i was told that they had a apartment that was coming open in april so i have to just bear the noise and forget about my health issues my doctor even wrote a letter to the apartment stating that my healt issues could not tolerate the noise well still nothing. I have a 17 month old child that i got from the courts becasue nobody wanted her so i took her in and not she has to go stay with friends because she had a bad experiance with her father abusing her mother and she get scared and start cyring when she hear the noise i do not no what to do i do not have money to get an attorney i do not now what to do it is 2 little boys that have been terroizing me and my baby the noise has really gotten out of hand i eas threaten by some partygoers at the apartment reported it to the lanlord who has a problem with me. he stated those people said they were not making any noise and they said that no one intimated you and left it like that i need some help i do not have any money for an attorney and have no movey to move i have been in this apartment for 6 months and the other tenant jusrt moved in a month agoi i need some help will someone please help me. shelia gaston
1000 avenue H aprt.22
Edited on: Friday, March 25th, 2011 11:37 am
One Response to “what right do i have to live in a apartment where the tenants children is playing basketball in the apartment”
Shaquanda La’to’ya on’que Brown August 17th, 2012 12:15 am |
first of all please learn proper grammar and spelling. I hope that you do not plan on doing the whole “home school” thing. You would definitely fail beyond recovery. (and we wonder why children are getting dumber) second, call the police every time you have a noise violation. After so many, noise complaints, they will fine your neighbors. |
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