What is required in a lease

By Althea Thomas

I am renting an apartment in Birmingham, Al.  I have been completely satisfied with my stay but am relocating out of state for work.  I informed my tenat 38 days prior to the end of my lease of my departure.  She informed me that the lease state that I need to let them know 60 days prior to me lease end date and my lease has already beeen automatically renewed without my consent or signature.  Therefore,  I am responsible for the next 12 months of rent unless they are able to rent out my apartment.

 After talking with a very rude and unprofessional office manager in their coorporate office by phone and in person, she told me even though I didn’t know about my new job location prior to 60 days I should have told them I was going month to month. 

I have my lease and there is no Amendment or Releae Clause that states the consequences of breaking the lease.  Also, there is nothing stating that you can go month to month with the proper 60 day notice.  Is there any law or anything I can do to prevent from paying a years rent in a city…or state for that matter, that I will no longer be living in.



Edited on: Sunday, December 8th, 2013 5:52 pm

One Response to “What is required in a lease”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 11th, 2011 2:21 pm

Looks like your tied up. File a complaint through RPA. These guys would be able to help you with this. Also you consult a legal adviser too.


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