We moved into a house a little less than 2 years ago. I asked my landlord on many occasions to change the electric into my name from her mothers name whos house we were renting. Her mother had died several years before and our landlord was a family friend doing us a a favor right after our daughter was born. She never changed the bill into our name. I know that there is stock with the electric company in her mothers name and in her name. Would this have anything to do with why she wouldn’t switch the bill into my name? Is this utility fraud?

By VA renter

We moved into a house a little less than 2 years ago. I asked my landlord on many occasions to change the electric into my name from her mothers name whos house we were renting. Her mother had died several years before and our landlord was a family friend doing us a a favor right after our daughter was born. She never changed the bill into our name. I know that there is stock with the electric company in her mothers name and in her name. Would this have anything to do with why she wouldn’t switch the bill into my name? Is this utility fraud? Also, she only gave us 45 days notice. I thought it was 90 no matter what. We only had a verbal contract nothing written, will this hurt us? She also told us we had to be out by May 15th but changed the locks on the 1st because we didn’t pay for the first 2 weeks of May which she also told us not to worry about because we were in the process of getting the last few items out of the house and not actuallly living in the house. Come to find out, I went to the house tonight (5-9-11) to see if we had any mail in the box there and the neighbor informed us that he saw her son had taking something out of the house that we werent able to get because she changed the  locks on us. We had a Patio table and bike outside that were thrown away and inside there was a changing table and a sound system for a car. (The neighbor saw her son taking out the sound system and hooking it up into someone elses car) Someone please help me with some of these questions and if I can and should take legal action.

Edited on: Thursday, February 28th, 2013 2:45 am

3 Responses to “We moved into a house a little less than 2 years ago. I asked my landlord on many occasions to change the electric into my name from her mothers name whos house we were renting. Her mother had died several years before and our landlord was a family friend doing us a a favor right after our daughter was born. She never changed the bill into our name. I know that there is stock with the electric company in her mothers name and in her name. Would this have anything to do with why she wouldn’t switch the bill into my name? Is this utility fraud?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 10th, 2011 7:02 am

Talking about having a bad day. From my standpoint a notice would only be applicable if you guys have a binding agreement (A Lease). And yes it will really make life a lot easier to discuss/argue things in legal grounds. My say on this is that if you can somehow prove that those items the son was taking is really is yours then, contact your local authority. In terms of the rental concern try checking this site http://www.rentalprotectionagency.com/complaint_center.php and file a complaint.

VA renter

May 10th, 2011 11:20 am

Well darn it. Sounds like I am screwed. We have a neighbor who saw the son taking it but I dont even know if it is worth it at this point. Thank yopu Sonja


May 11th, 2011 10:24 am

when i first read this my first thought was that mom was never reported to social security as passed, which means mom may have been receaving money monthly, ss or pension or whatever. but enough that the friend doing you a favor was actually using you to occupy her home so it looked as though she was still living there. this way she signs and deposits the checks or moms money was being direct deposited so she will live high on the hog until some one catches the fraud. she wont put it in your name because people will wonder where mom who has lived there for quite a while is. investigations, would start by one curious neighbor or the bank or whoever would ruin her downfall of cash. My thought is that it is fraud but of a much higher phase, and the fact that they have stock in electric company has nothing to do with the change on the bill. Be smart research death records for mom online, easy to do and most times dont cost. you decide if you turn her in, its your conscience to live with the truth. good luck and god bless.


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