Ways the RPA can help tenants

By Aaron

Hi Guys and Gals!

I hope everyone’s doing great. 
First off, I really don’t have issues with my apartment right now and thanks GOD! I’m a new renter but so far so good and fingers cross, I won;t have any problem in the future. It’s a good thing I found an RPA certified landlord and we’re cool. Before I looked for an apartment, I was kinda scared because my dad keeps reminding me of his rent horror experience when he was in college and mom is no help either. I want to enjoy my experience so I searched the internet how to protect myself and also find a great landlord. It’s a good thing there’s RPA now and I’m happy to find a great apartment. 
If you’re a new renter or if you’re changing apartments, I suggest for an RPA certified landlord and rated high apartment. I mean, it will be your home, so better safe than sorry. Anyways, I found that RPA is really great and for those not satisified check this benifits: 
– Get a certified landlord, a landlord with no records
– See previous customer ratings of the partment and landlord
– If you ever face issues with your landloard then you can file a complaint and RPA will help
– Get help from RPA and other members
It’s great right? I so love RPA and I really wish everyone will have a happy stay in their apartments. 

Edited on: Monday, February 20th, 2012 8:38 pm

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