Water not fit to drink

By Lori

 My daughter and son-in-law have 3 children. (The ogriginal owner sold the house to a man.)They are renting an older home outside of city limits,it has well water.  They have not drank the water,but I am afraid it is causing skin irritations and you know the children consum some while taking a bath. Not to mention my grandaughter gets yeast infections often since moving into this house.When they aske for it to be fixed,the landlord tells them"if you have a problem with the water ,we can break YOU lease". They can not afford to move again.Is there anyway they can make the guy fix the problem?

Edited on: Friday, December 13th, 2013 6:39 am

One Response to “Water not fit to drink”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


June 8th, 2011 2:27 pm

Yes, you can let your landlord fix it. That is still under his accountability since you have your right to demand on minor or major repairs. You can write a request repair letter to him and relate about the concern you have. Be sure to emphasize if the problem affects other tenants. If this letter will not be acknowledge then you can report your landlord to your local building or housing agency and the least you can do is sue your landlord. 😉 Goodluck!


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