Unsolvable noise issues – landlord cannot do anything
By Nicole Mardian
WE are on a corporate relocation and chose an apartment for 1 year so we could take our time moving to the area and finding a home to purchase. We were provided a unit to rent this is apparently under a corporate housing unit with a revolving door of tenants that make deafening noise and are not able to be handled or quieted down by the management company. We have not had one good night’s sleep or peaceful day’s stay in this unit for our first 90 days. We would like to leave and break our lease, as Texas tenant law seems to provide for this remedy. If a landlord does not provide peaceful, quiet enjoyment of a unit, it is grounds for breaking our lease.
May we break our lease and leave at this point?
Edited on: Sunday, November 11th, 2012 2:51 am
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Unsolvable noise issues – landlord cannot do anything
By Nicole Mardian
WE are on a corporate relocation and chose an apartment for 1 year so we could take our time moving to the area and finding a home to purchase. We were provided a unit to rent this is apparently under a corporate housing unit with a revolving door of tenants that make deafening noise and are not able to be handled or quieted down by the management company. We have not had one good night’s sleep or peaceful day’s stay in this unit for our first 90 days. We would like to leave and break our lease, as Texas tenant law seems to provide for this remedy. If a landlord does not provide peaceful, quiet enjoyment of a unit, it is grounds for breaking our lease.
May we break our lease and leave at this point?
Edited on: Tuesday, June 19th, 2012 1:03 am
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