Unreturned Security Deposit

By anonymous

I lived in a property for 2 years 6 months and my husband’s job relocating us to another state so we were forced to move.  We gave the landlord thirty days notice in writing as well as verbally.  The property manager came to the property two weeks before we moved to do a brief walk through and complimented how well we kept the house and the minimal painting that needed to be done.   

Well we moved out, cleaned and were told we really ‘tore up’ this home.  Thankfully we took pictures.

Our lease stated that after move out within three (3) we would receive a signed move out report detailing any damages to the property and the cost.  Our lease also stated we would need to sign that report if we agree with the findings and we could reinspect the property within five days of receivng our report.  We moved out January 27, 2013.  On February 10, 2013, I mailed a letter to the property manager and the landlord asking for my entire security because I had not received a move out report within the specified time noted on the lease.

Well I got a half sheet of paper with a list of charges and an attached letter that stated we owe an additional $115.00 becuase of all of the repairs.

What do I do with this?  Do I have to pay to return to the state to go to court?vidg

Edited on: Friday, February 22nd, 2013 12:17 pm

One Response to “Unreturned Security Deposit”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


February 22nd, 2013 5:55 pm

Hiring a lawyer is very costly. You may want to first try mediation services and see if they can help. The RPA has a a complaint center that you can access. The good thing about going through mediation services is that even if the case does not get resolved, you will be given a copy of the complaint, which will be very useful should you pursue it in court. Keep all documents that you have too – pictures, lease agreements, receipts, that letter in the mail, and so on. It would have been great if you had a written documentation of the walk through and had the property manager sign it; but that is an information that you can take advantage in the future.


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