Unresponsive, disrespectful Property Manager Co.

By Bethie2572

I am renting a condominium in Los Angeles County, CA through a property management company that is unresponsive, unprofessional and downright rude (he told me that "You can live with a drain in the bathroom sink" until we get to it. When I complained, the day I took possession (he would not give me a walk-through before that) that the dryer was broken and a few other issues, he said, "It’s HABITABLE, Beth! You can live there!"

I do not have any info who the actual owner is or any contact info, although I think I found the name online. I’ve lived here only 16 days but the prop mgr. has created incredible problems. Lied in ad about "new carpeting" which was so stained and filthy that the day after I moved in I insisted the carpet be cleaned. I though it had been until I walked on it that night.

My listing information has still not been supplied to company to program me into security buzzer access system so I’m not in the directory and can not give anyone telephone access into the building. If there was an emergency (I’m a senior), they would not be able to find me and would have to break front door, of building down. Telephone jack in kitchen is not working and had to plug Life Alert equipment in small bedroom when it belongs in main living area of the condo. Kitchen sink is not draining and fills with water. There were many more problems but, to me, these are health and safety issues.

Main question – do I have a legal right to have contact information of the actual property owner so I am not completely at the mecy of this prop mgr.? Thank you, Beth

Edited on: Saturday, January 4th, 2014 7:55 pm

One Response to “Unresponsive, disrespectful Property Manager Co.”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


January 4th, 2014 8:01 pm

OOOps, sorry – that should have been “without a drain” in the first sentence.


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