unfair eviction proceeding

By Kim

i have been living in this house since august of 2009…There property management company manages the property for someone who moved out of the state. Well, I have had occurences where I was late and had to pay late fees with that current months rent. Well, I just signed another lease this past August and now that I am behind on rent, they are saying that I owed previous to that lease signing but never sent me a balance or spoke of it until November 2010…They are really trying to milk me. Besides, they are trying to evict me and I was never given a 3day notice so what are my rights…I want to go to court so the judge can see these unfair business practices and keep me from paying all these ridiculous fees. Help!!

Edited on: Saturday, October 26th, 2013 8:43 am

2 Responses to “unfair eviction proceeding”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 16th, 2011 12:30 pm

Do you still have the receipts of those payments? That should back you up. Just to be honest a court battle would pretty much mean that you have to shell out money but then again its your choice. My advice? is to file a complaint through RPA. Of course you can first try contact your landlords to talk it out. I think its the most peaceful way of solving problems. Who knows they might just forgot to track your payments.


May 31st, 2011 7:36 am

The notice must provide enough time for you to look for a new place. Talk to them to discuss that matter, so things will work out well. Your receipts can help you settle the bills.


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