Unfair Eviction Notice

By Kelly D.

We rented a nice trailer about a year ago and did not have any problems until about a six months ago. Every time it would rain my daughters closets roof would leak, the bath room, my sons room, and the whole wall in my room would swell because it was soaking wet. Anyways so we have asked and asked for him to please fix it.  The roof finally gave way in the closet ruined about 600 dollars worth of shoe, clothes, and toys. The spot that leaking in my sons room is growing pink and black mold so is the wall in my room. Well about 3 months ago we fell behind on our rent and now he wants us out but he has not fixed one thing that we have asked. My kids have been living in unsafe conditions this whole time and I have no where to go.  Is this fair? Do I have to file a case against this notice to vacate?

Edited on: Tuesday, October 29th, 2013 9:22 pm

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