Unfair Eviction

By msk

my landlord is threatening me by a notice to vacate  based on a complaint about my dog attacking another tenants dog. My side of the story was never asked for. no damage was done to the other dog because the so called attack was broken up before any damage to either dog. My dog did slip out of his collar when the other dog began barking at him. However, I did not register the dog with landlord which I was required to do. Unfair eviction or getting rid of the dog seems a harsh solution. Any suggestions for this unfair eviction notice?

Edited on: Wednesday, January 11th, 2012 7:28 pm

2 Responses to “Unfair Eviction”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


February 12th, 2010 10:09 am

I can imagine that you landlord is more worried about liability of your dog than anything else.  That can be a huge issue for him.   I would suggest talking with your landlord to work it out.


February 17th, 2010 2:30 pm

Sorry to hear about your dilemma. I have no advice unfortunately. Im going through an issue with my landlord as well. Apparently my dog looks like a pitbull now. When managment first met my dog they said she was okay. A lab mix.  She is also not allowed to pee on our grass. Everyone elses dog can pee on grass but mine. You should probobly work it out with your lanlord. Unfortunately they love the fact that the lease states that the leasing contract can be modified at the managers discretion. WTF? no rights for tennants!


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