Toilet Flooded the House I am renting
I dont know how it happened, but when my family and I got home, the home that we are renting was toilet flooded. I turned off the water to the toilet that we deemed to be the problem and contacted my landlord. The next morning a crew arrived and said it would be 4 days until anyone would be allowed back into the home. The landlord has stated that his policy does not cover outside lodging for me and my family and that we would have to pay for the hotel ourselves. There is no renters insurance coverage and the landlord has not even offered to cover or pro rate the days we were not able to live in the home.
Shouldnt a landlord have to pay for a toilet that did not shut off properly after it was flushed? Isnt the landlord responsible for outside lodging while the home is being repaired if the repair did not arise from tenant actions/negligence?
The landlord has not been in the home, nor inspected or maintained for 7 months, could that be considered a breach thus entitling the renter to compensation for his/her displacement?
Edited on: Friday, July 6th, 2012 4:01 am
413 Responses to “Toilet Flooded the House I am renting”
Chelsie July 6th, 2012 1:20 am |
apparently, it damaged both the ceiling and the wall-to-wall carpeting of the unit below mine. . . I own my condo, but the woman below me rents so today I got a call from her landlord (which I expected)… he said he will contact his insurance co.. . I believe that whatever his ins. doesn’t cover, I am responsible for, but what can I expect to pay? Is there like an insurance deductable like with car insurance? I probably should have asked more questions while I was on the phone with him, but I was caught off guard at the time of the phone call…. . any input? anyone been in a similar situation? Thanks. I do NOT have homeowners Ins :(. |
Ambrose July 6th, 2012 1:40 am |
Ok my son was asleep in my bed so i went to take a shower when i got out i hurd water driping out of my vint in the kitchen i run upstairs and he over flowed the sink water was everywhere what i am wanting to know if you look in my kitchen on the cieling u see some lines of water what do i do will it dry ok or will it grow mold please only answer my ? please help my hubby is workin out of town. |
Mittie July 6th, 2012 2:00 am |
I flooded my bathroom … how do i repair ceiling on the floor under? |
Earnest July 6th, 2012 2:20 am |
Yesterday night, I accidentally flooded my bathroom & it leaked through the roof. I’m worried bout mold? |
Sanjuanita July 6th, 2012 2:40 am |
How long does it take for black mold to start growing and how do I get my landlord to act on it?!?!? |
Jimmy July 6th, 2012 3:00 am |
My septic tank backed up into the house and broke the toilet seals- is it safe to stay given the fumes? |
Dorotha July 6th, 2012 3:20 am |
I had a plumbing leak and the water all went into my floor vents? |
Joel July 6th, 2012 3:40 am |
What is causing my toilet to leak at the base.? |
Trenton July 6th, 2012 4:00 am |
i have called maintenance three times in two weeks and they still haven’t fixed my problems? |
Rebecka July 6th, 2012 4:20 am |
Do you think this CPS social worker will be punished? If so, how? |
Leann July 6th, 2012 4:40 am |
Renting an apartment…and I just found black mold in several places….what to do? |
Etta July 6th, 2012 5:00 am |
Why does my toilet back up on to the floor? |
Rene July 6th, 2012 5:20 am |
Water stain on my Ceiling that is damp and spongy to touch? |
Lawerence July 6th, 2012 5:40 am |
HEY! You guys! Help me come up with a senior prank!? |
Damaris July 6th, 2012 6:00 am |
if i transfer in my apartment are they going to recharge another pet deposit? |
Fredrick July 6th, 2012 6:20 am |
I live in an apartment,my neighbors crazy and i want to transfer…but!!? |
Melia July 6th, 2012 6:40 am |
Back of house keeps flooding and landlord won’t do any thing about it. What can I do? |
Kathy July 6th, 2012 7:00 am |
my landlord won’t stop his tenants making noise or make repairs to his property which affect me? |
Ezequiel July 6th, 2012 7:20 am |
Plumbing Question … House not getting water and toilet leaking from base… wax ring already replaced? |
Hilaria July 6th, 2012 7:40 am |
Can someone explain to me what my problem is or about how much it will be to fix a plumbing problem? |
Francine July 6th, 2012 8:00 am |
Can anyone help me with this pretty awkward problem? . . I left a tap running over the bathroom wash basin this morning and the water promptly flooded the sink and then ran out over the bathroom floor. The water then ran through the wooden floor and has since come through the kitchen sink through the side of the main light fitting. I reckon about a bucket full of water ran onto the floor. Can anyone please tell me how I ought to deal with this, and do I need to get the light socket removed to guarantee our total safety?. |
Micheal July 6th, 2012 8:20 am |
My bathroom flooded last night, and I soaked up the water immediately, but my ceiling downstairs began to drip |
Shavon July 6th, 2012 8:40 am |
It began dripping near the heating vents and a few lights in the ceiling. I turned off the power and unfastened the vent and lights to allow the water to somehow drain. It’s now the morning after, what else should I do?. |
Tabatha July 6th, 2012 9:02 am |
Who is responsible for damages when upstair tenant flooded my ceiling? |
Dewayne July 6th, 2012 9:20 am |
I own a condo and I do not have home insurance. The condo owner from upstair had a leak. During the leak, the home owner was not at home the whole day until late night in the AM. It ruined my bathroom ceiling. I called emergency repair to fix my ceiling. Who is responsible for my bill?. |
Leann July 6th, 2012 9:40 am |
I just accidentally flooded my bathroom. I have used a mop, towels, and paper towels to help get the water up but its not working! and the water is now leaking to the lower lever through the ceiling please help!. |
Sharie July 6th, 2012 10:00 am |
My electric stove stopped working after clogged toilet flooded ceiling, anyone know why? |
Cheryll July 6th, 2012 10:20 am |
When Archimedes was sorting his principles out in the bath did he flood the bathroom and bring the ceiling? |
Laquita July 6th, 2012 10:40 am |
Today, my five-year-old son came out of the bathroom laughing, and he had wet socks. I asked him why he had wet socks and he replied “I accidently spilled some on them when I washed.”. Then, about twenty minutes later, I went into the kitchen, which was completely flooded, with the ceiling dripping. I ran to the hall, and the stairs were like a waterfall, I managed to get up them without slipping, and into the bathroom, where the basin and bath were overflowing, and gushing water everywhere. Aswell as this, the window was smashed, the mirror was cracked, there was toilet paper all over the ceiling, and the toilet seat had been pulled off. Also, our neighbours’ bedroom wall collapsed, as the room is right next to our bathroom. The ceiling is peeling off in our kitchen, and the oven, the microwave, the fridge and the toaster are all broken. What can I do about this?. |
Elliot July 6th, 2012 11:00 am |
The bathroom tap was left on, bathroom flooded – came through floor into dining room… electric safe? |
Demetrius July 6th, 2012 11:20 am |
The manager has left me with a leaking ceiling which is dripping through the light, is this dangerous? |
Royce July 6th, 2012 11:40 am |
I’m in uni halls, and i’ve been here for three weeks now. We’ve had several problems with our shower to start off with. Firstly we had no hot water and now the shower keeps tripping so we have no power, which is an issue because we have an electric shower. So there is obviously a problem there, which is earthing the switch in the fuse box. We’ve reported this many time, and all we keep getting is people turning the switch back on, so it works again. Now, i get home to find my bathroom is flooded ( its in a seperate room to the shower). The water is dripping through the ceiling, through the light fixation and the fan fixture. I’m assuming this is because it is the only way it can escape, however, as far as i’m aware.. water and electricity don’t mix! I’ve reported this, and the manager came up, said she wont do anything until Monday, and hasn’t turned the water off in my flat or the electricity. All she has said, is don’t use the light switch. Surely this is very unsafe? Not only do we face the risk of an electric shock, but were left with water coming through our ceiling and flooding our bathroom. I know a little bit about electricity, such as if the water is allowed to keep coming through the light, it can blow the whole lighting system in my flat? Anyway, I feel as if i’ve been left in a pretty uncomfortable situation for the whole weekend, without a shower and a leaking ceiling. I also feel like I shouldn’t be left with water coming through the light. I don’t really know what to do, and I don’t even know if I can fight my case about being left in this situation. Any comment will be much appreciated! Thanks,. |
Ali July 6th, 2012 12:00 pm |
i accidently flooded my bathroom, so now I have waterstains on my ceiling in my living room. . .It’s really huge, how do I fix it? Oh, also the paint is hanging there because I thought that if I squished the bubble all the water would come out . . . . it didn’t so now I have a large piece of paint hanging from my ceiling.. |
Tonita July 6th, 2012 12:20 pm |
Leeanna July 6th, 2012 12:40 pm |
Light bulb popped/exploded in ceiling light after a small flood what should I do? |
Taisha July 6th, 2012 1:00 pm |
ceiling lights in bathroom/recessed lights above sink/mirror, YES, OR NO…? |
Philip July 6th, 2012 1:20 pm |
Remodel, my wife wants to put two ceiling recessed lights (can lights) over bathroom sink/mirror. There will also be a center light for room. Rather then using the usual light bar/light strip above mirror which floods the face with light, I am worried the can lights will put shadows on the face since the light will be from the ceiling over head. I am sure this will be reduced by reflection of the light as it bounces around and the center room light…. but concerned before I do this as to change wouldn’t be easy once done… . . So what say you, you builders of the night… has anyone ever seen this done, done this before?. . Thanks in advance…. |
Virgil July 6th, 2012 1:40 pm |
the bathroom and part of the bedroom upstairs flooded this morning, and it’s leaking through the downstairs ceiling into the ceiling light and other areas. is it safe to go to work and leave it this way, or can this somehow start a fire? thanks!. |
Filomena July 6th, 2012 2:00 pm |
Burst water pipe, ceiling has fallen???? WHAT DO I DO.? |
Una July 6th, 2012 2:20 pm |
Okay so there was a burst waterpipe, and the bathroom flooded. It leaked into the downstairs bathroom, and the livingroom, before we could turn off the water supply. Now, a bit of the ceiling of the living has freaking collapsed. We rang the emergency plumber before it collapsed, and not sure when they’ll be here. But i don’t think they specialise in ceiling collapses!?!? Who should we ring??!?!. |
Val July 6th, 2012 2:40 pm |
Last year we re-painted the kitchen ceiling and now there are various brown circles appearing that do not wash off. The locatoin is underneath a bathroom and we are wondering if this could be water damage but it doesnt seem likely as there are not any leaks or floods that have occured that we are aware of. What are these brown spots?. |
Ashton July 6th, 2012 3:00 pm |
Leaking Ceiling, Mold, Lying Real Estate Agent, Sick Cat in Brooklyn? |
Peggy July 6th, 2012 3:20 pm |
Do plumbers (in general) carry insurance to cover damages that occur to homes they’re working on? |
Lettie July 6th, 2012 3:40 pm |
How safe is it to stay in my apartment right now? |
Jon July 6th, 2012 4:00 pm |
My upstairs neighbor flooded his bathroom, and my bathroom got a small leak in the ceiling, and one from the ceiling fan.. The landlord can’t drop by right now because it needs to dry before it gets repaired. How safe is it to stay here until then?. |
Elenore July 6th, 2012 4:20 pm |
Are the damp patches on my ceiling from a new or the old leak? |
Ethan July 6th, 2012 4:40 pm |
Last September upstairs flooded my ceiling. Afer waiting for them to repair their bathroom, and for my room to dry out, we repainted. Now brown patches have appeared, patchily, in the area of the original leak (albeit not where the water most came through). There is no dripping water. Did I not leave enough time for the ceiling to dry out over winter (my flat wasn’t heated as the heating wasn’t working!), or is this a new leak? the property is a victoria terraced house convered into flats.. |
Ned July 6th, 2012 5:00 pm |
how long do you need to let a light fixture dry out? |
Ernie July 6th, 2012 5:20 pm |
My mother and older sister today wanted to turn on the jacuzzi so they started to fill it up with water. But when they did (my mother was in the garage while my older sister turned the hose on) the master bedroom, where the jacuzzi was, flooded and the bathroom was flooded also. My mother was yelling downstairs and apparently water was coming from the ceiling tiles and some has collapsed. The hose had barely been on for two minutes yet it caused this much damage! |
Richard July 6th, 2012 5:40 pm |
My bathroom is falling down,my bathtub drains directly into the cellar flooding it,have mold growing? |
Hector July 6th, 2012 6:00 pm |
Bathroom walls are falling apart,bathtub drains directly into cellar flooding it,there is mold growing on the bathroom walls and also growing in the cellar,some of the ceilings in the house are coming down,most of the electrical outlets shoot sparks and bathtub is falling into cellar.. |
Brandon July 6th, 2012 6:20 pm |
My kids have flooded my bathroom floor several times while taking baths. The ceiling underneath is water stained and looks kind of like it’s bowing down a little. Do you think just the material on the ceiling is rotting or everything in there? Will my bathtub fall through?. |
Mirella July 6th, 2012 6:40 pm |
I live in an apartment building… Leak coming through my ceiling from the apartment above me?!? |
Kizzy July 6th, 2012 7:00 pm |
I flooded this girl’s house at a party and it caught fire, will I get caught? |
Moises July 6th, 2012 7:20 pm |
These are what are called “make-up” bulbs. Haven’t seen any of the new fluorescent bulbs with the small base or round shape. Will they make efficient bulbs that aren’t those hideous spiral bulbs? I have ceiling fans with bulbs that are visible and those look terrible. Also, what about can lights which take flood light bulbs? This is one case where I don’t think progress is an improvement!!. |
Andrea July 6th, 2012 7:40 pm |
This girls entire house flooded, we almost all died, what will happen? |
Talia July 6th, 2012 8:00 pm |
I need fast answers….My daughter was bathing and decided to pour huge bucket of water onto the floor, flooding our upstairs bathroom. The water started leaking through our ceiling and directly through a smoke detector on the first floor. Now every alarm in the house (they’re all electric) is going off and I can’t stop it! We’ve tried mopping up the water and drying everything up but it’s still leaking and the alarms are still going. What to do????????. |
Chase July 6th, 2012 8:20 pm |
An upper level pipe burst and flooded a house that I am interested in buying.? |
Samira July 6th, 2012 8:40 pm |
A house was abandoned, and a pipe burst in an upstairs bathroom. The water went through the ceiling, to the kitchen, through the kitchen floor, down to the basement. Nobody noticed for over a week that the house flooded. My husband and I are interested in buying the house for a very reasonable price, and we do know that we would have to put in new sheet rock, flooring, and ceilings. There is also mold in the basement. I have heard bleach will kill the mold, and the house would be just like new once the wood dries out. We know that this would be a lot of work, but is it a good idea? I’m afraid that it could end up being one problem after another, or we may discover that something extreme, like the whole house having to be torn down, could happen.. |
Fletcher July 6th, 2012 9:00 pm |
Why is it that I don’t fit in anywere? I feel like no one gets me … even my own dad calls me mental? |
Tomoko July 6th, 2012 9:20 pm |
When I got up this morning, my carpet was soak and wet halfway in the living room and halfway down the hall. I live in an apartment. My neighbors that live above me, their water pipes busted. Their bathroom was flooded. Somehow, the water leaked in my apartment. Water was pouring through my ceiling. Thank god no water leaked in the bedrooms. The maintenance men managed to stop the water and they dried my carpet. I left my place for awhile until the carpet was okay. When I got back home, my whole place smelled like mildew. I can’t stand it. Is there anything I can use to get rid of the smell temporarily? The men are supposed to come back tomorrow to clean the carpet and get the smell out. I just don’t want to have to smell this when I sleep. Is there anything I can use? Any ideas?. |
Toby July 6th, 2012 9:40 pm |
How do I deoderize my new house after plumbing flood? |
Edgar July 6th, 2012 10:00 pm |
How to fix water damage in the ceiling and is there possible damage to the insulation? |
Vicente July 6th, 2012 10:20 pm |
My housemates managed to flood the cistern in the toilet for several minutes which then seeped down the wall and into the kitchen. Our kitchen is longer than our upstairs bathroom so there is now stains on our ceiling. Only a few drops have come through but I can feel a bit of a sag and am afraid water has pooled. The landlord has said he is on the way so I dont want to do anything. I know we should put a hole in the ceiling to let the water through etc. and that it’s not the end of the world but would there be damage to the insulation and if so what would the cost be?. |
James July 6th, 2012 10:40 pm |
My landlord won’t fix anything. Can I break the lease? |
Mauro July 6th, 2012 11:00 pm |
The upstairs apartment bathroom flooded a month and a half ago and the ceiling is all warped and entire tiles had to be taken down. Since she was there to fix the leak, she hasn’t come back to fix the ceiling, which is bowed and causing a cold draft to come in. The ceiling in the hallway in front of the bathroom is warped and the light fixture is loose now (the water was leaking through that part too). In addition, this past fall she was supposed to install supplemental heating in the front bedroom and never did. This winter you could literally see your breath in the room so we had to use ceramic heaters, which jacked the electric bill up. Long story short, we’re stuck in a lease until October and I want out now. I’m sick of this apartment and the fact that she takes forever to take care of anything. I took pictures of the damage in the bathroom. Do I have any chance of legally breaking out of this lease?. |
Margot July 6th, 2012 11:20 pm |
Almost a week ago, we got new neighbors upstairs. They moved in quietly, and then the next day, I was woken up to what sounded like rain in my bathroom. Our bathroom was being flooded from a leak (not a tiny one, either) in the ceiling. After throwing down as many towels, buckets, and anything else to stop it from leaking down to the bottom floor, I went upstairs to see if everything was alright. One of the tenants explained that they had been replacing the shower head, and a pipe broke. One of the repair guys for our apartment was already cleaning up the damage. The water had been shut off, and I could hear him working.. . I explained that our bathroom was flooded, and she told me she’d send the repair man down to us when he was done. Two hours later, she came down to see the damage herself… and asked if he’d been there. I told her he hadn’t… and she was very distressed at the damage.. . A week later, the bathroom smells like mold, despite my best efforts, there are flies swarming around, even hiding in areas I didn’t know existed, and the ceiling where the water came through is beginning to bend and warp… nevermind that it looks like someone wet themselves on our ceiling, and it’s dried.. . I’ve called our landlord once a day for the last week, and I’ve received nothing but a message machine or a non-committal “We’ll send someone out there.” My boyfriend and I do not have the funds to fix this (we can’t even use the washing machine because we don’t have quarters for it…) and I’m beginning to feel my patience wearing thin.. . Is there something or someone I can speak to who will actually *do* something about the damage? My boyfriend thinks the ceiling tiles may be made with asbestos, and since this is an old building, I’m not exactly going to tell him that’s silly thinking. We don’t know what to do!. |
Karyn July 6th, 2012 11:40 pm |
Should i be concerned with mold forming in my apartment after a flood in the apartment above me ??. ? |
Harland July 7th, 2012 12:00 am |
So I came home from work to my kitchen covered in water. My ceiling was leaking water through my light fixtures and coming down like rain. I contacted my apartments office and the maint. crew responded. Aparently the neighbors above me moved out and when the cleaning crew was there they disconnected the fridge and the water pipe was pumping out water and flooded the entire upstairs and the water was comming through the ceiling. The property manager said that it has happened before and told me I should just wait until tomorrow before turning on my lights again while the ceiling drains out. he said its nothign to worry about. But i was looking at my ceiling and I notice slight bubble in the drywall. I also have water stains covered by paint in my bathroom. What action should i expect from them? Im concerned of possible mold growth because when i touch the ceiling i notice weakness/ soft spots. is this a hazzard? Would it be ok to ask for them to test for mold or replace my ceiling if i am concerned? Im located in Scottsdale AZ anything on apartment help for renters. Nothing was damged only the ceiling. I took sevral pictures documenting the occurance.. |
Asuncion July 7th, 2012 12:20 am |
Need less to say that I am moving out of these apartments, but I have had nothing but problems since day one that we moved in. During the first inspection of the apartment I advised the landlord that there was a major problem with spiders in the entire apartment and that the counter tops had burn marks on them, nothing was done. Next about two months in to the lease the person above us apartment caught fire and flooded our living room, bathroom, and kitchen area. Still with more to come like nothing else could go wrong, every time that it rains all the windows leak and just a few weeks ago we had a really nice cold front to come through and the windows froze over and showed that they had been growing mold on them. Last but not least when they notified us that they would be making routine checks on the sprinkler system they ended up doing something to the one in the master bath causing the bathroom to flood (once again) where they had to come back and cut a whole in the ceiling to fix the issue but never repaired the whole. I have contacted the front office about the problems in my apartment and they have done nothing but make the situation worse so I feel that something else needs to be done. I am looking for some legal advise her do I have a case or just wasting my time and I need to just wait till I move to another property? ( Just in case any of you are wondering the apartment name is Cambridge at Hickory Hollow in Antioch, TN). |
Shantae July 7th, 2012 12:40 am |
is there anyway to stop the madness? without catching a case.? |
Dorian July 7th, 2012 1:00 am |
Help, I live in a “slum” and the management won’t fix anything!!!? |
Kurtis July 7th, 2012 1:20 am |
As im sure a lot of people in NY have we are stuck with a dead beat landlord. We have an awful plumbing problem and the landlord seems to not care so much or blows us off when we tell her. The toilet constantly overflows to the point where you think its flushed and everything is ok you pass back through the hall way to notice its flooding the bathroom when it refills up. We are sick of having to clean the water up and also im sure our downstairs neighbor is sick of how his ceiling looks. We both upstairs and downstairs tenants have told her about this problem but she does nothing. Im pregnant and when my husband is at work im stuck to cleaning it up which is stressing me out and im to the point id like to knock some sense into her but would like to know my rights before hand. please help if you know anything about these problems. Thanks. |
Helen July 7th, 2012 1:40 am |
What do you do if you kinda clogged your friends toilet? |
Ebony July 7th, 2012 2:00 am |
Yesterday morning everything was working. We washed some clothes and the next thing I know when we go into the bathroom, the floor was flooded. The sink is not clogged but the bathtub and the toilet it. We have tried EVERYTHING…baking soda & vinegar, dish detergent, clog cleaner, and a plumbing snake..nothing works!!!! CAn anyone please help. WE cannot afford a plumber. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Please only serious answers.. I am connected to a septic tank and I do not have a basement. The washing machine is right beside the bathroom.. |
Tory July 7th, 2012 2:20 am |
i live in an apartment complex with really bad plumbing. earlier i got home and my neighbor’s daughter was telling me the sewage had backed up and her mom was telling management. sure enough the little pipe out front was flooded with poo and water. ok so i get into my apt and our front bathroom toilet is backed up. no one ever uses that toilet. i went out front to ask the guys if i needed to use the plunger or what. they were snaking the pipe out front. they said dont touch the toilet. well, they are long gone and the office is now closed and im still left with a backed up commode. tried to flush and the water rises to almost the very top of the bowl then goes down. plunging did nothing. they wont send anyone back out now. please help i have two small kids and it’s extremely unsanitary to have a commode full of nasty junk.. murphy’s law always gets those with deployed spouses. thanks!. |
Louis July 7th, 2012 2:40 am |
I have a clogged toilet drain. After plunging didn’t clear problem, I removed the toilet and tried a snake. The snake wouldn’t go beyond a certain point no matter how many times I tried, but the problem seemed fixed for the first few flushes until it quickly clogged again. I assume the clog had just moved further down the line beyond the reach of the snake, so I tried one of those high pressure water bladders. This too was unsuccessful, but I only ran the water for a short time. When I turned the water off, the drain back-flowed onto the floor & there is still water in the pipe. Clearly, the clog is still there. Before I try it again, I want to know how long I can/should run the water through the bladder? Can it damage the drain pipe if it runs too long? And how will I know if & when the clog clears? Is there a sound to listen for? I don’t want to keep flooding the bathroom. Thanks.. |
Tod July 7th, 2012 3:00 am |
What do you do when your toilet is constantly getting clogged? |
Bryce July 7th, 2012 3:20 am |
My boyfriend went to the hospital yesterday because of chest pains. Anyways when he was taken away to be put in a hospital room; I had started to get the runs really bad. So I went to the nearest restroom. Unfortunately, I ended up clogging up the toilet and flooding the bathroom. Luckily it was a one stall restroom. But I ended up running out of the restroom and leaving the toilet to overflow. . |
Jay July 7th, 2012 3:40 am |
My toilet is clogged with this really hard poo.. please help!? |
Shayne July 7th, 2012 4:00 am |
Earlier today i was going to the bathroom and my poop came out really hard, like rock hard and now my toilet is clogged… i tried using a plunger and it didn’t work and i dont want it to flood my home, i tried sticking my hand to grab it and it is still clogged i dont want to call the plumber cuz i had an affair with him when i was still with my husband… any suggestions as to how i can get the shit out !. |
Jimmie July 7th, 2012 4:20 am |
………………my husband used the bathroom yesterday, clogged the toilet, it was where the water was at the top and then he left for a few days.. . . I didn’t know what to do so I left it alone and figured the problem might fix itself.. . This morning I woke up and really had to use the bathroom, and the water was down to the bottom so I was like “Oh ok. We might be ok.” . . So I flushed it.. Then I saw the water rising all the way to the top again. . And then I screamed while my bathroom was flooding with poopy water. . . Disgusting. I’m going to cry, now I need new towels because they’re covered in POO. . . So. . I still really have to go to the bathroom, the water looks like its at normal level now, if I flush it again it won’t flood the bathroom again will it?. I don’t have a plunger…. actually i just cant go to the store until he gets back tomorrow auuughhhh. I live an hour from society, what’s a water valve look like they look so different on google… Thank you I might have to wait till my hubby gets home tomorrow cause I can’t turn it >.< AuuuuuuughhhhhH!!!!! I’ll give you best answer when I get to. |
Burton July 7th, 2012 4:40 am |
hi, im writing from my girlfriends bathroom on my iphone and i think i clogged the toilet with poop and now its flooding on the ground and im really really scared what do i do or how do i fix this, she keeps asking if im ok in here but im too scared to move. ok well im kind of cleaning some of it off the floor and putting it in the sink but the drain isnt getting it all down and its getting kinda clogged around the drain now. she is trying to open the door with the key now but im kinda turning the lock everytime she does it and im kinda laughin about it so she doesnt get suspicious. im so scared now that she’s gonna dump me after she finds out. her dad got up and came and banged on the door and he said he saw water comin out from under the door and i said that i spilt a drink by the door but i wasnt feelin good and well now ive soaked up alot of water with their nice towels that now have poopstains on them and it smells rly bad an i might just climb out the window n leave i dont think this is worth it anymore. |
Savanna July 7th, 2012 5:00 am |
Having trouble in the bathroom at boyfriend’s house? (writing on iphone)? |
Roberto July 7th, 2012 5:20 am |
hi, im writing from my boyfriends bathroom on my iphone and i think i clogged the toilet with poop and now its flooding on the ground and im really really scared what do i do or how do i fix this, he keeps asking if im ok in here but im too scared to move. ok well im kind of cleaning some of it off the floor and putting it in the sink but the drain isnt getting it all down and its getting kinda clogged around the drain now. he is trying to open the door with the key now but im kinda turning the lock everytime he does it and im kinda laughin about it so he doesnt get suspicious. im so scared now that he’s gonna dump me after he finds out. his mom got up and came and banged on the door and she said she saw water comin out from under the door and i said that i spilt a drink by the door but i wasnt feelin good and well now ive soaked up alot of water with their nice towels that now have poopstains on them and it smells rly bad an i might just climb out the window n leave i dont think this is worth it anymore. please help me i’m not kidding. |
Toby July 7th, 2012 5:40 am |
The episode where Stewie becomes attached to Lois, there is a scene where he pretends to take pills. Then Brian clogs the toilet and it floods the bathroom and Stewie says “thats so not cool man”. . What is the joke? Because i dont get it :). |
Cliff July 7th, 2012 6:00 am |
Both toilets are clogging up and trying to overflow.. and water is coming out of the bottom of the toilet……….. I read that it could be the wax seal…. but its just strange that its leaking out of both toilets….. When we first notice it the laundry room was flooded so we went and checked the first bathroom and it was fine.. we checked the back bathroom which is next to the laundry room with a wall between and it was flooded…. ????? we called a plumber but just wondering if anyone could help. |
Judi July 7th, 2012 6:20 am |
I am calling Roto-Rooter in the morning but my bathroom keeps getting flooded with water and food from my kitchen sink. When I am in the bathroom taking a shower I hear bubbles in my toilet and water coming up (sometimes)??? But for the longest time the bathroom tub and sink has been super clogged.(I tried everything.) What do you think it could be?. |
Josef July 7th, 2012 6:40 am |
my brother clogged the toilet and did not flush it I did not know about it. I walked in the morning and did not look down and after I was done peeing i noticed there was some toilet paper in the toilet. I flushed and it overflowed i tried to plunge it and it flooded the bathroom.. |
Gudrun July 7th, 2012 7:00 am |
Okay so my toilet clogged up, and I kept holding down the handle, and all of a sudden it flooded. It flooded the whole bathroom. My mom was out of town, so I had to get my dad to help me clean it, since I couldn’t clean it on my own, because I was scared it would keep flooding and kill my family, all because of me. He had to clean it, and now I am soooo embarrassed. My little sister even saw it! How can I get over this I’m very embarrassed.. |
Heath July 7th, 2012 7:20 am |
I need somebody to answer me whether I can go after my condo association? |
Fernanda July 7th, 2012 7:40 am |
I need somebody to answer me whether I can go after my condo association for water damaged that occured in my condo EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT NEGLIGENT. A pipe burst in my unit, plumbers came, turned off the water, fixed the problem, turned the water back on. Water flooded in my bathroom, plumbers turned water back off, and said somebody had flushed something down the toilet and clogged the drains. they rotted it out, turned the water back on, everything was fine. next morning, my bathroom flooded again, plumbers came and said that drain was still clogged because they didn’t rot everything out. My insurance is not paying for it due to an exclusion in the policy. my question is: DO I HAVE TO PROVE NEGLIGENCE IN ORDER TO GO AFTER MY CONDO ASSOCIATION, or do they have to pay for it regardless?. |
Stephen July 7th, 2012 8:00 am |
I need somebody to answer me whether I can go after my condo association for water damaged that occured in? |
Rodger July 7th, 2012 8:20 am |
I need somebody to answer me whether I can go after my condo association for water damaged that occured in my condo EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT NEGLIGENT. A pipe burst in my unit, plumbers came, turned off the water, fixed the problem, turned the water back on. Water flooded in my bathroom, plumbers turned water back off, and said somebody had flushed something down the toilet and clogged the drains. they rotted it out, turned the water back on, everything was fine. next morning, my bathroom flooded again, plumbers came and said that drain was still clogged because they didn’t rot everything out. My insurance is not paying for it due to an exclusion in the policy. my question is: DO I HAVE TO PROVE NEGLIGENCE IN ORDER TO GO AFTER MY CONDO ASSOCIATION, or do they have to pay for it regardless?. |
Renea July 7th, 2012 8:40 am |
Slumlord in Ca, What are my rights and what actions should I take? |
Ema July 9th, 2012 2:20 am |
The idiotic imbecilic morons who live above me flooded my apartment… for THE THIRD TIME! This time, however, no one was home to put buckets down and now all my clothes, my bed, vacuum, and floor are soaking wet with stinking muck water. The first time they accidentally left the sink running, the second time they accidentally left bath water running while they went for a damn bike ride… not sure the lame excuse this time, but it doesn’t matter… you can’t accidentally do that three times in a row unless you have a serious mental defect. I know that their rent is subsidized, so they must really be tarcos. UGH! Not what I wanted to come home to after a long day of work. The last time, my landlord took all my trash out (meaning my things that I had to bag up because they were ruined) and said he’d talk to them.. . Should I move out of the apartment?. |
Kelly July 9th, 2012 2:40 am |
ok the plummer came and he state that there was nothing stick in the toilet…so the water is every where i want to make sure that i dont have to pay fot the damage…i will call the office first thing in the morning i will demand either they can pull the carpet or move me to anothet aparatment…i should not have to pay for the damage when all i did was use then bathroom. |
Glen July 9th, 2012 3:00 am |
My small, half bathroom flooded last night with water from my washing machine and some sewer water. The main sewer line was plugged. We used a wet vac to get the water up very quickly and wiped down the floor with Colorox wipes. Will we need to use a dehumidifier? The plumbers came today and cleared the clog. Some duct work under the house will have to be replaced too because water got in it. Should I be concerned about mold too? Is this covered under my home owners insurance? I know, lots of questions. I’ve never had this happen before, so I want to make sure we are taking care of things properly.. |
Lois July 9th, 2012 3:20 am |
My son flooded the bathroom so i pulled up the carpet the floorboards are damp? |
Walter July 9th, 2012 3:40 am |
I have put a heater in the bathroom will this dry the floorboards as before there was a musty/damp smell. its a fan heater. I h ave removed the carpet and i shall put lino then all i have to do is mop over it. |
Marisela July 9th, 2012 4:00 am |
my son has flooded my bathroom and i have got water dripping onto my fuse board, any ideas on what i should do |
Merle July 9th, 2012 4:20 am |
. my partner is an electrician but he is on a call out and told me not to worry!!! i told him the bathroom was flooded, water dripping through the ceiling and water going into the fuse board, i am worried so why isnt he?. |
Mauro July 9th, 2012 4:40 am |
I flooded my bathroom now the hallway carpet smells, what do I do? |
Desmond July 9th, 2012 5:00 am |
I am looking for a natural remedy for removing the mouldy/musty smell from the carpet, the whole house smells.. Please help. |
Marti July 9th, 2012 5:20 am |
I accidentally backed up my friends toilet, and flooded his bathroom. Was it rude just to just leave it there? |
Irwin July 9th, 2012 5:40 am |
I was too embarrassed to do anything, so I just ran out of his house. Was that rude? I plan on never calling him again to spare the embarrassment, and possible civil suit.. |
Gregory July 9th, 2012 6:00 am |
our bathroom flooded over with sewage water and into our bedroom what do we do? |
Marvella July 9th, 2012 6:20 am |
We currently live in an apartment complex and our tub over flowed with sewage water and in to our bed room ruining our carpet, they came and sucked the water up but wont clean the carpets, in the st of Florida what are the laws that we can use to our advantage to get out of here or have them do something about this problem. it is a safety hazard and a health issue.. |
Denis July 9th, 2012 6:40 am |
My bathroom flooded, what should I do to drain water out!? |
Reita July 9th, 2012 7:00 am |
Some water flooded my bathroom and a little went into the kitchen? |
Alonso July 9th, 2012 7:20 am |
Some of the water got close to the stove. I don’t know of it went under the stove.. the stove is electric.. should i use it. |
Ivan July 9th, 2012 7:40 am |
bathroom flooded have of my apartment what should the leasing office do about? |
Pedro July 9th, 2012 8:00 am |
water is all over my bathroom and bedroom and when i caled the emer. number that plummer guy said that i will have to pay for the water damage….what should the leasing apartment do about it. |
Scott July 9th, 2012 8:20 am |
handicap dorm room = level showers = flooded bathroom…what do we do? |
Jamar July 9th, 2012 8:40 am |
our bathroom is relatively big and our shower is nice but usually you step into a shower as opposed to just walk straight into a shower and so there’s no elevation or any type of “step up” deal or whatever…the shower drain and everything is level to the ground and therefore when we shower it floods the entire room. . . We are planning on buying something to place by the shower so the water will hit that and go back and inevitably drain down as opposed to flood the entire room…what can we buy?. . did this make sense? lol….. |
Enrique July 9th, 2012 9:00 am |
Every time it rains our bathroom gets flooded and also runs under the kitchen walls.. help!? |
Rosario July 9th, 2012 9:20 am |
I want to put a new shower in the bathroom but I’m afraid of what the inside walls will look like when we take out the existing shower. I have an old tile shower and the tiles are falling off. lol I have plumbing problems all the time especially when it rains. Every year I have to call someone to come fix it but within months something goes wrong again… Water runs under the floor in the kitchen somehow and it’s warping the floor. Where do I need to start???. |
Edmond July 9th, 2012 9:40 am |
weve been letting it air dry all morning, but i think the carpet is there any hope of saving carpet? or do we need to replace it all? we dont have renters insurance and this is the last month of our lease..if we clean it would we still be entitled to our security deposit? (landlord hasnt returned our call, but im sure he is probably thinking we should have have renters insurance..what do we do now?. where can we get cheap carpet to replace if we have to? how much is it to get new carpet laid?. |
Karoline July 9th, 2012 10:00 am |
My bathroom flooded and it got on carpet, now it smells?! HELP!? |
Alva July 9th, 2012 10:20 am |
My bathroom flooded (kind of my fault) with about an inch of water. It got on the carpet in the hallway. I used multiple towels to sock it all up and now it is pretty dry. However, now I notice the damp smell. How do I make it go away?! PLEASE HELP!. It was from my shower. It was clean water. The showerhead was just facing out and sprayed into my bathroom and I let it run to get the water warm before getting in and then I got a phone call…came back and….well… |
Luther July 9th, 2012 10:40 am |
OMG! The shower handle fell off and the whole bathroom is flooded… please help? |
Reinaldo July 9th, 2012 11:00 am |
Okay, so I went to take a shower and the hot water handle fell off, and water was gushing out of the wall, and my mom was able to turn all of the water in the house off, and now the whole bathroom is flooded. She’s calling a plumber, but they might not come tonight. We live in an apartment. Any suggestions people? What do we do now??? Help please?. . I can post more info if you need it…. we already turned off the water supply. . and yes, they ARE awesome :). the plumbers are coming I think…. and now my parents are sooooooooo stressed…. and now my parents are sooooooooo stressed…. |
Quincy July 9th, 2012 11:20 am |
I’m renting a room in a family’s house, my bathroom flooded cuz i miss installed a damn sprayer and left the house for a day, the landlord called me and told me about it, what should i do, should i pay for the fixing and stuff or let him handle it or what ?. |
Florrie July 9th, 2012 11:40 am |
Anyone have suggestions on who to call for bathroom flood? |
Chandra July 9th, 2012 12:00 pm |
My kids left on the sink in the bathroom, and it flooded the whole room and. part of the neighboring hall. We live in Salt Lake City. Anyone have. suggestions on who to call?. |
Deshawn July 9th, 2012 12:20 pm |
My toilet flooded and water got all over the floor, its clean water. Since the bathroom is slightly slanted the water collected in one corner of the bathroom. My roommate says since its water and the floor is tile that we should just let the water evaporate, is this ok to do ? There is a good amount of water there but since it wont leak down or cause any harm we don’t see the harm in letting it evaporate in a matter of hours. Will it do any damage to the floor or bathroom itself if we just let it sit there ?. |
Dean July 9th, 2012 12:40 pm |
every time i come out the bathroom its flooded water is allover the place. |
Helena July 9th, 2012 1:00 pm |
okayy the bathroom toilet is leaking from the back and it flooded the house? |
Lonny July 9th, 2012 1:20 pm |
it ruined all the flooring and it wont stop it started all of the sudden. and no i dont expect it to stop itself. |
Jarod July 9th, 2012 1:40 pm |
Alright, which demonic entity flooded the bathroom by stopping up the sinks and letting the taps run all night? |
Providencia July 9th, 2012 2:00 pm |
I can see water in the tunnel inside the vent. I’m afraid to turn the heater on. What should I do to get rid of the water and prevent further disaster?. The water is the result of the bathtub running over.. |
Lai July 9th, 2012 2:20 pm |
I flooded the bathroom at work a few minutes ago…? |
Ty July 9th, 2012 2:40 pm |
I mean – there is literally water ALL OVER the floor…it’s starting to run into the hall…. . …should I fess up?. |
Herman July 9th, 2012 3:00 pm |
soo , i kindaa flooded my bathroom . i left the sink on for about a hour ‘& didnt kno it . /: soo what should i do . ?. |
Ruben July 9th, 2012 3:20 pm |
Why does the toilet and bathroom flood every time I run the washer? |
Serena July 9th, 2012 3:40 pm |
Every time we turn on our washer, the toilet and bathroom floods. I have a Kenmore Elite. One time, I put the wrong liquid detergent in. It’s supposed to be HE. Still, I don’t think that caused it. Or did it?. |
Dolly July 9th, 2012 4:00 pm |
bathroom flooded, how to get rid of smell without new carpet? |
Grant July 9th, 2012 4:20 pm |
Every time I wash laundry my toilet in the guest bathroom floods. Whats wrong with my plumbing? |
Terry July 9th, 2012 4:40 pm |
Flooded bathroom?!? How dry do I have to get the floors? |
Dee July 9th, 2012 5:00 pm |
How do I fix my toilet without flooding my bathroom or calling a plumber? |
Gilbert July 9th, 2012 5:20 pm |
The valve under the toilet where you turn the water on and off (shut off valve) leaks when I open it up (for toilet tank to fill up). How can this be fixed without flooding the bathroom or calling a plumber?. |
Misti July 9th, 2012 5:40 pm |
How do I know if my bathroom exhaust fan is working properly? |
Odelia July 9th, 2012 6:00 pm |
how do i get spraypaint out of a hardwood flood, bathroom floor? |
Zana July 9th, 2012 6:20 pm |
nailpoishremover workd but just smudged it, how do i get it out now? help.. i mean Floor.**************. not hardwood, i mean a hard floor thing, its not wood.. |
Brenton July 9th, 2012 6:40 pm |
My bathroom sink pipe exploded and now it flooded my room(Carpet) whats the best way to soak up the water? |
Rosia July 9th, 2012 7:00 pm |
the pipe broke and i woke up to it screaming out wate we have a shop vacuum but its not sucking up much please tell me an effecient way to soak up the water and fix the carpet without tearing it up or replacing it…no funds for that..thanks A LOT!!!!!!!!. |
Rossana July 9th, 2012 7:20 pm |
What should I do? My apartment carpet is wet and mold is growing in the bathroom? |
Sam July 9th, 2012 7:40 pm |
Okay. I am a clean person. But the bathroom no matter how much I clean sprouts mold. My brother. Has Athena and it’s definatly not a good combination. The carpet flooded out of no where It is big and I have tried drying it bit it got bigger. Am I responsible or should I inform the manager. Help!. Who is responsible me or the manager? I did not cause theseevents.. Sorry the auto correct put Athena instead of athsma.. |
Staci July 9th, 2012 8:00 pm |
Can I have my carpet replaced or break my lease if my living room and bathroom were flooded with sewer water? |
Rodrigo July 9th, 2012 8:20 pm |
My toilet overflowed in the bathroom adjacent to my room. In my room I have carpet. I walked in today and it was soking wet. I lifted it from the edge and saw that all the layers were soking wet and the wood in the hallway outside my room was absorbing water and bulging. Please let me know what steps I should take and how serious this is? Are there companies that handle this kind of stuff and how much do they cost?. |
Gregory July 9th, 2012 8:40 pm |
Toilet flooded onto carpet….How can I get the smell out? |
Ilana July 9th, 2012 9:00 pm |
Does anyone know if a bathroom carpet can be salvaged after a flood?…we had a. gushing toilet (just water) in the bathroom and I can’t get the rug to dry…any. ideas on how to dry it? Would someone like Stanley Steemer be able to help? It. is starting to smell from the dampness, and I am thinking it will have to just. be ripped up, but someone told me that it can be cleaned?. |
Sulema July 9th, 2012 9:20 pm |
Early this morning, our toilet pipe burst, and started spraying water all over the bathroom. I wasn’t able to turn off the water until it already flooded the bathroom with a few inches of water. Thankfully, it didn’t get out too far on the carpet, except in front of the bathroom door. What’s the best way to soak up all of the water in the carpet??. I don’t have a shop vac or steam cleaner.. |
Blake July 9th, 2012 9:40 pm |
mold growing in my apartment due to flooding in carpet? |
Julio July 9th, 2012 10:00 pm |
My carpet got flooded. What’s the best way to save it? |
Cody July 9th, 2012 10:20 pm |
Can my apartment complex hold me responsible for replacing the carpet after the toilet flooded? |
Mireya July 9th, 2012 10:40 pm |
How do you get the urine smell out of carpet??? |
Nisha July 9th, 2012 11:00 pm |
My two year old son peed in the toilet, then put a stuffed football in it and tried to flush. He somehow managed to flood the bathroom and the hallway. Now, I can’t get the nasty smell out no matter how much I shampoo and febreeze. Any suggestions, or do we have to just rip the carpet and padding up and lay new???. |
Carol July 9th, 2012 11:20 pm |
Is it SAFE to dry out and keep SOAKING WET carpet, or should it be replaced because of HEALTH reasons?? |
Cathi July 9th, 2012 11:40 pm |
weve been letting it air dry all morning, but i think the carpet is there any hope of saving carpet? or do we need to replace it all? we dont have renters insurance and this is the last month of our lease..if we clean it would we still be entitled to our security deposit? (landlord hasnt returned our call, but im sure he is probably thinking we should have have renters insurance..what do we do now?. where can we get cheap carpet to replace if we have to? how much is it to get new carpet laid?. there was a pipe burst in the wall somewhere…. |
Hung July 10th, 2012 12:00 am |
How to clean wood furniture that soaked up gross water? |
Lemuel July 10th, 2012 12:20 am |
The neighbor’s apartment unit had a sink backup that flooded the carpet in their bathroom and bedroom. Now, some of that water has seeped into my bedroom, which is on an adjoining wall. The landlord is sending a carpet cleaner out today to take care of the carpets.. . But what about my furniture? My bedframe and nightstands are all wood and you can definitely tell they’ve sucked up some of that stinky liquid. Any thoughts on how I can properly clean them?. |
Zenaida July 10th, 2012 12:40 am |
I flooded my apartment, what can I do about the smell….? |
Jordan July 10th, 2012 1:00 am |
the other day I stupidly left a shirt in the sink trying to clean off a spot and left the water running with the shirt in the sink, thinking the water wouldnt overflow, I took a shower and got out to find water everywhere all in the bathroom, and the hallway and into a downstairs room off the bathroom, the carpet {cheap berber}; was soaked, I used old sheets to try and soak up the water, but I dont have a shop vac so I just let it dry on its own, I feared it would start to have a mildew smell, and today my fears came to pass, its starting to have a mildew smell, how can I get rid of that smell…?. . Signed, . . Dummy….. |
Royal July 10th, 2012 1:20 am |
Water pipe busted, carpet and walls wet, how do i clean it? |
Reuben July 10th, 2012 1:40 am |
Is there a home remedy that I can use to clean the unsanitary spot? |
Sandy July 10th, 2012 2:00 am |
My toilet is busted and it flooded the carpet that’s laid out in there, but the thing is that it flooded when someone tried using it. And now there is a big huge spot all over the bathroom floor.. What solution is best to wash/clean it?. |
Nenita July 10th, 2012 2:20 am |
How many times would you let your husband flood the bathroom before…? |
Fredric July 10th, 2012 2:40 am |
I called Roto Rooter and they said they don’t do leaks? |
Shirlene July 10th, 2012 3:00 am |
We just bought a house last week and when we went there today to start moving stuff in the second bathroom and the hallway by it were flooded with water. The carpet is totally soaked. . . So I called Roto Rooter and they said they only do drains! I thought plumbers fixed leaks? What kind of place should I call? Thx for any suggestions.. |
Korey July 10th, 2012 3:20 am |
My drain hose popped off of my washer causing flooding int he bathroom/livingroom..Mold? |
Justin July 10th, 2012 3:40 am |
My house recently flooded and my insurance provider is going to replace the flooring on my stairs and the upstairs landing but not the bedrooms on either end (upstairs). Currently the stairs, landing and both bedrooms have matching cream carpet and the bathroom has wood laminate. I’m not sure what to put on the stairs and landing that will look good with the old bedroom carpets. A different colour carpet? Wood? I think if I try to match the carpet exactly it will look bad because the old carpet is slightly discoloured. Help!. |
Gregg July 10th, 2012 4:00 am |
Can I move out of my apartment without charge, after the peoples washer above us flooded our apartment? |
Everette July 10th, 2012 4:20 am |
My apartment has flooded twice so far my the second bathroom toilet, there is no way that the flood is caused be me. my apartments are saying that i have to pay for the damages and pay for a plumber to come out and fix it. they have had a carpet guy come out, but all they did is rip out the padding and steam clean the carpet. since the apartments have not given me evidence that the flood is my fault and they have not replaced the carpets, can i get out of my lease.. |
Billi July 10th, 2012 4:40 am |
On Monday the neighbors house flooded and nothing is being done. Health Risks? What do I do? |
Tomas July 10th, 2012 5:00 am |
What are my legal rights as for getting my carpet replaced without having renters insurance? |
Emeline July 10th, 2012 5:20 am |
how do I fix a leak without replacing the whole pipe? |
Refugia July 10th, 2012 5:40 am |
So we had a flood in our bathroom it went down the hall and soaked most of the carpet, I undid this panel and found the problem one of the pipes has a major leak under my bath tub, I don’t want to have to replace the whole pipe I don’t have any money to fix this problem just enough to buy a few items but what? I had to shut off the water so it wouldn’t spread and cause more water damage.. |
Florrie July 10th, 2012 6:00 am |
What does it mean to dream of a toilet overflowing with water and flood the bathroom floor? |
Darren July 10th, 2012 6:20 am |
When you dream of swimming fish does it mean your pregnant? |
Darnell July 10th, 2012 6:40 am |
When you dream of a swimming fish does it mean you could be pregnant? |
Britta July 10th, 2012 7:00 am |
I had a dream my ex was drowning me, what is the meaning? |
Tawny July 10th, 2012 7:20 am |
He was drowning me on the bathroom floor (flooded with water) it felt so real and right before i was about to die i was able to reach my head above water and say, i love you. He then stopped and we made love??. . What is this dream suppose to mean?. |
Ramon July 10th, 2012 7:40 am |
last night i had a dream where my bathroom was flooded with clear water. when i picked up my belongings from the flooded floor, they were not wet, but dry. what could this mean? thanks in advance. -LbH. WTF?!? no offense to all of you who are religious, but all the bible quotes have to stop. i didn’t ask about the bible, but about my dream. so please go talk to drug addicts or the homeless if you feel the desire to share your faith. but it is not needed here. . . and for everyone else who actually helped me, thank you so much. it is appreciated. :). |
Lessie July 10th, 2012 8:00 am |
Okay, this dream is really weird, and I don’t know what it means, but if anyone has any idea, please let me know what it means. Haha.. It’s kind of pointless. I’m just curious. :D. . I had a dream that I was in the bathroom using my sink, and I had the stereo plugged in next to the sink, and I guess I left, and came back and the sink was just about to flood and I was too late to turn off the water and everything started electrifying 😮 and then my room and bathroom flooded…. . ..Then I tried to clean it up :o. |
Christie July 10th, 2012 8:20 am |
I had a dream that I was in a club and I really needed the bathroom but I couldn’t find one so I looked all over the place for one with a couple of people who were meant to be my friends. I came across a flooded bathroom with warm water that flooded over the toilet and I thought “If I go here then it wont go into the toilet it will just go into the water” but I was so desperate that I decided I didn’t care so I went anyway. I woke up and I was going to the bathroom in my bed.. . I do realize it was probably because I needed to use the facilities but the thing I’m getting at is why was the bathroom flooded with warm water? and why was I in a club? . that was completely irrational.. |
Cecille July 10th, 2012 8:40 am |
Can’t Figure Out A Dream About A Star That I Had! Please Help!? |
Earle July 10th, 2012 9:00 am |
Ok. I had a very strange dream about a singer. Its really confusing. I wanna know if you think he could have had it to.. . I dreamed that i was kidnapped by two men. They forced me to get a job as a waitress in a really fancy hotel. One day the star’s band had a concert there and i was ruining late for work and had to change clothes there. After i got there the woman’s bathroom flooded. This girl i don’t know pulled me to this master sweet. I was changing clothes in the room and Billy Ray Cyrus came in there. he said he was the body guard and he told me to finish changing in the bathroom of the room. (I had off only my shirt. When I was in the bathroom the windows were open and i saw Joe Jonas running towards the room. He was being chased by fans. He came into the room and opened the bathroom door. I said, “Don’t u knock” and he just stood there staring at my face. I woke up.. . The day before that, I had a dream that i was dieing in a dr’s office. The Jo bro’s came to see me. When I got better, Nick Jonas took me on a bus on tour with him. Joe knew it was me in the bathroom. . Two days after the last dream, i dreamed Nick found me working and he grabed my arms and kissed me. Then took me to his room and begged me to come with him. I finally said yes and woke up. . Am i just crazy or what. I have dreams of being kidnapped and nick rescuing me all the time by why Joe that one time. Do you think Joe and I could have shared the same dream. I no I’m crazy in love with Nick But no mean commets please.. |
Keenan July 10th, 2012 9:20 am |
Why do I keep dreaming about things, then they happen the next day? |
Dwain July 10th, 2012 9:40 am |
I usually have very strange, long and detailed dreams. Does anyone have any idea what this one means? . . The first part; I was Harry Potter (but no magic was done during the dream) and I was with Ron Weasley and his father and we were working late at night and early into the morning. We were doing some kind of hard labor, but I remember feeling very masculine after this part. As Ron and I were leaving, we got into a car and the character of Ron turned into someone else. (During my dreams, I usually have one other person that’s always with me, but this person constantly evolves into different people). He turned into guy with shaggy dark hair and was driving, whereas I was in the backseat. We were driving through the city and a huge dragon started chasing us. This dragon had human hands and it was reading through the windows, grabbing onto the driver’s wrists. The hands had black nail polish. I was reaching up front, trying to pry them off, but I didn’t know what to do. I remember vaguely wondering why I didn’t have a wand or I couldn’t do magic. Then the dragon finally released his wrists because we went under a crumbling overpass into a body of water. We got out of the car and hid under the surface of the water and the dragon couldn’t find us. When I came up, the person with me was Hermione Granger now. . . Then my dream shifted and I was at a super huge dark movie theatre. (A reoccurring element in many of my dreams). I left to go to the bathroom and it was huge and both males and females went in to use it. The toilets weer all open and they were just holes on huge benches with padding to sit on. I was wearing my bathing suit and I remember feeling very uncomfortable during this time. I took a long time and couldn’t go because there were so many people around. It was no privacy. Then I left to meet my ex-boyfriend outside, and suddenly we were at a rest stop area. We started driving with my dad and his girlfriend and I do not remember seeing my ex again, but there was someone else sitting beside me. We were driving along the beachroad and at one point, there was my friend’s car (the one she left me to watch while she went to another state. I do not like taking care of this car, nor can I use it, and I don’t really like her either). We were driving toward it because I was going to get in and drive it before the flood came. This huge wave was coming and we were about to make it but we had to turn and leave to higher ground before the water came. We returned later and everything else was washed away, but her car was left, as well as the concrete it was parked on. I tried driving it, but the engine was flooded and would roll but not start up. . . I often have dreams about floods but they never hurt me and I do not fear them. Their just… coming. And I have to get out of the way, but if the flood reaches me, it isn’t harsh. It’s gentle water around me. . . ?_? Any ideas. I have dreams like this almost every night. I just don’t know how to interpret them.. |
Joe July 10th, 2012 10:00 am |
I had a dream this morning that I walked into my room and it everything was soaking wet, like the room had been flooded. Also, one piece of furniture was moved, just one. I stepped out of the room and looked over to the bathroom, and I could see what looked like a little boy just behind the shower curtain in the bathtub, like some kind of scary movie. I have seen him once before in a dream, so this is the second time he has appeared. Weird, but is it possible to have a dream ghost?. |
Pierre July 10th, 2012 10:20 am |
I went to this party with my sister and these girls downstairs in the basement are breaking up their weed so I pulled mine out to match, but it wasn’t good enough. So we’re downstairs talking normally and some dude’s dad came down and kicked us out, so his son left and wouldn’t come back. So we’re all standing outside on a corner and the dad comes out and offers to pay me and my sister to get his son back. Anyway, we go back inside, and I go through the kitchen and see a little thing of varnish. So I looked at the furniture to see what it was being used for, but nothing looked shiny except one part of the counter. So after we leave the party, soemone is trying to hurt me and my family, and end up driving this car away from him and I noticed that I had excellent control over the it (usually in my dreams I weave all over the road). So I escape this person and try to talk to the cops, and I see two cop cars but when I wave at them, they keep going.. At the end of the dream, I was on a city bus, and the father of the dude who hosted the party and his wife were there with their two year old son, and he was extremely intelligent. So I look across the aisle and I see my girlfriend smile real big and kiss the two year old (in a way anyone would kiss their kid or sibling) and all of a sudden I got filled with hate for her and turned to my window and ignored her.. . . And at some point in this dream I went into a bathroom with a flooded toilet, pee and toilet paper in the seat, and pee all over the floor.. And after I woke up, I went back to sleep and saw the same bathroom, clean, except with poop in the toilet.. . Oh and I was supposed to give a dog a little snack to get through a door, but I gave him a peppermint, and he really liked it!. No, I didn’t pee on the floor. The floor was covered in pee when I got there. I saw the nasty bathroom and left. Nothing bothers me more than a gross bathroom.. I have not smoked marijuana for over a week.. |
Retha July 10th, 2012 10:40 am |
I got to this party with my sister and there’re these girls downstairs in the basement breaking up their weed and I pulled mine out to match, but they told me it wasn’t good enough. So we’re downstairs talking normally and the dad of the dude who was hosting the party heard us and came down and kicked us out, so his son left and wouldn’t come back. So we’re all standing outside on a corner (the son was across the street with the girls with the weed) and the dad comes out and offers to pay us to get his son back, and my sister says that she wants him to pay us because he wants to, and not for leverage. Anyway, we go back inside, and I go through the kitchen and see a little thing of varnish. So I looked at the furniture to see what it was being used for, but nothing looked shiny, except one part of the counter, and everything else was matte.. So after we leave the party, soemone is trying to hurt me and my family, and I somehow end up driving a car and I notice that I have excellent control over the it. It was a little jerky using the steering wheel, but usually in my dreams I weave all over the road so I thought “this is easy”. So I escape this person and try to get the cops to come for me, and I see two cop cars and I wave at them, but they kept going because there was another emergency somwhere else.. . At the end of the dream, I was on a city bus, and the father of the dude who hosted the party and his wife were there with their two year old son, and he was extremely intelligent. So I look across the aisle and I see my girlfriend smile real big and kiss the two year old (in a way anyone would kiss their kid or sibling) and all of a sudden I got filled with hate and turned to me window and ignored her.. . . And at some point in this dream I went into a bathroom with a flooded toilet, pee and toilet paper in the seat, and pee all over the floor.. |
Janett July 10th, 2012 11:00 am |
Okay, so I had a couple dreams, that were all related to the a house I once lived in. It was a farmhouse. . . In my first one I was at the farm house, I lived there with my dad. I had the middle room upstairs, and I was texting Jamie(my bf) and he wasn’t answering me, then he was like never talk to me again, and I was so upset. . So, I texted him. I was like why?. And he didn’t respond, so I was like…. calling him and calling him and calling him and calling him. and finally he answered and was like I don’t want to talk to you and I was like what did I do? And he was like you’re so young, and you never go to school. and I was like but I am on Tuesday, I swear I’ll change and he was like you’re so immature.. And I was downtown in my town, crying (only it didn’t look the same) and I was screaming at him on the phone i was like NO JAMIE NO NO NO JAMIE JAMIE I LOVE YOU JAMIE JAMIE. and then i awoke.. In the second one, I was at the farmhouse again, and Britt(my best friend and ex) and I shared a room and we were getting ready for school and we almost missed the bus, I don’t really remember it. But I remember just like cleaning and living there.. . In the third one,Farmhouse again, Britt was cleaning the kitchen, like mopping and stuff and then my mom took us somewhere in a van. only went all crazy and like, was spinning around in the yard and she like tipped it and smashed my arm under the van against the ground, and and then i went inside to shower. and i looked in the drawer and jamies clothes were still there so i was sad, then i grabbed mine. but brooklyn( my cousin) flooded the bathroom all over my clean clothes and i was furious.. and i dont really remember the rest.. . . What do these mean? Please. It’s important.. |
Leann July 10th, 2012 11:20 am |
Yuriko July 10th, 2012 11:40 am |
I dreamt i was in my bathroom. It was flooded with ankle deep water and my girlfriend was sat on the edge of the bath laughing at something. All the taps were running, but neither of us turned them off. The weird part though is that i was aware i wasn’t an adult, i was about fourteen or fifteen.. I also remember a plane flying past the window and we said something about it. Any ideas????. What you’ve said gave me goosebumps… I have been acting irresponsibly and i have been avoiding a deadline for some work. I love my girlfriend, but there is a kinda ‘unsaid’ feeling that we’re growing apart (she’s growing up, i’m not)…. |
Matt July 10th, 2012 12:00 pm |
In my dream, my son was upset with me and avoided me all day long. Which isn’t anything new. He does this and then he gets over it and comes to me to talk. So in my dream he got over it and then came up to me. I gave him a tooth brush to brush his teeth. He took it and once he did, his teeth began to bleed. With each stroke, more blood came flowing out of his mouth. . . Another part of my dream I went into my house, it didn’t look anything like my real house. It was a lot bigger. Anyway, I went upstairs to take a bath but the whole bathroom was flooded. . . What does all of this mean? Thanks. |
Lesley July 10th, 2012 12:20 pm |
Kimiko July 10th, 2012 12:40 pm |
Well I remember it plain and clear, most of it anyway. I was in my room and then I walked out into the hallway and then I noticed the walls swelling up with water, I poked at it and then it started leaking, and then my stepfather walked into the hallway and said you shouldn’t have done that. Then I proceeded to follow him and then I saw the bathroom tub and noticed the shower head was filling the tub up with water, I turned the shower head to the right for some odd reason, and before I knew it the water was getting too close to this power-strip and I saw it and I was like oh damn and I tried to run out of there before the water got too close to it, but it was too late apparently the water was all over the floor, and then I proceeded to get electrocuted and I felt my whole body shaking like crazy and then I woke up.. . Idk if it has to do something with my left ear lately because of the fact I had recently got tinnitus from too much dark ear-wax and I’m still recovering from it, and plus the fact I have been having emotional problems related to love/sexual stuff. I’m single man, always have been, that was my guess at this interpretation. What do you all think it is?. …. |
Shantay July 10th, 2012 1:00 pm |
a disaster? LIke I had a dream that I just woke up in my dream, and walked to the park here in my apt. complex, and then my crush was there, running around. He sat down, and I passed by him, he ignored me. And then he started running again this time, beside me, then went ahead of me, and then I bumped into him. I asked, “What happened here?” because everything was ruined, and some things were covered. “Tornado” he said, but here in Concord, we don’t have tornadoes. And we went to my house, and in the bathroom, there was the other boy that i like, standing in the bathtub… and then I asked my crush if he wanted to rest here in my apt (But it was like my own house for some reason) and then he said sure, and laid down on the bathroom floor??. . A lot of my dreams don’t make sense, but apparently I had a vision thing in my dream of what was happening while I was apparently asleep, a huge tsunami came over all the buildings, and ruined almost everything, and killed a lot of people, and it happened to all of New Hampshire. . . But then later on in my dream, a bunch of the kids from my gym class suddenly lived in my complex, and everything went back to normal, my dad living in Plymouth, my mom and stepdad were alive, but there were still some confusing things. And I went to school and stuff, but what does it mean when you dream of the first part of the dream? Specifically Floods, natural disasters??. Well the guy i like is dating someone, and I’ve been really really jealous of that girl lately. As in very jealous because I’m in love with him, but he doesn’t act like they’re bf and gf. But I’ve been really mad about that and there are things and ppl that are making me mad lately.. |
Cruz July 10th, 2012 1:20 pm |
my boyfriend had a dream about us? my ex had a dream about us? |
Marc July 10th, 2012 1:40 pm |
Is it wrong not to tell someone you had a precognitive dream about their death? |
Nathanael July 10th, 2012 2:00 pm |
Dream Interpretation: I dreamed my Boyfriend died . . . then came back to life |
Ellis July 10th, 2012 2:20 pm |
I had a dream I was at work with my boyfriend, and the place got flooded . . bad! He, being the security guard there, had to get everybody out. And me being his girlfriend, I wasn’t going to leave him. We were among the last to come out. He helped me out of the window of the room that was almost completely filled. I was instantly was grabbed up by a safety boat when I looked back I could see his form under the water. The boat quickly sped off leaving him behind. I went back to our house and waited and waited and waited. I was convinced he was Okay for a while . . that was until the News came on with reports of the incident and his name (though misspelled) was on the list. I lost my sh*t! I called his cell and someone else had the number. I was upset and yet everyone around me seemed to be fine or act like I was crazy. No one would go and pick up his things from his job, which had now relocated. So I went with a friend of mine. We were walking to the lockers when I saw my guy walk out of the bathroom and sign out of his job. I was floored! I had run into an old friend of mine and took her hand and dwalked up to him. He said casually “Hey” and I said “Uh uh” I put her hand in his and asked “Do you feel this?” and she said “Yeah” Then I jumped into his arms and cried. I looked up death in a dream dictionary and it said that it meant the end of something. But I don’t know what it means when the person comes back. Or if he even was dead, I didn’t get to look at him so . . . . |
Carmela July 10th, 2012 2:40 pm |
What does it mean you dream of water all the time? |
Rossana July 10th, 2012 3:00 pm |
My dreams always involve water. And it’s always in sepia tones…and I get the whole creepy vibe. Like scared. After hurricane Ike I had a dream that I lived in this two story house in the country and that I was looking out the bathroom window (which happened to be flooded) and it was raining and the entire lawn was flooded with murky looking water. I also had a dream that my grandmother’s house was completely flooded by nasty light brown water with some stuff floating in it. It looked like rotten plants. . . I want the psychological meaning, not the dream dictionary written by a woman in a turban…please? . Seriously, it’s getting annoying. I dream about water every single day. I don’t even want to drink water so that I won’t have to see it…except it happens to be my favorite drink. . And no, I don’t need to go to the bathroom when I’m sleeping.. |
Emilio July 10th, 2012 3:20 pm |
I had a dream I was peeing on the toilet and…? |
Grover July 10th, 2012 3:40 pm |
I felt a little bit of urine flood out into my bed. I’ve never had a problem like this! Is this normal in any way? I was just dreaming that I was using the bathroom And urinated a bit. HELP?. |
Dante July 10th, 2012 4:00 pm |
I had this weird dream last night. (Kind of long, brace yourself.) :. You should now that throughout the dream I kept changing from a boy to a girl. It wasn’t a physical change, it was just that sometimes I felt more masculine and other times I felt more feminine.. . Anyways, it started out I was hiding in front of the house next door to my grandma’s house. I was hiding behind this bush and an indian comes over to me and tells me that Captain Hook is coming to get me and he can see me. . I look over and here comes Captain Hook, except he has two hands, no hook. When he captures me, I’m a boy. He takes me inside my grandma’s house and my whole family is there. I find my mom and give her a hug, and I’m a girl again.. Captain Hook takes me to this secret passage way, and its this huge castle hallway, but it’s flooded. I’m a boy again. . This black horse names Jack is following us over to the end of the hallway, and his saddle is on backyards. Suddenly, all of my friends find the secret hallway and start swimming in it. Captain Hook gets mad and tells me to go to the room at the end and find the bathroom. . I go inside and it is a circular room with a throne in the middle. I sit down and press a button that says bathroom, and then the walls move and reveal a door. My friends follow me inside, even though I tell them not to and inside is a control room. They start touching everything, and I get so mad I kick them all out.. Now I am a girl again. There is a couch and there are two girls sitting on the couch. The three of us are high school students and we’re the preppy girls who wear skinny jeans and bows in our hair. And Shia LaBeouf is sitting on the floor and he starts talking like he goes to school to us and we’re all friends. . Actually, turns out I am his best friend. We’re watching some show on the television, and I can hear the other girls thoughts. But they are continuous thoughts: “I hope he likes me!”. The two girls have a crush on them, but I don’t. Shia and me are joking around, and since I’m sitting behind him I put my feet up on his shoulders and start giving him a massage with my feet. The rest of the dream is just the rest of us hanging out with him. . . Sorry it’s so long, but it’s so wierd? What does this all mean?. Especially with Captain Hook, the horse, and me changing from a boy to a girl???. |
Lorie July 10th, 2012 4:20 pm |
What does it mean when you dream of your bullies? |
Chance July 10th, 2012 4:40 pm |
Will anyone tell me what my dream means? Thanks, love you!? |
Porfirio July 10th, 2012 5:00 pm |
At the start of this strange dream, i joined a Secret Fraternal organization, much like the Freemasons but fotwomen only.. My family went to Japan on a vacation, we went to Tokyo.. We visited a water park place near the sea and ate some food. Everybody in the park was eating because it was lunch time. Then a big tidal wave hit the park and it was flooded. People were on “Isles” (Roofs and higher places around the park) and i lost my family and swam in the water to find other people and i found this man, i think he was a bit crazy and he kept telling me to shut up whenever i spoke. We searched for somewhere else and found the bathroom and many other people. The guy said that he would “Kill Me” and i told everybody that i am leaving, he said “No!, we should all stay together”. Then some guy came and told me to follow him, he took me to the entrance/exit and i left the park. I was the first to leave and a Shintoist priest done a ritual on me.. I was walking back to the hotel and some people attacked me, the guy who helped me escape the park came and then i woke up.. |
Christoper July 10th, 2012 5:20 pm |
I had this strange dream just a few hours ago, it was very vivid and clear and felt like it was truly happening:. . Well, it started out with myself in a bathroom and my parents was there when the bathroom suddenly started to flood.. . Next, everything started to become blurry and I felt dizzy and then I think I fainted/lost consciousness. I could then feel myself ‘rising’ from the ground… I could literally feel myself ‘floating’ higher and higher.. . I consciously was thinking that I must be dying.. . My vision must have regained and I was now outside, flying above what seemed like a town. I was looking down at this town whilst ‘flying’ or ‘floating’ .. I specifically remember the vividness of the green grass, and I remember seeing one man looking up at me. . . While this was happening I remember thinking that I must be dead and I was hoping that nothing scary would happen… . I then seemed to have floated back down and was standing at a road corner. And then I woke up…. . =/. . (I’ve never, from what I remember, experienced a dream where I was actually ‘thinking’…). |
Earleen July 10th, 2012 5:40 pm |
how do I keep the bathroom floor dry when my husband floods it with water everyday? |
Niki July 10th, 2012 6:00 pm |
I keep those two dollar cheap, colorful absorbent mats but they seem to get soaked n’ start stinking. Any other ways on keeping the bathroom floor dry? Is there any other aborsbent mat someone can vouch for? Or should I keep replacing the mats every couple of days by washing n’ drying?. |
Kristy July 10th, 2012 6:20 pm |
I spilled latex semi gloss paint on tile bathroom floor and how wood louvre cabinet front. How do I remove it? |
Vernon July 10th, 2012 6:40 pm |
About an hour ago, a quart fell off counter and down the louvred door of the sink cabinet, and onto tile floor. How do I get it all off? I scooped as much as I could, wiped with newspapers, flooded the floor, rubbing, using a floor vac. Now there is still a whitewash glaze over the floor, I’m keepingit wet till I get some answers! There is paint in the grout. should I use a razor blade ? or will this scratch grout and tiles? should I think about sanding the varnished (and now paint splattered) louvres and re-varnishing. Or would it be easier to just buy a new one (then varnish it. )Hoping for the most efficient way to go about this, since I STILL have to buy new paint and paint the bathroom! . thanks in advance.. I also have a ‘dremmel’ tool with a huge kit of attachments. Is there something in there that would help with getting the paint out of the grout or the faint white glaze off of the tiles?. |
Kacy July 10th, 2012 7:00 pm |
Why is there water always all over the floor in muslim countries? |
Helaine July 10th, 2012 7:20 pm |
My wife is Asian and where she comes from they have it set up cool where the light at top is hot and evaporates water, and the floor has a drain. . . I love her to death but when she’s in the bathroom she thinks she’s a f@#cking Sea Otter or Black Labrador or something and by the time she’s finished the place looks like it’s been wiped out by a biblical flood. . . . We have bathroom mats but they hold onto wetness and don’t really let it go. Should I install a floor drain or is there any easier route to go? Last time I tried to make a “improvement” on my house it ended, badly.. |
Jere July 10th, 2012 7:40 pm |
Okay, so my toilet overflowed when I flushed and flooded my bathroom floor. There was seriously about an inch of water covering the floor. I have already tried plunging it and trying to clear it out with baking soda and vinegar and it still overflowed, flooding my washroom again. Any ideas of what to do next. Please do not tell me to call a plumber. I know this would be the best option but I am a university student and therefore poor.. |
Fernanda July 10th, 2012 8:00 pm |
So I came home this afternoon and not only was my basement bathroom floor flooded, but the bathtub AND toilet were full of brown water. What is going on!. |
Karl July 10th, 2012 8:20 pm |
My bathroom flooded and now the whole apartment stinks of wet floor. How do I get the smell out? I’ve already wiped the floor and floorboards down with Clorox. There wasn’t any sewage involved, but my tub’s drain caused the toilet to overflow.. |
Elijah July 10th, 2012 8:40 pm |
I would like to know if it is safe to be standing in water that has come from the washer after it had flooded the bathroom floor? The drier(electric) was running also while we were mopping up the water with heavy towels.. These people were standing in a lot of water while both appliances were running. So my question is: What are the safety percautions that should have been taken?. |
Rico July 10th, 2012 9:00 pm |
whenever I have a shower the bathroom floods. we have a drain on the bathroom floor so I think the water goes down the drain in the shower and is coming up through the other drain :/ it was pretty bad last night, the water almost went out the door. the shower is in the same room as the bathroom. |
Reggie July 10th, 2012 9:20 pm |
What would you do if you used the toilet at someone’s party and the commode backed up and flooded with waste? |
Danial July 10th, 2012 9:40 pm |
This really happened at a place of business. Someone used the bathroom, the toilet backed up and flooded the floor with sewage. They had to call a cleaning crew and plumber to fix it. how embarassing!. |
Terresa July 10th, 2012 10:00 pm |
People who get out of the shower and splash water all over the floor? |
Anjanette July 10th, 2012 10:20 pm |
My husband complains, and I have to agree, when people stay overnight, someone always seems to flood the bathroom floor. I know it’s neither of us as we are both always the last to use the shower out of consideration and we always dry ourselves inside as we have a shower recess nearly the size of the bathroom itself, but it happens every time. The bath mats are soaking wet and you’re just trying to keep your feet dry, particularly annoying in the cooler weather. Anyone of you ever experience the same discomfort?. Thanks ahead for any answers!. The shower in the main bathroom is completely sealed. We only recently had the seals replaced at the cost of a small fortune so that’s not the problem. And there are sliding doors in the shower, not curtains.. And ‘Yes’ we use bath mats…..that’s what’s irritating.. |
Brain July 10th, 2012 10:40 pm |
Thinking of doing a bathroom floor which is flooded by small bathers almost daily. If you have personal experience pleaseshare. Thanks.. |
Earnest July 10th, 2012 11:00 pm |
I cam home to my apartment to a flooded bathroom floor a couple days ago..not terribly flooded but like the area around the toilet. It’s not coming from the toilet itself but underneath it whenever I flush, and the toilet seems to run constantly. Any idea why? Or how I could fix this?. |
Shanice July 10th, 2012 11:20 pm |
Should a bathroom floor be caulked around the edges to create a waterproof barrier? |
Lindsay July 10th, 2012 11:40 pm |
We are doing a self remodel of our house. We put new linoleum down in the bathroom and new trim. My husband thinks that caulking the top of the trim to the wall is all it needs and I say it needs to be caulked around the bottom. That way no moisture from the bathroom can get underneath the tiny crack and cause damage to the wall underneath. Can someone please back me up on this? It has caused quite a shouting match this morning and it would be great to have him see someone else’s opinion. Our house is in a flood zone too, by the way, the reason for our remodel is a flood. It is going to be caulked no matter what, but I would really like to tell him I am right.. |
Jonah July 11th, 2012 12:00 am |
The water went under the floor tiles. Will i need to replace them all? or will the water just dry? its a new apartment we dont have damp issues in fact they are too dry…I use a humidifier most of the time.. what do you think?…replace or just leave em and hope for the best…bearing in mind im only renting the place….. . Thanks peeps.. |
James July 11th, 2012 12:20 am |
How do I clean the “mold” from my bathroom wall? |
Lenna July 11th, 2012 12:40 am |
A while ago, I had a couple of toilet floods in my bathroom. I’d mop up the water every time. However, at the bottom of the wall, coming from the floor, I believe there is some mold. How do I clean that up?. |
Shonta July 11th, 2012 1:00 am |
bathroom flooded, ipod fell on floor, & now it wont turn on. i let it dry for about a couple days. it still wont turn on. so how much would it cost to repair an ipod that got wet? i love music & not having my ipod kills me. please help me. thanks.. |
Selena July 11th, 2012 1:20 am |
My shower recently backed up and flooded my bathroom. I thought my management company cleaned it because the day after, they had gone into my apartment and it smelled like cleaning products and everything was dry again. Now a few days later, it definitely does not smell like cleaning products any longer, which leads me to believe they just kind of mopped things up. . . So…what kind of cleaning products should I use to make the smell go away and to make sure that the shower and bathroom floors are sanitized? And I’m kind of new at this whole house cleaning thing, so also, I basically have a sponge, should I be using that or should I get some kind of mop that will work just as well?. |
Claud July 11th, 2012 1:40 am |
We have hardwood floor in our bathroom. I laid down sticky tiles. Recently our toilet broke and flooded the floor. Now the floor stinks that moldy mildew smell. What can I use to disinfect and get rid of the smell. I was going to use bleach but I don’t know if that will eat away at the floor.. |
Loren July 11th, 2012 2:00 am |
Is there a way to get water out from under a cabinet without moving it or cracks in the floor? |
Ben July 11th, 2012 2:20 am |
I had a flood in my bathroom causing water to seep into some cracks and mostly under this cabinet that is connected to the wall. I am wondering if there’s a way to get the water out from under the cabinet without damaging walls or the floor. And if i don’t get it out what kind of damages will happen. The cabinet is wood and the floor is granite. Thank you. |
Rebecca July 11th, 2012 2:40 am |
My toilet tank is ‘sweating’ on the outside. There is a lot of condensation, so much that is dripping and flooding our bathroom floor in a short period of time. We keep the fan on, but it is not happening. What should we do?. |
Mayola July 11th, 2012 3:00 am |
Help! What do I do after my bathroom has flooded? |
Donte July 11th, 2012 3:20 am |
my toilet spilled (clean) water all over my tile floor in the upstairs bathroom.. . i think its too much to mop up how can i clean it up? . ps. the toilet stopped flowing now.. |
Mellisa July 11th, 2012 3:40 am |
Can anybody help me with ways to unclog a pipe? |
Alvina July 11th, 2012 4:00 am |
My washer and downstairs toilet drain into the same pipe. I was doing laundry this morning and the washer drained its water, and it backed up into the toilet and flooded the bathroom. While investigating i noticed that the toilet, when flushed would drain really slow, so I figured there is a back up somewhere down the line past where the washer and where the toilet connect to the bigger drain pipe. Is there a way I can clear the blockage myself or should i call a professional. Thanks!. |
Dave July 11th, 2012 4:20 am |
My first week at the apt my bathroom flooded. They attempted to fix it. To this day it still floods, and is now showing up in my bathtub and kitchen sink. I do not know who else to call. I should not have to pay a plumber but will if there isn’t anything i can do. i want out!!! please help. |
Shalanda July 11th, 2012 4:40 am |
I went to flush the toilet…and than all the water poured out of it and onto the floor, and thankfully i stopped the flooding when i lifted the pump thing at the back… back i cleaned it up, theres no water now….im scared mold will grow by tommorow? i already see black cracks forming on some of the tiles….how serious is this, and what can i do?. thanks…. |
Carie July 11th, 2012 5:00 am |
toilet flooded…but i need to know something else. QUICK HELP! =]? |
Krysta July 11th, 2012 5:20 am |
ok the toilet’s flooded(obviously) and i have been doing everything. i plunged it but everytime i do, then flush again, it’ll go down then the water level will raise a little more. im scared to flush again and then just floods the bathroom.. . im not a real good “handywoman” but i know its too much toilet paper down there but i dont know what else to do…so here’s my question.. . with a small problem like this…will the toliet just drain itself if i leave it overnight and be useful in the morning again??. and if i take a shower right now, will it affect the toilet?. . . quick help is greatly appreciated. =]. i live in an apartment. will the front office maintenance people do it or will i have to spend money on a plumber?. |
Shavonda July 11th, 2012 5:40 am |
Help! I need bathroom drywall repair/installation. What kind of professional should I hire to do the job? |
Rodrigo July 11th, 2012 6:00 am |
bathroom was recently flooded, only part of the drywall needs to be replaced. |
Chun July 11th, 2012 6:20 am |
my kid put something down the toilet and now it floods the bathroom….HELP!? |
Mauro July 11th, 2012 6:40 am |
I need fast help. Do you know renters law in California? |
Korey July 11th, 2012 7:00 am |
both the sinks are flooding from the drain up. there is crap in the sink from the drain. its disgusting! and to keep it from overflowing i have to just pour the water out with a cup into the tub. help please!. |
Damien July 11th, 2012 7:20 am |
okay i heard the water running downstairs in the toilet and i was liek wtf is that noise and i went down and theres like toilet paper in the toilet and the toilet was running so i flushed it and then it started flooding. i cleaned the mess in the bathroom but now it’s leaking through vents that i guess it fell through in the basement? do i just wait it out or what? i have towels sitting there right now… i had to sacrifice a pitcher that we use for water because the toilet wouldnt stop leaking so i was like trying to throw it down the sink.. obviously i unclogged it because i mentioned tha ti cleaned the mess. i’m talking about the water that leaked through the floor or however the fuck it got down there. it stopped leaking…so i guess i’ll just let it dry up… |
Lonnie July 11th, 2012 7:40 am |
Do you tell other peoples kids off at your house? |
Samuel July 11th, 2012 8:00 am |
Okay well my laminate flooring in the basement got basically flooded not everywhere but the bathroom flooded and the water went into the hallway onto the laminate. I shop vacced up the water but will we have to replace the floor or will it dry up underneath? Please help me or is there something I can do to keep it from bubbling up???. Laminate wood floor. |
Stephen July 11th, 2012 8:20 am |
I have taken a lot of advice on how to flood-protect my home, including using a lime-based plaster on the walls. Would bathroom paint (in the downstairs rooms) help the resilience of the property?. |
Arnulfo July 11th, 2012 8:40 am |
I need help trying to figure out how to get my toilet to stop filling. After a flush, the tank start filling and wont stop. And it floods my bathroom. It is to the point that you have to turn the water on to fill it and flush it, then turn it off when it’s full again. Otherwise….flood. Most toilets have that air filled ball in the back. This one doesn’t. It has a plastic drum… I don’t know what to make of it or how to get it to stop. So if anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate it very much. Thanks and Happy Holidays!. |
Antoine July 11th, 2012 9:00 am |
HELP! URGENT! My toilet is over flowing, what should I do? |
Mitsue July 11th, 2012 9:20 am |
It’s flooded the bathroom and it’s in the halls and water is everywhere! It won’t stop! The toilet bowl is filled with water and won’t go away, what should I do??. |
Trey July 11th, 2012 9:40 am |
There was a flood in my home caused by a rusted valve in our bathroom, my insurance wont cover it but the hoa? |
Simone July 11th, 2012 10:00 am |
Has a master policy and a blanket policy for accidents like this. When the incident occurred called the hoa to find out where the shutoff valve was they didnt know, but suggested i find the keeper on the site who also didnt know where it was. How do i get them to help considering these circumstances. |
Alysha July 11th, 2012 10:20 am |
I live in a condo complex. The sink in the bathroom overflowed and flooded my bathroom as well as the condo below. I talked to the water damage guy and he says my insurance covers my damages & the insurance of the guy below covers his. Is this true?. My repairs are minimal, so I did not report it to the insurance. Also I have the regular condo insurance not sure if it covers this kind of flooding. Please advise. |
Vickie July 11th, 2012 10:40 am |
I live in a condo that had a small flood in the bathroom recently from a leaking drain pipe. I lost my photos of the damages. I was able to take more photos but I do not have the originals. I did not do any repairs except paint the bathroom cabinet. I normally would not have done this but I did not think my home owner’s insurance would cover the damages. Will the bathroom cabinet be discounted from the insurance claim or will the inspector take into account the cabinet was part of the flooded area?. |
Darius July 11th, 2012 11:00 am |
help i have flooded my neighbour and she has no insurance? |
Roxane July 11th, 2012 11:20 am |
yesterday we woke up to a burst pipe in the bathroom and the neighbour battering the door down. we have phoned our insurance company and they are coming out tommorow although we were just wondering if she will be covered through our insurance because she doesnt have insurance although her property is bought, please could antone help.. we live in a close and she is under us but she doesn’tt have insurance so i was wondering if mine will cover her damage as i don’t have the pennies to fix her house if they dont repair her house too. its causing lots of problems just wanted to know if anyone had a similar situation. . we live in a close and she is under us but she doesn’tt have insurance so i was wondering if mine will cover her damage as i don’t have the pennies to fix her house if they dont repair her house too. its causing lots of problems just wanted to know if anyone had a similar situation. . |
Jolene July 11th, 2012 11:40 am |
I live at apartments across from the UT Austin Campus in Texas. About two hours ago, my apartment started flooding with water. Apparently, my friend on the fourth floor was using his sprinkler as a hanger for his clothes. Water started pouring down in my bathroom vents and in my walls. The entire apartment got about an inch of water before the fire department got here. This is the third time my apartment has flooded within four months. . . The first time it flooded, was when we first moved in, and the management did not plug the washing machine in, so when I turned it on; it flooded. The second time, for some unknown reason my bathroom flooded.. . I do not have renter’s insurance, but I would like something done. I was hoping I could get cheaper rent, or have the management move my roommates and I into another apartment building; as I fear mold, mildew, and electrical problems. What are the odds of me getting this?. . Is there anything else they can do? I am pretty sure, they are not liable for anything according to the lease, but I just really do not want to live in this apartment for the rest of the school year.. |
Svetlana July 11th, 2012 12:00 pm |
How can I go about suing an insurance company for denying to pay for a claim that they said is not covered but I believe is? I live in a condo. A pipe burst in the building somewhere and ended up flooding my two bathrooms because water came up through the shower drains and toilets and ended up causing water damage to the carpets in the adjacent bedrooms from the spillage. They are claiming that there is an exclusion in the policy stating that they don’t cover water damage that comes from sewer backup, drains, or sump pump. Do I have a case?. |
Stanford July 11th, 2012 12:20 pm |
I live in a condo. my master bedroom got flooded from water damage caused by water coming out of the shower? |
Shantelle July 11th, 2012 12:40 pm |
I live in a condo. my master bedroom got flooded from water damage caused by water coming out of the shower drain and toilet. My insurance decided that they will not cover it because of an eclusion in the policy stated they don’t cover water damage caused by sewer backup or drain backup. The problem happened when the pipe in the building somewhere burst. They called the plumbers. Plumbers turned off the water. when they were finished, they turned the water back on and all the water started flooding in my bathroom and into the bedroom. They turned the water back off and rotted out the drain or pipe in the building and found a lot of junk that somebody had flushed down the toilet and they said that this was the cause for the flooding in my unit. So my insurance isn’t covering it. Who should I go after now? Should i go after my condo association or go after the plumbers who came to work on the problem? Or should I sue my insurance company. somebody has to pay!! and it’s not going to be me!!. |
Shanae July 11th, 2012 1:00 pm |
I am looking for any Information about mold and mildew. I have a friend who had their bathroom flood. The insurance co first said to gut the bathroom and start over. Now they called in Service Pro and said only replace the particle board. I know some of the water got into the lower part of the walls and rooms next to the bathroom. I might need to add that the water came from a broken HOT water line. Any information with links would be most helpful. My friend is supposed to meet with his adjuster, Service Pro and a contractor this afternoon. I think my friend needs more information before having this meeting. Thank you.. |
Kenda July 11th, 2012 1:20 pm |
Right we left the tap on in the Bathroom and it flooded and brought the ceiling down on the kitchen! The insurance company wants a plumbers report to say the tap was actually on to pay out. How much odes this cost? Any plumbers do it for cheap there is nothing wrong with the plumbing just need the report. Well yes i am a retard obviously – just an accident in which the tapo was left on with the plug. Loss adjuster came out and asked for plumbers report. Explained etc etc we are covered for accidental damge hence them paying out for my stupidity – but was told to get the report before they pay out. |
Dwain July 11th, 2012 1:40 pm |
Will Insurance company pay for new subfloor? what else will they pay for? Water Damage? |
Darius July 11th, 2012 2:00 pm |
I had a flood and it was my fault because of my dog. What am I responsible for? |
Sal July 11th, 2012 2:20 pm |
My apartment was flooded by my dog chewing on a water pipe in the bathroom when i was at work. I came home and my apartment had been flooded as well as the one beneath me. The neighbor below me lost a few items. I do not have renters insurance and she does not have renters insurance. I have to cover the costs of the constant fans and dehumidifiers in both apartments and the fixing of the cracked ceiling beneath me. Will I be responsible for her items that she lost during the freak accident that was my dogs fault?. |
Tanisha July 11th, 2012 2:40 pm |
we had a leak in our bathroom pipes our landlord claimed to have fixed the problem? |
Tory July 11th, 2012 3:00 pm |
Sewage in the basement. What to do when cleaning up? |
Britta July 11th, 2012 3:20 pm |
My basement recently flooded when the sewers backed up through our basement bathroom. Per the insurance company and health department, nearly everything that got wet with raw sewage must be thrown away.. . People are “dumpster diving” in our trash heap and taking chairs, tables, etc, all covered in doo-doo. . . I don’t have any responsibility to warn people that the trash is contaminated do I?. |
Nestor July 11th, 2012 3:40 pm |
If I work at an apartment community and while working I accidentally flooded an apartment. Am I responsible? |
Joel July 11th, 2012 4:00 pm |
I work as a leasing agent at an apartment community and while cleaning an apartment one day the water was shut off to the entire property during my time cleaning the apartment. I left a knob turned on in the bathroom sink and when the water came back on it flooded the apartment I was cleaning as well as the one below. Now my property manager wants to “charge” me for it, and instead of making me pay cash, I am being asked to do odd jobs on my days off, things such as sign spinning and cleaning apartments and I repeat….ON MY DAYS OFF. . . I am wondering if this is illegal or wrong in any manner. I am sure that there is some type of insurance that pays for these types of accidents and not only am I being asked to pay it back but work without pay. . . I need some advice before I agree to follow what I believe is wrong.. |
Domitila July 11th, 2012 4:20 pm |
A pipe burst in the bathroom causing a flood in the apartment I rented, unable to inhabit…should I pay rent? |
Sydney July 11th, 2012 4:40 pm |
I have discovered I have damp and had a builder out today for an estimate. We said it was partly coming from a leak we had in the bathroom and partly water coming from outside. I have spoke to the insurance company before I got the builder round and they said it would be covered as the damage was resulting from a leak. . . However now that he has found some of the damp is coming from outside so you think I will still be covered? I cannot see anything in the policy booklet about damp except for damage resulting from a storm or flood is covered. . . ll send the insurance company the estimate when it arrives but in the meantime does anyone if they are likely to cover it?. |
Asuncion July 11th, 2012 5:00 pm |
We own a trailer and rent the land it is on. The septic tank flooded. Can we rent a motel room? |
Lola July 11th, 2012 5:20 pm |
Can I get a Rural Development loan in a flood zone? Does someone have experiance with this? |
Danial July 11th, 2012 5:40 pm |
the cupboard that my boiler is in is soaking wet as my neighbour was fitting new bathroom and flooded my kitchen and bathroom. would this cause my boiler to have broke ?. |
Anthony July 11th, 2012 6:00 pm |
Why does my bathroom sink cold water keep turning itself on then flooding the bathroom. (True occurence)? |
Florrie July 11th, 2012 6:20 pm |
This is seriously happening alot my bathroom sink will flood when no one has been in it for a while due to the cold water being on. Its never fully on so we can hear it. Also, my kitchen oven will gradually go up until it burns whats in there sometimes. What is going on?. No pranksters in my house just me and my grandma. No sleepwalking we are both awake when this happens. |
Sandi July 11th, 2012 6:40 pm |
Can’t use our toilet or shower for several days. Black water keeps on flooding the bathroom. Compensation? |
Lou July 11th, 2012 7:00 pm |
We can’t use our bathroom because due to construction that’s happening across the street or some other factor, black water shoots up randomly from both the shower and toilet and floods our bathroom and kitchen beside it. there was no warning, it just started happening randomly. The landlord said he’ll call the city tomorrow, but who knows how long that will take to fix. . . How should i pursue to get compensation for this? Because there’s no way I’m going to accept several days of not being able to use my only bathroom and spend hours cleaning up the mess for nothing.. |
Norine July 11th, 2012 7:20 pm |
my brand new stainless steel kitchen sink was severely scratched by a cleaning? |
Sidney July 11th, 2012 7:40 pm |
Does an landlord have to supply a place to live if it has flooded and has no hot water or shower? |
Thomas July 11th, 2012 8:00 pm |
How can I keep the bottom of my furniture from being damaged by in home flooding? |
Twila July 11th, 2012 8:20 pm |
My bedroom is in our basement, along with a kitchen and bathroom. There hasn’t been a problem until last week when our septic system backed up through my bathroom. It flooded the bathroom, kitchen, and thankfully only a small portion of my room. Nothing in my room was ruined, but it made me realize how bad it could have been, and how bad it could be if something like this happened again. I’m looking for ways to either raise my furniture off the ground, or find something to wrap around the bottom of my furniture to seal it. I would prefer something without adhesive. Any suggestions on how to keep my electronic devices off the ground would also be appreciated. My bedroom was the only one with carpet, so we are ripping it up and putting down vinyl.. |
Roselee July 11th, 2012 8:40 pm |
i need to know what is the best steam mop that people are using these days? |
Johnson July 11th, 2012 9:00 pm |
i have been thinking of getting a good steam mop for my house, that can work great on everything,laminated wood floods,Kitchen ,bathroom and living rugs,everyday cleaning, that picks up dirt and dog hair and do you have to sweep before you use it?i want something that is going to make my life simpler, i heard about so many of them, where it leaves streaks, and water and don’t pick up well,and no i cant afford some maids. i wish i could so if anyone can help me out please do thank-you for Your reply.. |
Emmitt July 11th, 2012 9:20 pm |
My On-campus apartment was flooded due to the rain. Can i cancel or break my lease? |
Charley July 11th, 2012 9:40 pm |
Last year, my mom hired a contractor to make a few updates to our kitchen and bathroom. The thing is, he messed every single thing up. When he installed a new kitchen countertop, he ended up sawing off a chunk of our wall. The stove is now at an angle tilting from the wall so that when my mom puts a pot on one of the four surface elements, it ends up sliding maybe half an inch forward every five minutes so she has to constantly keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t slide off and crash onto the floor. The sink leaks into the cabinet and into the basement wall below.. The contractor also forgot to turn off the water supply to the house when he installed a new toilet in the first floor bathroom and half of the basement flooded. Everything in the laundry room, library, and bathroom in the basement got soaked. . My mom was so distressed after this that she didn’t want to deal with it anymore so she didn’t report him to NJ Consumer Affairs. Is it too late to do anything about this now?. |
Jonah July 11th, 2012 10:00 pm |
We had a little flash flood here. I just finally managed to get the water out of the patio by sweeping it with a kitchen broom (my wrists, owww). But the water came up so quick that is still seeped through the kitchen and into the bathroom (which is on that side of the house). I’ve sopped up the water as best as I could (I can’t move the washer and dryer), and I put the fan in the bathroom to try and dry it. I have no idea what to do. My mom is at work and isn’t answering her phone. I know she’s afraid the linoleum in the kitchen and the bathroom will come up and the floor boards underneath will rot.. Does anyone have any suggestions for what I can do? I’m at a loss.. |
Reyes July 11th, 2012 10:20 pm |
Okay let me first say that Friday my old water heater flooded the kitchen I installed a new one and now water leaks out of the faucets in the kitchen sink and bathroom sink and tub. What’s wrong why is that happening?. . I turned the the temperature today because my wife’s bath water turned brown (rust from old piping I believe). |
Omar July 11th, 2012 10:40 pm |
Where can I find drinking water when my town is flooded, and the city water is off? |
Christina July 11th, 2012 11:00 pm |
god sent the flood and saved noah, and then gave us the rainbow to show sinners that he wouldnt flood us again. he made a PROMISE!. this morning I came to find Jayden had been playing in the bath and ran the taps and they had gone past the overflow and the cieling of the kitchen was like raining! I had made caekes for the local bake sale and I ALWAYS win that cake competition. why would god do this to me? I am a good christian mother!. |
Wallace July 11th, 2012 11:20 pm |
My family has temporarily moved into an economy lodge for the sake of flood damage to our home. What are some things I can do to make this run-down place a little more home-like so things aren’t so bad?. . It has a tiny kitchen & bathroom, table & chairs, love seat & tv and a queen sized bed. . |
Deshawn July 11th, 2012 11:40 pm |
Im scared. I have this poltergeist. Im willing to pay big bucks if anybody could get rid of it. I hear footsteps at night. My water going on all night that flood my kitchen and bathroom everynight when i wake up in morning. My light flickers and i can hear as though as some one is crying. Right now Im sleepin in my backyard in a tent bcuz i am scared go in my house. Its probably flooded by now but idk. Whatever that was it crack my tv also and killed my fishes. Please help. :(. |
Lillia July 12th, 2012 12:00 am |
What do I do about Red and Black Mold growing in my Finished basement? |
Morris July 12th, 2012 12:20 am |
Ok , so this leakage from the bathroom pipes , the water coming …through the foundation all month, and has b? |
Elenore July 12th, 2012 12:40 am |
this leakage ongoing , gushes of flood coming from the pipes underneath, after writting my formal complaint, & to the Atty. Gen. will those women at this managment slander me to the new apt. management ? I don’t feel safe while I am here. Im concerned about the mold. Is there a place that I can call for a fair inspection or can the city help me? I have taken pictures. Thank you.. |
Nolan July 12th, 2012 1:00 am |
I had a dream last night that me and my best friend went to a chorus concert at her school (I don’t go to her school), and we were on stage, and the curtains opened, and we were singing Amazing Grace, but then I forgot the lyrics, so we had to start over, and when we started over, we started singing, and then the front of the stage caught on fire. At first we didn’t do anything about it, but I didn’t want the fire to spread and harm us, so we went off the stage through the back door, and somehow, it took us to this tattoo parlor, and then my best friend really had to pee, so we went down to the bathroom, and it was all like, flooded with dirty water. Like, with pine needles and stuff in it, and on the door frame and all over the wall of the bathroom, was pictures of us,growing up together, and we were looking at them, and then it ended. Does this mean anything?. I KNOW it means something, because it involved fire, and random pictures of us, and the dirty water. These were things I noticed the most in the dream. The things that stood out most. So I know it means something. Just don’t know what.. |
Charles July 12th, 2012 1:20 am |
Why do I have such a bad luck in life? Should I just kill myself? |
Delores July 12th, 2012 1:40 am |
how to break a one year lease on a house? |
Meta July 12th, 2012 2:00 am |
Will you read my writing and rate it for my English class? |
Karina July 12th, 2012 2:20 am |
Can I sue my apartment complex if a chunk of the ceiling fell on me? |
Joseph July 12th, 2012 2:40 am |
I made this poem, about a month and half ago, and I was meaning to put it up but never did. Well, here it is. [It’s kind of depressing though…]. . No Turning Back . . Walking in a straight line, . Head down, hands in my pocket, . Thinking it will be just fine, . Knowing it?s a lie makes it worse. . . Constant glares that burn through my flesh,. Leaves sears where old ones have healed, . All I want is to begin anew, to start fresh, . Make it so no one knows whom I was.. . Losing my footing I topple onto the cold tile,. Books are sent airborne, laughs are audible,. Worthless materials are now strewn in a pile.. Quickly gathering the possessions, I close my eyes,. But all I can picture are my final goodbyes. . . Running hastily towards the bathroom stalls, . My eyes halfway flooded by tears,. I find safety behind these four concrete walls,. Waiting, just waiting, for my memories to erase. . . I find myself standing on the edge of a cliff, . One foot off, one foot on. . Looking down at the bottomless abyss, . My limbs become frozen stiff. . . I close my eyes for just a minute,. Breathe in single breath after another.. Waiting for my world to become mute. . Only to be halted by a familiar hand on my shoulder. . . It?s the hand of a friend, a loving face,. Spots the tears pooling in my eyes,. Searches for the light in my heart that I try to erase,. And says, ?There?s still time.?. |
Polly July 12th, 2012 3:00 am |
This is about as close to illegal as she can get without crossing the line! She brought a realtor in under the guise of a “friend” who was to look at my rotting bathroom wall and kitchen floors who then took pictures, put up a sign and ta-da…house for sale! She refuses to fix the issues, will not reduce rent, and now refuses to return calls, letters (both regular and certified) as well as e-mails. I really cannot afford to go to court….all I really want to know is if the realtor can be asked to not take prospective buyers into my personal bedroom……this is a nightmare! They ask me to leave to show it, and want my dog to be removed as well…..I feel very violated inlieuu of all that hasoccurredd. Mind you, we moved into this rental in an emergent situation out of desperation since we had just lost everything to adevastatingg mudslide and flooding. Can I request they remove the pictures of the inside of the house posted all over the internet seeing that all of MYpossessionss are nowvisiblee to any idiot who wants to know what goods we have to potentially rip off? Can I request that they not take clients into ONE room…MY personal bedroom (no master suite or anything, just a damn bedroom)? Is this ok, do I have any rights in this situation? I believe I pay for my privacy here……hmmm. thanks….i got an attorney. Alot of the advice i recieved here was blunt, rude and innacurate! I am no loser or jerk…….i understand she has a right to sell. I am not stupid either. Yes, she has violated my rights under oregon statute. I do have an entitlement to privacy, in essence i do buy it…every month i buy it! Property manager was so innacurate and off my attorney laughed her ass off…. wow. Thanks again, i will be taking the excellent advice about reporting to authorities……the rest I will happily ignore as butt-hurt Landlords lashing out due to bieng constantly violated in our private abodes…..we have laws to protect us too ya know. Thx again…..ta-ta, off to file paperwork! : ). thanks….i got an attorney. Alot of the advice i recieved here was blunt, rude and innacurate! I am no loser or jerk…….i understand she has a right to sell. I am not stupid either. Yes, she has violated my rights under oregon statute. I do have an entitlement to privacy, in essence i do buy it…every month i buy it! Property manager was so innacurate and off my attorney laughed her ass off…. wow. Thanks again, i will be taking the excellent advice about reporting to authorities……the rest I will happily ignore as butt-hurt Landlords lashing out due to bieng constantly violated in our private abodes…..we have laws to protect us too ya know. Thx again…..ta-ta, off to file paperwork! : ). |
Julieta July 12th, 2012 3:20 am |
Can my landlord charge me for laminate floor damage after I’ve moved out? |
Jonnie July 12th, 2012 3:40 am |
Do you think this house would be a good investment? |
Trenton July 12th, 2012 4:00 am |
What do you think of the beginning of my story? |
Zula July 12th, 2012 4:20 am |
Tell me if you like my story (All criticism is appreciated)? |
Thelma July 12th, 2012 4:40 am |
So yeah; what do you think? :). Thankyou! :D. . The old, wooden door creaked open and Sir Porter stode into the classroom. His face, grimmer than usual, had an unusual pallor as he breezed by the students and stopped at Mrs. Ingham’s desk. He avoided eye contact with the teacher, who seemed to be shocked at the sudden disruption. “Sir. Porter, why have you just disturbed all my hard-working students?” Mrs. Ingham asked. Her forehead earned a few more wrinkles as she frowned, tilting her head forwards so she could peer over her glasses at the nervous man.. By my side, Penelope nudged my arm, and I grinned in reply.. “P-Perhaps we should discuss the situation at hand…Out of earshot, Mrs. Ingham.” The middle-aged man stuttered, and Mrs. Ingham pushed her falling glasses back onto her nose and followed him out of the stone classroom, shutting the door behind her as I noticed Sir. Porters hand begin to tremble.. Gossip erupted through the air, Penelope and Ginger chatting happily as I placed my head down on the wobbly table, last nights worries flooding back to me.. Seconds later, the frail body of Mrs. Ingham hurried back to the front, fingering the hem of her flowery, long-sleeved shirt and taking a sip of water.. “C-Class, Sir. Porter has received some bad news which we all have to tell our students,” She mumbled, and the class grew silent, all eyes falling on her. “This morning, the dead body of Olivia Lockwood was retrieved from Tiger Forest, we don’t know how or why, but more information will be given.” She managed to whisper, and everybody turned to stare at each other, and I glanced, shocked, at Penelope.. “But when we left she was fine!” I whispered to her, and she bit her nails nervously, staring at what seemed to be nowhere as I shook her shoulders. Her honey blonde hair fell over her pale face.. “We must of done something, Rimmie. Nobody was with us when we followed her, or talked to her, or left her. Oh God, I’m gonna’ get sent down. I can’t go to prison, I’m only fourteen, I-“. “Penelope, please. If you start getting freaked out then I will. But I promise you, we didn’t do this.” I soothed, my heart starting to beat as fast as a hummingbirds wings.. I raised my hand in the air, glancing at Mrs. Ingham as she seemed to mutter to herself.. “Uh…Mrs. Ingham?” I said, and her head snapped up to mine, and she pulled a fake smile onto her elderly face. “Please can I go to the bathroom? Nature calls.”. She nodded curtly. “Of course, Rimmie.”. I stood up from the plastic chair, ignoring the amused stares which followed me all the way out of the room, and I cut them off harshly by slamming the door shut with accidental force.. As I was aware that the way to the Ladies bathroom was right, but I turned left instead, in search of Katie.. She had to hear about this.. I made my way through the never ending corridors, old pictures hung on every single wall. I knew which class Katie was in, she told me before class, because she had Madam Clemence, who she despised. Nobody liked Madam Clemence, her long, brown hair was always tightly pulled back into a neat bun, and it was extremely difficult not to constantly stare at the huge mole above her lips, which were always moulded into a grim line.. Tapping on the door, I heart Madam Clemence call out to me from inside the classroom, and I peaked my head through, smiling kindly.. “Mornin’ Madam Clemence. Can I borrow Katie for a sec? It seems Jimmy the Tortoise has gone walk-abouts again.” I laughed, my eyes landing on Katie, who’s head bowed in embarrassment.. Madan Clemence contemplated for a minute. For a moment, I thought she’d say no, because admittedly, I weren’t the best behaved student in the world.. “Go ahead, but I’m trusting you to not wander off and do something stupid, Rimmie.” . I pushed her warning aside, and hurried Katie out of the cold classroom, pulling her further down the corridor and letting her arm go.. “Did you hear the news?” I asked, and she sighed heavily, folding her arms across her chest.. “What news?”. I hesitated. “Olivia Lockwood was found dead in the woods this morning.”. An eerie silence engulfed us both. As my words sunk in to Katie’s head her ocean blue eyes widened and she brushed back her curly brown locks with a quivering hand. My eyes followed her as she sank down to the tiled floor, and hit her head harshly against the wall.. “We didn’t do it, did we, Rimmie?” She whispered, and she stared up at me.. |
Deon July 12th, 2012 5:00 am |
Found lots of mold in appt. Can we break lease? |
Ellan July 12th, 2012 5:20 am |
Here it is, it’s not that good and its not got a name. . I just started writing it. . Thanks !. . . . . . As i wake up i agknowledge the fierce curtains swooshing beneath the wind. I don’t move a muscle. i stay pencil straight. There was a glass of water on my bedside table that was laying infront of my picture of me and my father. . There, next to the glass of water lay a note for me. It was from mum. . . . Gone at work. . Won’t be long. . -Mum. . . No Kisses.. I knew that being a slave was sure to be an awful job. In the times like these there was no other jobs. For one thing i knew for sure was that mum would do anything to stay away from me. I’m not diffucult and i don’t plan to be. Sure i get smashed and thrashed and thottled by her. But thats mum for me then isn’t it? . Father died in the war. Nothing much to say really. But one thing i knew for sure was that he loved me more than anything. Probably more than my mum. . I do love my mum but she can be a pain and a nuisance. . So finally after dreaming about him i got up. I walked to the bathroom to clean my face. As i walked in i saw my reflection the mirror. I hate mirrors and i hate my reflection. . My brown hair swooped over my face. I reached over and grabbed a ribbon. . I tied my hair and looked into the mirror again. The scars on my face were awful. What had she done to me?. The warm tears flooded down my cheeks. I didn’t want to live this way. No one would want to see me. No boy would love me. I would end up bitter and alone and i would NEVER forgive her for this.. I started washing my face. After that i made the broth for lunch. Lentils with leek and other vegetables. Not my favourite but i’ve got to live with what i’ve got.. |
Nisha July 12th, 2012 5:40 am |
The Last Stand. . . . . I ran through a narrow corridor. Lights above blinding. Pure white walls. Glints of colour streaking past my vision. Especially red. This never ending maze. Swift turns. Right. Left. Then right again. A straight. A blue door.. Panic rose within me, and an intoxicating burn spread up the back of my thighs. I pushed the blue door in front of me, and shielded my eyes. What lay before me was my life. Freedom – the very exhilaration that I lived for.. But really it was all that I had. . . I live in the sky, with the wind carrying me. My heels sink into the air itself. I run with the flow of nature, I answer its call. Only really this is the picture I paint for myself. It is what I like to see, when I glance at the steamed mirror in the bathroom. I had often sought advice from the reflective material in my moments of desperation, my moments of hysteria. Somewhere deep inside of me hates what I do. Hates what I stand for. Although the real part of me, the persona that I listen to, tells me to ‘keep on running’.. . *. . I set myself up for the penultimate jump, I built up momentum, ran up the side of the wall, continued further until I reached the edge of the skyscraper and … I was set free. Or at least for that moment I felt as though I was. Then I landed on the adjacent building, rolled in one fluid motion and regained an upright position.. The world slowed down for a moment in order for me to catch my breath. I walked to the edge of the building. It was a long jump to the next, in fact for a moment I debated whether it was too far. I soon realised that really it was my nerves eating away at my courage. I moved back and again began running for the jump. Rapid speed, a slight right turn. A leap of faith. Found what I was looking for. Parkour time. A chance to fly through a delicious arc engraved in the air. I built up as much speed as I could, forcing my heels into the ground. A perfect parabola, a sweeping, soaring, selfish moment. I trapezed across a pipe and leaped. . . A new age of dictatorship has taken over. They have flooded the minds of individuals manipulating the ideologies of everyone. I need information on the recent election, I must find out what is going on in this world. If I do not, no one will. . . I landed heavily, when I regained myself I looked to the side of the shimmering building. I could see myself. The real me, the one that hides in the shadows, the one that I dismiss. I touched the glass. I almost felt a connection with myself. Through my stern eyes I could see my true features: my high cheek bones, my small nose, and my slightly parted lips. My complexion soft, but my core equal to a diamond in strength. I took a step back to take myself in, for it was not often that I looked at myself in such detail. Behind my now blurred reflection a yellow door ? my way in. I felt the chrome handle of the door and opened it.. I had studied the blue-prints for the building as usual and had a rough idea of where I was going. I proceeded to the utility room. I lifted my arm to touch the vent hatch on the ceiling. I gripped it and ripped it open, quickly I climbed up. I heard someone coming. I reached down for the flap, but I could not quite catch the edge of it. I heard the door handle click. I still extended my arm, until I caught the tip and pulled it up. As I did this; the door opened, and a man with a blue uniform carrying a firearm walked in. I lay quiet. He surveyed the room; almost mechanically scanning it. When he seemed quite content he turned and left the room.. I continued through the vent until I found the room I was looking for. The vent was positioned behind my target and out of sight. I opened the hatch and slid out. I quickly but silently moved closer to him, in one fluid movement thrust him to the chair.. ‘What do you want? What have I done to you!’ he said. I drew near to him and pressed myself against him. I whispered in his ear;. ‘What happened with the election?’. ‘I don’t know anything I swear!’. ‘I don’t think so. If you value your life then you will tell me what I want to know’ I said, through gritted teeth. . ‘Honestly I don’t know, you want to talk to Banks, here I …’. Banks? Banks of all people! My contact; my mentor. He who led the fight. He who fought oppression, shunned hypocrisy.. I gripped the informant?s head and twisted. He lay limp in the chair. They never expect it from a woman, but no one is to know. . . *. . Rush. Vitality. Freedom. Life. I must not let this continue, he must be stopped. Somewhere inside of me does not want to believe it, but somehow it is also undeniable. I must make a difference; I will not let this regime flourish like some rampant cancer. . . Familiar apartment. Familiar room. Familiar face. My hands on his face, his handsome, kind, cruel face. Fear. Uncertainty. . Who?. What?. Why?. . ‘There is no need for an explanation.’ I said. |
Moses July 12th, 2012 6:00 am |
I have written a short story, any comments welcome.. . The Last Stand. . . . . I ran through a narrow corridor. Lights above blinding. Pure white walls. Glints of colour streaking past my vision. Especially red. This never ending maze. Swift turns. Right. Left. Then right again. A straight. A blue door.. Panic rose within me, and an intoxicating burn spread up the back of my thighs. I pushed the blue door in front of me, and shielded my eyes. What lay before me was my life. Freedom – the very exhilaration that I lived for.. But really it was all that I had. . . I live in the sky, with the wind carrying me. My heels sink into the air itself. I run with the flow of nature, I answer its call. Only really this is the picture I paint for myself. It is what I like to see, when I glance at the steamed mirror in the bathroom. I had often sought advice from the reflective material in my moments of desperation, my moments of hysteria. Somewhere deep inside of me hates what I do. Hates what I stand for. Although the real part of me, the persona that I listen to, tells me to ‘keep on running’.. . *. . I set myself up for the penultimate jump, I built up momentum, ran up the side of the wall, continued further until I reached the edge of the skyscraper and … I was set free. Or at least for that moment I felt as though I was. Then I landed on the adjacent building, rolled in one fluid motion and regained an upright position.. The world slowed down for a moment in order for me to catch my breath. I walked to the edge of the building. It was a long jump to the next, in fact for a moment I debated whether it was too far. I soon realised that really it was my nerves eating away at my courage. I moved back and again began running for the jump. Rapid speed, a slight right turn. A leap of faith. ( A leap of Faith! ) Found what I was looking for. Parkour time. A chance to fly through a delicious arc engraved in the air. I built up as much speed as I could, forcing my heels into the ground. A perfect parabola, a sweeping, soaring, selfish moment. I trapezed across a pipe and leaped. . . A new age of dictatorship has taken over. They have flooded the minds of individuals manipulating the ideologies of everyone. I need information on the recent election, I must find out what is going on in this world. If I do not no one will. . . I landed heavily, when I regained myself I looked to the side of the shimmering building. I could see myself. The real me, the one that hides in the shadows, the one that I dismiss. I touched the glass. I almost felt a connection with myself. Through my stern eyes I could see my true features: my high cheek bones, my small nose, and my slightly parted lips. My complexion soft, but my core equal to a diamond in strength. I took a step back to take myself in, for it was not often that I looked at myself in such detail. Behind my now blurred reflection a yellow door ? my way in. I felt the chrome handle of the door and opened it.. I found my way to an office. The door was unlocked. I found my target with his back to me. I quickly but silently moved closer to him, in one fluid movement thrust him to the chair.. . ‘What do you want? What have I done to you!’ he said. I drew near to him and pressed myself against him. I whispered in his ear;. ‘What happened with the election?’. ‘I don’t know anything I swear!’. ‘I don’t think so. If you value your life then you will tell me what I want to know’ I said, through gritted teeth. . ‘Honestly I don’t know, you want to talk to Banks, here I …’. Banks? Banks of all people! My contact. My mentor. My Svengali. He who led the fight. He who fought oppression, shunned hypocrisy. I caught a glimpse of myself in the window. Eyes focused, lips set. I could see what had attracted him to me. The bastard.. I gripped the informant?s head and twisted. He lay limp in the chair. They never expect it from a woman, but no one is to know. . . *. . Rush. Vitality. Freedom. Life. I must not let this continue, he must be stopped. Somewhere inside of me does not want to believe it, but somehow it is also undeniable. I must make a difference; I will not let this regime flourish like some rampant cancer. . . Familiar apartment. Familiar room. Familiar face. My hands on his face, his handsome, kind, cruel face. Fear. Uncertainty. . Who?. What?. Why?. . ‘There is no need for an explanation.’ I said ‘You have destroyed everything we stand for!’. He pushed me through onto a veranda. Pulled out a revolver and took aim. ‘You are disposable.’ He said. . ‘I am Faith’ I whispered. ‘And you were supposed to be the Hope!’. He fired . I took a step back, the last thing I remember is flying, like a falcon after its prey. I would not grasp it today, but there were many of us fighting for the same reason each day. Fighting for freedom.. . ?The sails were drawn up , and the wind blew, and slowly the ship slipped. |
Vernita July 12th, 2012 6:20 am |
i REALLY need help with a stalker?? please, help needed? |
Craig July 12th, 2012 6:40 am |
duplex – upstairs unit floods my downstairs sink and overflows. How can I prevent this flooding? |
Salley July 12th, 2012 7:00 am |
I am in a duplex. If the line to the bathroom sink clogs when the upstairs unit uses water in their bathroom sink it floods my bathroom by filling up my sink basin and overflowing. How can I prevent this… is there a check valve I can put on my sink drains to prevent the flood each time the line clogs?. |
Demetrius July 12th, 2012 7:20 am |
My upstairs neighboors flooded their apartment…they left the water on in the bathroom. My parents own this house. I rent the basement….so all of a sudden i see water coming out of my lightbulbs and i shut them off put buckets under right away…then i call my parents and then water starts pouring out of the door i put a bucket under there….so the upstairs people shut off the water… Now we are worried there is a lot fo water in the walls… Why was there water coming out the lightbulbs? It was crazy to see…it was just pouring out…Will there be damage now? How would you handle this? Why was water coming out of these random places?. |
Cherryl July 12th, 2012 7:40 am |
what are my rights if my apartment was put in a temporary unlivable situation in San Francisco? |
Lorie July 12th, 2012 8:00 am |
My apartment had a leak from the upstairs unit which flooded the bathroom and took the super a week to resolve with plumbers. Can I ask for a refund from my apartment management companies? What are my rights?. |
Willy July 12th, 2012 8:20 am |
Okay, so. We had a problem with our upstairs toilet. One day we flushed it and it flooded our entire bathroom. So my grandfather came and looked at it and said the flapper was too light. So, my husband shut of the water to the toilet until we could get a new flapper. When we finally got the new flapper, installed it and the toilet still ain’t working. The tank isn’t filling anymore. We fill the tank and flush it, but it wont fill back up. And yes, we have turned the water on…. Any ideas on how to fix it?. |
Adan July 12th, 2012 8:40 am |
How much notice should I give to vacate my lease? |
Ceola July 12th, 2012 9:00 am |
Last night my friends basement flooded and the house blew up!? I have some questions..? |
Marcy July 12th, 2012 9:20 am |
Last night my friends basement was flooded and the house blew up!? I am so worried and I have some questions? |
Willie July 12th, 2012 9:40 am |
What do I do if my stupid cat has figured out how to turn on the bathroom light and faucet? |
Corrin July 12th, 2012 10:00 am |
New bathroom fitted by company but unable to use shower? |
Brandon July 12th, 2012 10:20 am |
We had a new bathroom fitted in August and found we were unable to have a shower due to the bathroom flooding. We have complained on a weekly basis and still no joy – what is the best thing to do now….. Clarabella. |
Carie July 12th, 2012 10:40 am |
Neighbour flooded my bathroom and i put a claim into their housing association? |
Florencia July 12th, 2012 11:00 am |
What do you need to do if the toilet is flooding the bathroom? |
Nisha July 12th, 2012 11:20 am |
Every time it gets cold and either rains or snows my bathroom toilet either overflows or does not fill back up? |
Hiram July 12th, 2012 11:40 am |
I need to know what causes this. I have to turn the toilet off at the overflow valve so it doesn’t flood my bathroom.. |
Simona July 12th, 2012 12:00 pm |
Water. . for me its the flooded bathroom and the fact I’m going to be late for work again because I have to clean it up lol. |
Floretta July 12th, 2012 12:20 pm |
Okay so I know I’m a total fucking idiot and I don’t deserve a cat. I just tried to dye my cat with manic panic and conditioner and I didn’t really think of how i was going to rinse her off. Now I have a flooded bathroom and a pissed off cat because all I could do was chase her around the bathroom with a cup of water. It’s mostly off but not completely and she keeps licking herself and I’m scared she’s going to get sick. Should I take her to the vet or what the fuck do I do?! . And please I don’t need a lecture on what a shitty cat owner I am because I’m aware of this now I need answers fast Dx. |
Jamar July 12th, 2012 12:40 pm |
Buying house, just had pest control, what is difference between drywood and subterranian termites? |
Leo July 12th, 2012 1:00 pm |
We just had pest report done on a foreclosure we are thinking of purchasing. We are aware that it needs cosmetic work (bathroom was flooded due to leak), some drywall issues, etc. We just received the pest report and found some problems. The pest report indicates that evidence of subterranian termites were found but no drywood termites. The report indicates that the subterranian termites were found ONLY under the bathroom on the lower level that was flooded. The floor needs to be pulled up, and completely replaced. There was also evidence of subterranian termites on the exterior of the house on the same side as this flooded bathroom (report states termite tubing was found against concrete foundation directly outside this flooded bathroom.. . Now my question..what’s the difference between drywood termites (report did not find any evidence) and subterranian termites (evidence found of under previously flooded bathroom). . . Are subterranian termites serious, and can they spread or would they be centrally located to this area that previously flooded? The pest report stated most of the crawl space in the middle of the house could not be checked due to lack of space. We’re worried that maybe the entire crawl space/under house could be infested with termites but they could only check certain area’s under the house. . . Weary of continuing with offer on house if it’s going to be a serious problem that will be expensive to fix or could cause problems in future.. We live in northern California.. |
Traci July 12th, 2012 1:20 pm |
I was at this restaurant a while back and I went there frequently. The bathroom consists of three urinals and a stall, so yeah it’s public. But I guess the restaurant bathroom flooded one time or something so they had to remove the stall for a little bit. But since the restroom is public, it has no locks on it. So this means anyone could see you on the toilet. Luckily the time I went, it was only me and my brother in the bathroom. He made sure no one came in.. . But what if it were just me alone? Would it be acceptable -or legal- to have no locks on the door with no stall surrounding the toilet? I’m just guessing that someone else might have had to suffer through that incedent.. . PS: The restroom does now have a stall since repairs.. |
Lauren July 12th, 2012 1:40 pm |
At what age did you start letting your kids bathe themselves alone? |
Woodrow July 12th, 2012 2:00 pm |
Our toilet backed up and flooded our bathroom. The water ran into the floor vent and flooded the air ducts. The ducts are insulated. Will the whole duct system have to be replaced? Or can it just be treated to prevent mildew? What do we do?!. |
Monika July 12th, 2012 2:20 pm |
Will I ever love again, seriously? I swear to god I’m not heartbroken? |
Brandi July 12th, 2012 2:40 pm |
Ok we just got this house a few months a go and today when doing laundry (which is in the basement) flooded our walk in shower that is also in the basement. the shower is not draining and the water is everywhere no sewage but lots of laundry soap. the laundry room which is very small is right next to the bathroom so I am guessing they share the same piping. Any ideas I am not sure what to do at this point other than call a plumber and it is the weekend.. |
Bernie July 12th, 2012 3:00 pm |
Do you have to turn the cold water on and the hot off. After our well pump was purged . we were told to turn on all fucets. alot of sediment came out. one of the bathrooms flooded bad. What a mess at this hour. What should have been done after the purge. |
Ralph July 12th, 2012 3:20 pm |
I need to know what to do to make my landlord fix the plumbing!? |
Yasmine July 12th, 2012 3:40 pm |
I live in the SF Bay Area. My shower drain and toilet keep bubbling up waste water and sewage. It keeps flooding my bathroom. My landlord has been here several times trying to fix it himself but it obviosuly needs a professional. Now the landlord either ignores my calls and isnt fixing it. What can I do to make him get a pro to fix it asap. It’s not even livable in here.. |
Lonnie July 12th, 2012 4:00 pm |
my bathtub,tolet and floor r flooded with sh#t they had a problem with the watr contrl the manager wont do…? |
Margurite July 12th, 2012 4:20 pm |
my bathtub is flooded and i am surrounded by piranhas and leeches know what? |
Lu July 12th, 2012 4:40 pm |
My bathtub sprung a leak and the water flooded my brand new carpet in my master closet. I got a rug doctor to suck up the water but I’m worried about mold since I live in Florida. Are there any cleaning agents I could use other than bleach to prevent or remove mold. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I’ve spent a fortune getting the problem fixed, I cant spend much more. Should I just rip it out and replace it? Argh!. |
Reuben July 12th, 2012 5:00 pm |
What causes a bathtub to become backed up when a water heater is replaced? |
Abdul July 12th, 2012 5:20 pm |
My house was flooded the other day and the handyman had to replace my water heater. My bathtub was fine before anything happened. But after the replacement, it started to back up. I tried using Drano-type products, but it doesn’t work.. |
Victor July 12th, 2012 5:40 pm |
my bathtub overflowed upstairs how deal with water in walls? |
Chauncey July 12th, 2012 6:00 pm |
okay so my mom just let the bathtub overflow and flood the upstairs of are house. i was downstairs and noticed watter comming out of the walls. we moped up all the water immedietatly but we are worried the inside of the walls will mold. how can we prevent this? do we need like a giant dehumidifier? wat should we do?. |
Noah July 12th, 2012 6:20 pm |
what does it mean to dream of water in bathtub? |
Rodrigo July 12th, 2012 6:40 pm |
Does flood insurance cover human-caused floods like a bathtub overflowing? |
Reuben July 12th, 2012 7:00 pm |
my pipes in my house are backing up when i flush the toilet my bathtub fills up? |
Russel July 12th, 2012 7:20 pm |
when we use any of the sinks or drains in my house the bathtub fills up with nasty junk and also it floods my toilets and has a god awfull smell how can i fix this with out a plumber ive already tryed all the dumb guy stuff draino , ect. plz help anyone. not only is it flooding everything but its leaking around the base of the toilets why is that and what can i do to stop this without costing me a small fortune. |
Antoine July 12th, 2012 7:40 pm |
After my mom took a shower she saw that the floor next to the toilet was wet and water was coming out from the bottom. The bathtub also had water come out and won’t go back in. The same thing is happening to our other bathroom, the toilet is over flooding to the point where it is coming out almost. How much would I plumber charge and what’s happening?. |
Ahmed July 12th, 2012 8:00 pm |
My bathtub is flooded, everytime i take a shower the water goes down realllll slow. What can I do to stop this besides calling a plumber or using the pumper.. |
Dustin July 12th, 2012 8:20 pm |
I’m babysitting my cousin and he just flooded his house? |
Maude July 12th, 2012 8:40 pm |
Is the great flood the same as drowning one’s children in a bathtub instead of correcting misbehavior itself? |
Bradford July 12th, 2012 9:00 pm |
For years I have had recurring dreams of flooding showers and bathtubs. What does it mean? |
Dustin July 12th, 2012 9:20 pm |
Often I am at someone else’s home and am upset that the flooding I have caused will be discovered. I am usually trying to stop the water. Sometimes I am drowning in a shower that I can’t turn off. I feel like I need help to stop from drowning, but don’t want others to see me.. |
Donnie July 12th, 2012 9:40 pm |
what can make a toliet end cap blow or pop off? |
Keith July 12th, 2012 10:00 pm |
we live in an old building. we had leak in pipe. our super came in an put new pipe with end cap. in middle of night bathroom flooded and cap was off. Bathtub was full of water. now we have very low pressure and can’t flush toliet – not enough pressure.. |
Tamica July 12th, 2012 10:20 pm |
What is the “best” way to remove a cermanic tile floor? The people who removed ours used a sludge-hammer. |
Zoraida July 12th, 2012 10:40 pm |
We are having a hardwood floor installed in our foryer since we had a flood (valve on bathtub broke) and the installing company never mentioned that they would be using a sludgehammer, and they never bother to cover anything to protect anything.. |
Trent July 12th, 2012 11:00 pm |
I’m purchasing rental insurance, can I assume the dwelling is covered by the owner? |
Evelynn July 12th, 2012 11:20 pm |
I understand that I should cover my personal property, personal liability, loss of use, etc., but should I insure the actual dwelling and property against damage or loss? For instance, if the roof fell off, would that fall under MY insurance or the owners? If the bathtub fell through the ceiling and flooded the house, would that fall under my coverage?. |
Zachary July 12th, 2012 11:40 pm |
My building’s maintenance worker flooded my apartment; now I’m given the run around regarding reimbursement. |
Taylor July 13th, 2012 12:00 am |
I really need some help. LAST JUNE a maintenance worker came to repair my bathtub. Not only did he break the faucet, but flooded my apartment as well. The water was taken care of, but I have ended up with lots of damages to my personal belongings (carpet, paint, furnishings, etc.). I have tried since then to have the situation remedied, and after months of being ignored and pushed aside was told to make a list of damages with estimated cost to be given to the insurance company, which I promptly did. This was in February. I have tried to contact the office with no response, left messages for the person who is taking care of my issue (I call the office two to three times a week, and she has yet to be working any day I call), and have finally gotten to the end of my rope. What do I do from here? I really don’t want to go to small claims court for fear of having trouble with the building corporation or being evicted, and I don’t have renter’s insurance. I feel stuck and frustrated.. |
Myrl July 13th, 2012 12:20 am |
What is the best way to get dirty water out of carpets? |
Monnie July 13th, 2012 12:40 am |
Today I did a load of laundry and the dirty water from the washer started exploding out of the toilette and bathtub. Clearly I need a plumber for that, but my question is, it flooded the floor and I guess seeped through the walls or flooring or something, because in both bedrooms the carpets along the wall are soaking wet. It is brand new carpet, only a month old therefore I don’t want it to stink from the dirty water, or get ruined… what do I do!? (besides calling a carpet cleaner). |
Lesley July 13th, 2012 1:00 am |
I was standing in the bathtub showering and all of a sudden it started flooding and white stuff that looked like nasal mucus or sperm bubbled out from the plug hole. Now the bath got flooded and I was standing in there. I took some time before getting out of the tub though.. . Now what if I’ve got cuts on my toes/feet/under feet, can HIV be transmitted this way? Do you think I have contracted HIV?. . Help nurses and doctors!!!. I was showering in a large household shared by strangers.. |
Lashaun July 13th, 2012 1:20 am |
When you were a kid, did you ever fill the bathtub up to the brim and? |
Brenton July 13th, 2012 1:40 am |
jump from the toilet into the tub? We did, and of course we flooded the whole place. Got into big trouble for it. We were called the Katzenjammer kids. lol You do remember them don’t you from the funny papers?. |
Rudolph July 13th, 2012 2:00 am |
How can I clear water from a drain during a flood? |
Hollis July 13th, 2012 2:20 am |
Okay, so there’s a room in my house that is prone to flooding during severe rain storms, hurricanes, and stuff like that. I tried to buy a water pump, but they were all sold out because of Hurricane Irene. My plan was to run a garden hose from the drain outside, through that room to the bathtub and let the water leave through the bathtub drain. How can I get that to work?. |
Chun July 13th, 2012 2:40 am |
How do I fix water coming from under the toilet cheaply? |
Edgar July 13th, 2012 3:00 am |
Everytime I either flush the toilet or shower, water comes from under the toilet, flooding the bathroom and hall, and fills the bathtub. Sometimes the water goes back down on its own, but sometimes the water just keeps pouring out. I have called a plumber but somehow the problem just became worse. Is there anything I can do it fix it on my own?. |
Cassandra July 13th, 2012 3:20 am |
So my bathtub drains seems like it might be clogged? |
Deb July 13th, 2012 3:40 am |
I think that Bush did it to try to flood my apartments, since he didnt get all of New Orleans residents the first time by sending Katrina there. All of the evacuees are here, I think its a consipracy. What do you think?. |
Heidi July 13th, 2012 4:00 am |
Why worship the Christian God, he sounds like a horrible fellow? |
Latina July 13th, 2012 4:20 am |
I ask this question in all seriousness. The guy screws up his creation project, and instead of snapping his fingers and editing everything, he decides it would be a good idea to DROWN everything on earth. That would be like me not wanting to breed hamsters anymore and then drowning them all in the bathtub. Real pleasant God. But hang on, even before the flood, God comes across as a jerk. He not only creates humans to be gullible, but he also creates a sneaky SNAKE to trick those humans! And then he punishes the humans for listening to the snake! What’s that all about?. |
Darren July 13th, 2012 4:40 am |
Flushed toilet and water coming out of the shower strainer? |
Luciana July 13th, 2012 5:00 am |
Kitchen sink is draining into bathtub. Bathtub is not draining at all. Toilet stills flushes.? |
Agustin July 13th, 2012 5:20 am |
Dishwasher floods from bottom of toilet seal. This is a mystery! Can you solve it? Husband has poured boiling water down drains, cleaned traps and used a snake to clean drains. Still nothing happens. Some one says septic needs to be pumped? But why does the toilet flush?. |
Omar July 13th, 2012 5:40 am |
I have used liquid plumber and drain-o but still continues to be clogged, also have plunged it but nothing works, and I find out that my basement is flooding due to this problem. Why wont it work and why is my basement flooding now? Never had this problem before.. |
Tamika July 13th, 2012 6:00 am |
so in my bathtub downstairs, one i don’t really use, more of a guest bathroom. I want to replace the hardware drain plug. Its one of those round silver drain plugs that you have to press and turn to get it to close shut and then do the opposite for it to open. I want that one gone and just get a rubber stopper. . . In emptying my dehumidifer in there and also mopping up some dirt and things because of a flood in the basement, things have gotten caught in the drain, and since I cant get to them because of the drain type and not being able to remove the silver top, i’m stuck for now.. . the silver drain doesnt seem to want to unscrew or twist off. and I dont know how to get it to come off. Is it somehow connected to the overflow plate, (prob not.) I just don’t know how to get this press and turn drain cover off to start using something different.. underneath ? There is no way I can get to the underneath, it is in the basement on a concrete floor. i do know there are probably pipes under the floor, but have not seen any kind of crawlspace for my house.. |
Josue July 13th, 2012 6:20 am |
Washing machine flooded my room, how can i take care of this? |
Marcus July 13th, 2012 6:40 am |
can I set up a sort of siphon system to keep my toilet from flooding my apartment? |
Trudy July 13th, 2012 7:00 am |
It seems water is backing up through my toilet and spilling onto the floor. it has no connection to the use of water within this apartment (although there are another three within this house. Anyway I was wondering if I could rig up a sort of siphoning system within the toilet so that when it randomly rises throughout the day while i’m not home it will allow it to drain into the bathtub rather than the floor. just until the problem can be looked at by a professional. If this is possile and someone could give me some guidelines that would be fantastic. thanks.. |
Lorie July 13th, 2012 7:20 am |
RENTING HOUSE: drainage clogs about once a week! overflow into kitchen and floods bathtubs? |
Keenan July 13th, 2012 7:40 am |
how long do i need to have the water hit me before i have the big o and also wont i flood myself?. |
Darrel July 13th, 2012 8:00 am |
I rent an apartment, and the renter upstairs had a problem with a dishwasher (don’t ask, I don’t get it). She flooded her apartment, but most of the water came right down into my apartment, damaging the walls and the ceiling. The drywall in my kitchen came down. . . My landlord has said he will take care of things, but what obligation is he under, and what am I entitled to? He will need to tear down, drywall, sand and paint. Will I need to pay rent while construction is going on?. Interesting that no one is answering my question about what obligation the LANDLORD has.. |
Magdalen July 13th, 2012 8:20 am |
my upstairs neighbour flat flood caused by british gas damaging my property? |
Argelia July 13th, 2012 8:40 am |
My upstairs neighbors water valve broke and my kitchen got flooded? |
Zina July 13th, 2012 9:00 am |
The wall with insulation behind it got soaked. What’s the best way to take care of it?. My landlord covered the wall with plastic and is going to repaint the wall.. |
Nery July 13th, 2012 9:20 am |
Whenever the upstairs neighbors use their shower, dirty water floods up from the drainage pipe into my tub. . . What exactly is causing this? Is there any way to fix it without calling a plumber?. EDIT:. . Let me make this clear…. the water is not flooding the ceiling or walls, it’s coming UP through the drainage hole in my tub.. |
Jeremy July 13th, 2012 9:40 am |
Upstairs neighbors washer caused a flood…is my apartment flooded too? |
Thomas July 13th, 2012 10:00 am |
im stuck at work (leavin asap but it takes an hour to get home), just recieved a call that the apartment above me is flooded due to some malfunction in thier washer.. what are the chances my place is flooded?? how badly?. |
Quincy July 13th, 2012 10:20 am |
I own my condo, my upstairs neighbor rents. He flooded both our apartments. Is he or his landlord responsible? |
Mathilda July 13th, 2012 10:40 am |
I contacted the landlord and he said he would pay for my floors to be replaced, but would not pay for any personal property damaged, for example rugs, luggage, time off from work. He said by law his tenant should be responsible for all damages, but because neither of them have insurance, he would atleast fix my floors. Please advice, is the landlord responsible for fixing all units damaged by his tenants irresposibililty of leaving the water from the tub running while intoxicated?. |
Jc July 13th, 2012 11:00 am |
I recently came home to find my kitchen, laundry room, and front entrance way way (as well as the hall leading to my door) flooded because my upstairs neighbor had left her water on.. I have had several issues with this neighbor and recently gave the landlord a letter documenting the issues thus far.. In my lease it states that the management can not be held liable for “the actions or ommissions of other tenants” which makes sense.. My question is, do I have any recourse directly with the upstairs neighbor?. (There were several items in the laundry room, which I was using for storage, that were ruined including several holiday decorating items and my roomates vacuum. We also discovered a crack in our ceiling where more water was dripping on the carpet in the living room.. The maintanence guy used a box cutter to cut a small whole, about one inch long and only a few milimeters wide, so that the water coming from here would all come out that one whole and not the length of the crack.). |
Felicita July 13th, 2012 11:20 am |
where can i find out about apartment laws in texas, regarding smoke detectors? |
Haley July 13th, 2012 11:40 am |
My smoke detector was damaged when the neighbors upstairs flooded their apartment. It was a little over two weeks before anyone came to inspect the smoke detector which was not working. When they finally did fix it. They didn’t bother to attach it back to the ceiling. So at this point it is hanging from the wires. Also, does anyone know if there is a city inspector or some such person who can inspect the apartment for mold due to the water damage in the walls and carpet?. |
Ethan July 13th, 2012 12:00 pm |
how do I arrange local guardian or news groups to come and visit my home for them to report my issues? |
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