The owner of this complex told me
By george
I am a father of 12 children, all but 7 are grown and in the world; being productive, responsible, people who for now; are also renters. I have been a Home Owner, (a couple of times). My situation finds me, as a renter at this time. I am renting a two, bedroom apt. in Moulton, Alabama; in a rather old and unkempt complex; although, it is not as bad, as some I have seen. The price for this unit is $425.00 per mo/water paid..the unit is less than 688 sq. ft S/B. The normal price, for this size unit, is $350.00 per mo…because I have 7 children I am charged extra. About three weeks ago, I heard through the Tenant, Grapevine; that a Bed Bug, infestation has been reported…the complaint here is, the owner claims no liability and no responsibility for the elimination of these pest. His statement to me, today and I quote,"if the renters don’t like it here, they can leave ..go some place else. With 4apts. claiming a problem…including the apt. manager; admitting, he just got rid of the bed bugs in his apartment, proves with out a doubt, the seriousness and gravity of our task. It was witnessed, by a tenant with a complaint, (about the bug) while talking to the manager, (a Bed Bug), crawled across the managers, grandsons blanket…(this, right after the complaining, tenant was told, by the manager of his success, of ridding himself of the pest …HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM…DENIAL BY LANDLORD-LIES BY MANAGEMENT!!! can we get some help? If the Tenants, whom are infested, leave this complex; they will spread this problem, to their next Landlords property. This owner should have some compassion for the tenants and integrity as a Landlord…Pray this does not end up in the newspapers, as neglect by the local Board of Health…for failing to enforce the requirements, for landlords to provide the minimum Health standard, for Human Habitation…there is already health issues and property loss. I would like to know where, We the tenants stand legally.
Edited on: Saturday, December 31st, 2011 2:05 am
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