Terminix says contens of apt must be removed, who pays? Tenent or landlord

By john

Terminix came out four times in August, bed bugs gone after first trearment.  Bed bugs returned end of October.  Terminix says all contents of apartment to be removed before treatment.  Who must pay for packing, moving, and storage cosrts.  Into what typoe of container would the belonging need to be stored to insure all bed bugs are dead, and no live eggs?

Edited on: Thursday, November 29th, 2012 12:39 am

One Response to “Terminix says contens of apt must be removed, who pays? Tenent or landlord”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


November 29th, 2012 5:17 pm

Hi John,

Naturally if bed bugs are more and severe in large amount, you need to move or remove all content of apartment first and then they can give permanent solution to exterminate the bed bugs. However here you would also be needed to take the permission of your home landlord. If the bed bugs are from before you moved in, you also have a advantage of fixing this with landlord money or help, because they were from before you moved in, however for this you need to have strong and sensible proof. As i am not expert advicer or any bed bug problem fixing company employee. All i can say is you can ask or take help from Terminix, they will certainly help you with the type of container to be used and how much stuff to be put up in those containers or your belongings, or how to wrap up things before putting it into container, etc. Hope that will help you


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