Please advise me tenants legal rights

By K

My tenant has been renting for a year now. When he moved in the condo was brand spanking new.  Steamed carpet, completely empty, freshly painted, etc.   he told me the guy next door has bed bugs and is being treated for them at a cost of around 1,000 dollars.  The association sent a letter saying there was an issue of bed bugs in some units.  Yesterday my tenant sent me photos of his foot with bites. He threw away his furniture and asked me what’s going on.  Who is responsible to fumigate the unit? If we can prove the unit next store to ours is the source is his landlord liable? The unit is located in upstar new York. How do we know they won’t come back? Is the tenant responsible to pay? Please advise me tenants legal rights… Thank you in advance.

Edited on: Sunday, August 26th, 2012 10:46 am

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