Tenant Rights: Charged Double for Water

By admin

I just received my water bill for the last month and again charged for 1700 gallons. I live in a 1 bathroom apartment and live here maybe 2 weeks of every month.

 When I look at the meter reading on my bill, it states my usage as 1000 gallons. I looked at last month’s bill, it says 900 gallons. I’m not using 1700 gallons a month.

I talked to the water company to get this math error fixed and was told that the landlord told the water company to bill me for 1700 gallons every month. Can they do this? Shouldn’t I be paying only for the water I consume?

How do I get this fixed? I only want to be charged for the water I consume. Suggestions?

Edited on: Wednesday, November 21st, 2012 10:07 am

One Response to “Tenant Rights: Charged Double for Water”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


November 28th, 2012 2:50 pm

This is serious issue of concern. That without your consent, the landlord has asked the water company to increase the bill of daily month water usage, You can file a complaint. Also make sure that you have not used excess water or consuming excess of water. In this situation take up a help of some experts for rental issue. and I can say RPA is best. Please check their Filing a complaint. https://www.rentalprotectionagency.com/complaint_center_form.php This could be helpful for you, because they create and document all the issue in paperwork as well, so in future you can show it to police or also they can take your issue with water company as well and to the landlord. take care


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