Tenant responsible for exisiting bed bug infestation?

By lp


I moved into an apartment in PA and within 4 days I visited my Dr. for what i assumed was an allergic reaction. The symtoms (red, itchy rash) continued for months. Bug bites were ruled out because my boyfriend shared the bed and had no symptoms. After finiding a bed bug at 3 AM, I waiting until 8 and contacted both of my landlords. No facility would treat my apartment without their permission. Neither returned calls, texts or panicked voicemails until 2 PM that day. By that time, I had moved all fabrics from the apartment for wahing and drying in high heat. I spent over $150 at the landromat. When the exterminator finally came, he said that he had visited my 13 unit apartment building "numerous times". I found out that one month before I moved in, he treated the unit below mine. Apparently, one or more survived, relocated, and fed on me for months.

When all was said and done, I was responsible for paying the exterminator for 3 treatments, had to get rid of my boxspring, spent over $150 at the laundromat, and have sky-high medical bills from the testing performed to diagnos my "allergic reaction".

I have since vacated the premisis, but may possibly be involved in a legal battle.

Any advice and comments are appreciated!!!

Edited on: Tuesday, July 17th, 2012 5:11 pm

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