spying maintenance men and lousy landlord

By darkberry

I just got a letter from my landlord today stating that I’ve had multiple people living with me that are not supposed to be. Not true. Also she is trying to charge me for having to fix a draw in my bathroom. I’ve been in my current apartment for 10 years and I tried to explain to her that it was normal wear and tear but,she said that it was destruction of property and that someone deliberately tore it off. She also went on to tell me that the pest control man and her maintenance man were the ones who pointed out to her that I had a bunch of people living with me and the were running in out all hours of the night. First of all I have 2 daughters and I would never subject them to anyone or anything that would jeapordize their well being. So I want to know..Can she do this and get away with it? What can I do?

Edited on: Friday, July 29th, 2011 5:48 am

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