So we got a noise complaint

By Nicole

My husband and I rent a 2BR apartment and we have a 3 month old GSD. She is highly trained already and she will be a PTSD service dog for my husband who was in the marines. A brazilian guy just moved in with his family underneath us. He went into the office and complained that we were being loud. They never specified what kinda noise we were making, but we have done our best to fix the problem and try to be good neighbors. They called in another complaint later…saying that we run the washer at night and that our dog is running….at night. My dog, mila, is crated at night when my husband goes to bed at 9-10pm….he gets up at 4:30 for work. I’m guilty of running the washer though and I can see that being a problem…so now that I know…I won’t be running it. When I called into the office and told them my dog was crated at night….they then changed it to a "daytime" complaint and all this. Which she does walk and she might get a burst of energy to run during the day…..but not enough for it to be a HUGE issue. My husband stopped by to talk to them ( he is a very polite person…due to the fact he was military) and he said the lady in the office was very rude to him (using hand gestures and all that). She said that the noise has to be within reason….so i guess a 22 pound german shepherd walking/playing is not within reason during the day. Has anyone heard of a daytime complaint? The lady in the office said his girlfriend in the office has a newborn, etc. They live on the second floor and is in the middle of me and another family….so they’re going to hear noise. Am I wrong or is this just a oversensitive neighbor? 

Edited on: Friday, August 9th, 2013 5:04 pm

One Response to “So we got a noise complaint”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


August 9th, 2013 7:57 pm

Hi Nicole. I understand what you are going through. It sucks having neighbors like this. You can file a complaint against your landlord if you want for these noise complaints accusations and for being rude. It is your right as a tenant to experience quiet enjoyment while renting the rental unit and since you do not experience this because of these noise complaints. You can either file your complaint with the RPA or through your local county. Here is the link of the RPA’s complaint center if you decided to file your complaint


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