Slum lord refuses to fix rental property w/ mold in it/even after receiving certified letter
By A renter
I rent a mobile home in Maine. I sent my slum, scum I mean land lord a certified letter stating the issues that needed to be fixed in the home. When he picked up the letter he called me and told me he wasn’t going to fix them up and for me to "leave in a couple weeks" so he could "condemn it and tow it to the garbage". I know my rights, I don’t have to go anywhere without a court order nor can he condemn the property himself. Furthermore they charge 2-3k to crush a trailer. You can’t just dump it off somewhere.
Is there any assistance anywhere in the state of Maine or on the federal level if you have to move because your place is considered not fit for habability? I know in some states they have help, but in this state only if you are desperately poor and then you need a child and you go to DHHS and get a jokingly small ammount of assistance for a deposit ($250). I’d like to know one place that will accept that low of an amount for their deposit? What happens to people without kids? The police said "they go to a shelter".
Why will the redcross help if an apt in ur building caught on fire and you got a tiny amount of water damage yet won’t help when there is over 10 square feet of mold eating away at the walls in your rental mobile home? Nor will united way, goodwill, salvation army. I’ve called all 4 of these places and I’ll NEVER donate a penny to them again for not helping me.
Edited on: Wednesday, February 6th, 2013 9:59 pm
One Response to “Slum lord refuses to fix rental property w/ mold in it/even after receiving certified letter”
Matt February 7th, 2013 5:09 pm |
Subsidized or low cost housing is offered by Maine. You may find something useful in their website. Here is a link for Maine’s government’s services for rental: What kind of mold do you have? Is it the Black Mold? If it is and it’s about 10 square feet, man, you should contact your Local Health Department RIGHT AWAY! Black mold is like pure evil as it causes all sorts of respiratory illnesses. If you’ve informed your landlord about it via letter, did you send the letter through mail? Because if you did then you should have a strong proof that will hold up in court should you decide to pursue the case. BTW, you’ve been contacting the wrong people. Those organizations only come in to help if there are like thousands of people involved or affected. Who you should contact is the RPA, they can help you out with your rental problems just like how they helped me. I think they even have a complaint center. You may want to check that out. Good luck!” |
Slum lord refuses to fix rental property w/ mold in it/even after receiving certified letter
By A renter
I rent a mobile home in Maine. I sent my slum, scum I mean land lord a certified letter stating the issues that needed to be fixed in the home. When he picked up the letter he called me and told me he wasn’t going to fix them up and for me to "leave in a couple weeks" so he could "condemn it and tow it to the garbage". I know my rights, I don’t have to go anywhere without a court order nor can he condemn the property himself. Furthermore they charge 2-3k to crush a trailer. You can’t just dump it off somewhere.
Is there any assistance anywhere in the state of Maine or on the federal level if you have to move because your place is considered not fit for habability? I know in some states they have help, but in this state only if you are desperately poor and then you need a child and you go to DHHS and get a jokingly small ammount of assistance for a deposit ($250). I’d like to know one place that will accept that low of an amount for their deposit? What happens to people without kids? The police said "they go to a shelter".
Why will the redcross help if an apt in ur building caught on fire and you got a tiny amount of water damage yet won’t help when there is over 10 square feet of mold eating away at the walls in your rental mobile home? Nor will united way, goodwill, salvation army. I’ve called all 4 of these places and I’ll NEVER donate a penny to them again for not helping me.
Edited on: Monday, November 8th, 2010 1:10 am
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