Signed lease but prohibited from moving in by lessor

By Bunny sax

I have a signed lease and paid all deposits for an apartment in Florida beginning on November 1, 2013. After all our moving was planned and executed we came down from another state with a truck to move in. Last minute landlord tells us we cannot move in because the previous tenant won’t leave and they are trying to get her out because she was supposed to be gone by October 17, 2013. We are now living in a not-great hotel with our things in the truck which we are paying fees on every day waiting in Florida. We are told all different things about dates,eviction etc. and howe the landlord did  not know this would happen and he is doing everything he can. I asked him to make an offer for rent abeyance to compensate us somewhat for our loss of thousands of dollars of our retirement and medical savings beyond just abeyance for the actual days missed to see if he would be amicable but the only response is that I can find another place if it is taking too long but it’s not his fault. My understanding is he is liable for our expenses (which have been a hardship to us to put out there) as he was the one who materially breeched the lease and if he has to deal with the costs to us he can sue the holdover tenant but I am not a party to that lease and my lease is not conditional on hers. Can I recover this money  and secondly, if the apartment now becomes ready will my moving in without reimbursement affect my chances of recovering these costs? Thank you.

Edited on: Friday, November 15th, 2013 11:41 pm

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