Security on property/Car break in and carjacking


I´ve been renting here for a while now, and almost always (with other tenants), your car would be broken into.  Mine was burglarized 3 times already.  I cant move out right away because of the lease agreement.  Every time I complain about such thievery, all the management have to say is they will investigate on it and you have to report it to the police for the report re insurance requirement.  3 times I´ve done that and they (management) tell you to do the same thing……For all you new or would be tenants of Sundance Vallejo ¨BEWARE.¨  Ask any tenants, and 99% they will tell you that they´ve experienced the same.

I wrote this to inform you that my car was stolen lately and the management did nothinhg!  except to telling you the same hoola-baloo……So please, save yourself all the trouble and AVOID LEASING WITH SUNDANCE!!!

Edited on: Sunday, January 15th, 2012 9:51 pm

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