Rotting Trees

By Heather

I am having some major problems with my property management company. There are a few VERY dangerous trees in my front and back yard. I cannot give a professional evaluation of each and every tree but even I can see that some are rotting. A few of the trees are starting to lose HUGE branches. In fact, a big branch fell on my mom’s car the other week! Luckily (not luckily?) she was involved in a vehicle collision not too long ago and the branch fell on the hood of the car. Whether the branch damaged it more or not, in this case, it did not really matter because her car is in the shop getting fixed now from the accident. I have tried contacting my property management company several times over the issue and they won’t get back to me. Would you happen to be able to direct me as to what to do? I am at a loss as to who to ask. I even called the landlord directly and he told me not to call him and to call the property management company. I know I am not supposed to alter the conditions of the property without permission, so I don’t know if I can just get the trees cut down. On the other hand, I think this poses a risk to me, my family, my friends, and my property. In the contract, it states that I am to maintain the yard. But it also states that the landlord is responsible for keeping the property conditions a safe environment. Any help or direction you could give me would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!

Edited on: Monday, March 11th, 2013 5:22 am

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Rotting Trees

By Heather

I am having some major problems with my property management company. There are a few VERY dangerous trees in my front and back yard. I cannot give a professional evaluation of each and every tree but even I can see that some are rotting. A few of the trees are starting to lose HUGE branches. In fact, a big branch fell on my mom’s car the other week! Luckily (not luckily?) she was involved in a vehicle collision not too long ago and the branch fell on the hood of the car. Whether the branch damaged it more or not, in this case, it did not really matter because her car is in the shop getting fixed now from the accident. I have tried contacting my property management company several times over the issue and they won’t get back to me. Would you happen to be able to direct me as to what to do? I am at a loss as to who to ask. I even called the landlord directly and he told me not to call him and to call the property management company. I know I am not supposed to alter the conditions of the property without permission, so I don’t know if I can just get the trees cut down. On the other hand, I think this poses a risk to me, my family, my friends, and my property. In the contract, it states that I am to maintain the yard. But it also states that the landlord is responsible for keeping the property conditions a safe environment. Any help or direction you could give me would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!

Edited on: Tuesday, February 7th, 2012 5:41 pm

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