Renter’s right’s when Bed Bugs are found..
By Lost in Newhall, IA
3 1/2 monts ago I moved into a Building with 5 Apartment’s and the Post Office in it. After being there roughly 1 1/2 month’s I started noticing Itchy welt’s on my arms. Over the next 1 1/2 month’s it spread from head to toe. On August 1st 2012, I finally went to the Dr. in Iowa City, IA to find out what was happening. The Dr. did not know eaither. She ended up saying it could be a allergic reaction to something so she treated me as if that was what it was. I was given 2 Pill medications and a cream. She told me if it did not get better to come back. I took all the pill’s and used the cream daily as told. 2 weeks went by and I was not improving. So on August 23rd 2012 I returned to the Dr. They looked me over again and were stumped. Then they decided to send me to Dermatoligy and see if they could figure something out. When i got there they used a razor blad to scrap some of the scabs to see if it might be Scabbie’s. It wasn’t but they decided to try treating me as if it was. I was given new Med’s and told to clean and sanitise any thing that I had been in contact with. So that night I started in my room Washed all my bedding, vacuumed my bed etc. At this point I was the only one out of all the people that have been in my Apt to have bite’s. Also no one had seen any thing to make us think it could be Bed Bugs. On Sept. 12 my Boyfriend was over visiting in the evening and we had the first Bug sighting in Apt. I was clueless about Bed bugs at that time so we bagged the bug to take to the Dr. when I have my return visit on October 3rd to see if it could be the issue. Sept. 13 it happend again, Bug #2. Baged it also and we decided to try and find a "Bug Dr." the next day (Friday the 14) to see what they were. He and i woke up Friday morning and he had 8-10 bite’s on his wrist and 1 on his elbow. So now I was not the only one being affected, so we went a bought Bug Bomb’s and Bombed my Apt. When I could finally return to my Apt to clean after bombing I was discusted at what I found..I started in my room, I went to lay the box spring back down and found live bugs crawling on it then seen the edge’s of the box springs..I have never moved as quick as I did after I saw that..I went to my boyfriends house and told him what I found and he automaticly started calling exterminators. We found one that said he could come the next morning and confirm the situation. When he arrived he walked into my Apt. 3 steps looked at my bed and said, "You have Bed Bug’s." Gave me a estimate to show my Landlady and we decided to have him go look at my Boyfriends house also to be safe. He found nothing. I then called my landlady and left her a message to call me asap please. About 15 Minutes later i recieved a text from her stating she was out of town and had no service so I was to call or text her the following day. I texted her right back with the response of "confirmed bed bugs in building call me asap please. Then I returned to the building to informe the other 4 renters of the findings, and to let them know that the inspector would come look at their Apt’s also if they wanted..talked to 2 tendants and then the last one on my floor came into the hallway stating she had just got off the phone with our landlady(that not even 10 minutes prior told me she had no signal so she couldn’t talk to me) I replied with well i was just told threw text that she had no signial to contact me till the next day. Never the less this tendant went on with telling me in the 3 or 4 years she has lived there things that need repaired go unrepaired. And she also said that she has some type of mildew or mold growing in one of her closets. I know as of right now out of the 5 Apt’s 4 of them have issues that are not being taken care of and I now have a Apartment that I can’t even go into untill it is treated. At this point it had been 11 minutes since I sent The landlady the text informing her of the Bed Bug’s. She finally replied and it said and I quote, "i can call you tomarrow. Thx." So I left the building and stayed elseware for the 2nd night because of the BB. At 11:56AM today(Sunday 16th) she called me and it went just as I knew it would because of all the research I had been doing on Bed Bugs in the last 24 hours..She said it was my problem and not her’s because they were not there when i moved in so I brought them. I responded by explaining that everything I have in that Apt has been in 1 other apt. and a house and they don’t have any Bug’s now and never did, so I could not of brought them with me. It ended with her telling me I can move out if I want but she is doing NOTHING about it. That was when I informed her that if I go or if I stay the building has to be treated. Again I was told it was not her problem it was mine. I told her I love my Apt and this is not what I wanted anymore than she does was there some way we could get together and solve this together..Was told not her problem again so I said ok I guess I will find out who I need to contact and what I need to do and hung up the phone. And here I am….I have contacted 1 Atty that was involved with the Des Moines, IA case with over 300 renters infected because of this very thing. (referred to me by my past landlord that has NO BED BUG issue after I moved out almost a year ago) He referred me to another Atty and said to call him tomarrow (Monday 17th) and if he could not help me to call him back and he would. Please could someone get me started in right direction on this matter if there is anything else I need to be doing or not doing!
Edited on: Wednesday, November 20th, 2013 2:42 pm
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Renter’s right’s when Bed Bugs are found..
By Lost in Newhall, IA
3 1/2 monts ago I moved into a Building with 5 Apartment’s and the Post Office in it. After being there roughly 1 1/2 month’s I started noticing Itchy welt’s on my arms. Over the next 1 1/2 month’s it spread from head to toe. On August 1st 2012, I finally went to the Dr. in Iowa City, IA to find out what was happening. The Dr. did not know eaither. She ended up saying it could be a allergic reaction to something so she treated me as if that was what it was. I was given 2 Pill medications and a cream. She told me if it did not get better to come back. I took all the pill’s and used the cream daily as told. 2 weeks went by and I was not improving. So on August 23rd 2012 I returned to the Dr. They looked me over again and were stumped. Then they decided to send me to Dermatoligy and see if they could figure something out. When i got there they used a razor blad to scrap some of the scabs to see if it might be Scabbie’s. It wasn’t but they decided to try treating me as if it was. I was given new Med’s and told to clean and sanitise any thing that I had been in contact with. So that night I started in my room Washed all my bedding, vacuumed my bed etc. At this point I was the only one out of all the people that have been in my Apt to have bite’s. Also no one had seen any thing to make us think it could be Bed Bugs. On Sept. 12 my Boyfriend was over visiting in the evening and we had the first Bug sighting in Apt. I was clueless about Bed bugs at that time so we bagged the bug to take to the Dr. when I have my return visit on October 3rd to see if it could be the issue. Sept. 13 it happend again, Bug #2. Baged it also and we decided to try and find a "Bug Dr." the next day (Friday the 14) to see what they were. He and i woke up Friday morning and he had 8-10 bite’s on his wrist and 1 on his elbow. So now I was not the only one being affected, so we went a bought Bug Bomb’s and Bombed my Apt. When I could finally return to my Apt to clean after bombing I was discusted at what I found..I started in my room, I went to lay the box spring back down and found live bugs crawling on it then seen the edge’s of the box springs..I have never moved as quick as I did after I saw that..I went to my boyfriends house and told him what I found and he automaticly started calling exterminators. We found one that said he could come the next morning and confirm the situation. When he arrived he walked into my Apt. 3 steps looked at my bed and said, "You have Bed Bug’s." Gave me a estimate to show my Landlady and we decided to have him go look at my Boyfriends house also to be safe. He found nothing. I then called my landlady and left her a message to call me asap please. About 15 Minutes later i recieved a text from her stating she was out of town and had no service so I was to call or text her the following day. I texted her right back with the response of "confirmed bed bugs in building call me asap please. Then I returned to the building to informe the other 4 renters of the findings, and to let them know that the inspector would come look at their Apt’s also if they wanted..talked to 2 tendants and then the last one on my floor came into the hallway stating she had just got off the phone with our landlady(that not even 10 minutes prior told me she had no signal so she couldn’t talk to me) I replied with well i was just told threw text that she had no signial to contact me till the next day. Never the less this tendant went on with telling me in the 3 or 4 years she has lived there things that need repaired go unrepaired. And she also said that she has some type of mildew or mold growing in one of her closets. I know as of right now out of the 5 Apt’s 4 of them have issues that are not being taken care of and I now have a Apartment that I can’t even go into untill it is treated. At this point it had been 11 minutes since I sent The landlady the text informing her of the Bed Bug’s. She finally replied and it said and I quote, "i can call you tomarrow. Thx." So I left the building and stayed elseware for the 2nd night because of the BB. At 11:56AM today(Sunday 16th) she called me and it went just as I knew it would because of all the research I had been doing on Bed Bugs in the last 24 hours..She said it was my problem and not her’s because they were not there when i moved in so I brought them. I responded by explaining that everything I have in that Apt has been in 1 other apt. and a house and they don’t have any Bug’s now and never did, so I could not of brought them with me. It ended with her telling me I can move out if I want but she is doing NOTHING about it. That was when I informed her that if I go or if I stay the building has to be treated. Again I was told it was not her problem it was mine. I told her I love my Apt and this is not what I wanted anymore than she does was there some way we could get together and solve this together..Was told not her problem again so I said ok I guess I will find out who I need to contact and what I need to do and hung up the phone. And here I am….I have contacted 1 Atty that was involved with the Des Moines, IA case with over 300 renters infected because of this very thing. (referred to me by my past landlord that has NO BED BUG issue after I moved out almost a year ago) He referred me to another Atty and said to call him tomarrow (Monday 17th) and if he could not help me to call him back and he would. Please could someone get me started in right direction on this matter if there is anything else I need to be doing or not doing!
Edited on: Sunday, September 16th, 2012 4:00 pm
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