renters rights

By eva

We have a lease agreement until 2013. We are not even a year into our lease. Our landlord short saled the house..and now we have to deal with all of these realtors. Do we have to show the house? Isn’t this against our privacy act? They won’t tell us anything! And no idea what rights we really do have! We just want our privacy..we have had numerous people showing up at our house without an appoitment- which was suppose to be done by one guy- but now there are several realtors showing the house-we did not give out our number- and now we are recieving too many phone calls that is taking time out of our own personal lives! Anyone know where I can find out tenats rights for this issue in writing? Thank you!

Edited on: Wednesday, January 11th, 2012 7:28 pm

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