Renters Right in a Short Sale

By Allan

I recently entered into a month to month rental agreement with a HomeOwner (also a friend) who was moving to another state in pursuit of a new career.  I knew the Home Owner was in the process of initiaiting a short sale and had approached him with a proposal.  The proposal and rental agreement was that I would move in and pay him a discounted amount monthly for rent and in return, he could rest assured that the house was in good hands and kept up nicely so when propstecitve buyers would visit the home, they would see it in good order.  I’ve now been there for 5 weeks, and have paid 2 months rent.

The day I moved in, I was told that an offer was put on the house.  A few weeks later, I was told that the couple who put in the offer decided to pull their offer off the table, so we started the showing process again and subsequently. another buyer has put in an offer to buy the house.  Today, I was told that the buyer and his wife are going through a divorce, and the husband would keep their current house and the house I was currently renting (and the one they have the offer in) would be the wife and kids’ home and they will be putting a large sum of money down to purchase the home, but the cavieat is that they want to move in within 30 days (BEFORE THE SHORT SALE PROCESS IS EVEN OVER).

What are my Renters Right in the State of Florida?

Can I legally request that relocation costs be factored into the equation to help me with moving my belongings and getting started at a new location??

Please help

Edited on: Tuesday, February 7th, 2012 2:18 pm

One Response to “Renters Right in a Short Sale”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)

Donald Mehoff

August 2nd, 2012 8:32 pm

No. You are on the hook to pay your expenses and the new owner’s moving expenses. You have no rights because you are a Boo Bear and in the state of florida, that leaves you responsible to pay all costs associated with the sale: Inspections,repairs, realtor fees, closing costs, bank fees, moving costs of new owner and lastly you are also responsible to pay the new owner’s mortgage payment for the first 5 years and property taxes for 7 years. By law (in Florida) the prospective buyers can move in to their new home immediately, even if their offer is pending or flat out rejected. It would then be up to you to properly evict them, should the offer be rejected. My advice is to let the wife and kids move in with you and ask them to share the cost of the gardener and cable TV bill. This will help you offset the cost of paying all those fees discussed above. This mistake, on your part, is going to cost you financially and mentally but perhaps next time you will think long and hard before helping a friend that is not a Boo Bear.


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