Rent Scam / Fraud

By jes

im in such a hard situation here. ive been livingin a rental in nj for a yr now. we signed a 2 yr lease with this man who claimed to b the owner. 3 months down the line i was served with forclousure papers for this house under another persons name. i asked him bout it and all he said trahs them dnt worry bout it the house is fine that the property tax went up and they trying to scare everyone. well i didnt trash them i kept them along with all the other documents. 3 more months down the line i get an investigator telling me that our address was being used as a place of business but under his daughetrs name and she claimed she made $250 grand a yr form this address. i asked him bout it and he said next time they come to ur door say F U and call the cops. now i got another letter bout the forclousure that threres gonna be a sherrif sale with in 3 months. i talked to him again and he said just give him his money thats all i have to worry bout. now ive done research witht he tax and zoning office and this mary wolf is the owner of the house and he isnt names in anything kegal for this house. now the court says if hes an agent of the property i have to pay him. well ok but what is the real owner doing bout this property? why is he collecting rent and not giving it to her to pay or wht isnt she paying? why is it legal to rent this house in forclousere and us find out the hard way. and why is he also practicing a business out of his house with out the tax office knowing bout it? why isnt he caught? this isnt fair for me i came here cuz the school is great and i needed a place for my 4 kids nw he’s victing us for snoping he said and because our lease expiered which isnt true cuz we signed a 2 yr lease which is up 2010 and he also put none payment of rent which i have all my reciepts he signed that i paid. how is this justice? any help will be appriciated thank you

Edited on: Saturday, August 24th, 2013 6:12 pm

One Response to “Rent Scam / Fraud”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 12th, 2011 11:54 am

Looks like you need more help than just advice. Here, file a complaint. Sorry, must have been a pain in the head having that problem. We’ll at least try to see if you can work with him in terms of making some arrangements first. Otherwise fill out the form.


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