renewing a lease
By Amanda
I have a brief question. My Husband and I and our two children are renting, and agreed to a one year lease. March 1, 2012- February 28, 2013. I had been calling since January 2013 asking about signing a renewal lease. The property management co. was very hard to reach let alone get a straight answer out of. March 1, 2013 comes and I am finally able to get someone on the phone who say they will need to call and speak with owners about renewing. I asked if we could negotiate rent prices at this point since halfd the amenities in the house don’t work and never have. Again they said they would speak to the property owners and get back to us. I then asked what I should pay in rent this month so that it wount be late, the lady on the other end said to pay our regular amount for now and if rent is negotiable they will credit next months rent. So I said ok sounds nice?? eh??? Wrong! Rent was negotiated at a lesser value and the term began March 1, 2013 even though we didn’t recieve it until March 15, 2013. I called to make sure rent was going to be credited for April and the lady explained that they don’t do that there at her office and that I’m just out of luck and out the money. I don’t have money to hire an attorney because the one that i did pay turned out to be the same attorney that represents the property management company, and there are no refunds. What can I do or what options are available to me? Oh, not to mention April 28, 2013 we were also served with foreclosure papers on our front door on a Sunday, right before church.
Edited on: Friday, August 23rd, 2013 5:51 pm
One Response to “renewing a lease”
Arriane August 23rd, 2013 7:24 pm |
Hi Amanda! Sorry to hear about your problem. Your landlord should have informed you beforehand if they are going to renew your lease or not. In your case since your landlord failed to do so even though you contacted the management several times already then it is time to take the next step and that is to file a complaint against your landlord. You can file your complaint through your local county or through the RPA. Goodluck! |
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