Seeking deposit refund advice

By Tenant

I recently moved out of the apartment I lived in for 4 years. I cleaned for a week before turning the apartment over and I left it in better shape than I got it. There were, however, two areas that needed repair 1.) a broken window and 2.) a layer of the wall, in the bathroom, had begun to peel off, due to water damage. I made no effort to fix either of these issues, because I did not feel that they were my responsibility. Within two weeks of moving out I received an invoice regarding my $300 deposit and a request for an additional $115 to cover the cost of these repairs.

The window was damaged over a year ago when someone shot two bb’s through my window leaving two pea sized holes. I noticed it when I got home from work one day and promptly called the police to file a report, as well as my apartment manager and the apartment owner. I was told they would replace it shortly, but they never did. Naturally, because it was never replaced, the window got worse as the holes began to spider out and then a 4″ piece fell out. I am under the impression that since I notified them at the time of the original damage, I am not responsible for any resulting damage, nor the replacement of the window. Am I correct in this?

As far as the wall is concerned, they cited “extreme wear and tear” on the invoice. Is water damage considered extreme wear and tear? I lived in an extrememly old building with plenty of leaks (the toilet, in the apartment above me, needed to be replaced because it fell through the floor, the shower above me leaked through the floor, down the wall and pooled on the stairs leading up to my apartment, my kitchen sink leaked to the cabinet below and needed to be fixed) and there is already existing water damage on another wall along that shower. I never notified the manager when I noticed the issue originally, but am wondering if the existing water damage is enough to prove that it was not extreme wear and tear and that it is another symptom of a preexisting condition. To me, extreme wear and tear would be caused by me directly and I had nothing on that wall in the place the damage occured.

Ultimately I am looking for someone to tell me if I am responsible for either of these issue, because I feel like I am being taken advantage of, and if not what is the next best course of action? Should I contact the owner directly by phone, to dispute the charges, or should I send them a formal letter. I appreciate any and all refund advice!


Edited on: Friday, March 30th, 2012 2:08 am

One Response to “Seeking deposit refund advice”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


October 26th, 2009 8:34 am

Something similar happened to me as well.
My friend rented appartment in 2006 and added me as additional renter of his appartment in mid 2008. He lived there for one and half year before adding me, and I lived there for one and half year too and vacated in October end. He had $100 security deposit with appartment office.
Before vacating the appartment, I went to appartment office to know what all actions I need to take before vacating. They gave me a paper listing all the possible things which needs cleaning. Also when asked to inspect the appartment with me before i leave, they said they will inspect it themselves and send the bill within 15days. I said ok and moved ahead with my cleaning job of appartment.

I rented the carpet cleaning for 24 hours to clean my carpet, used Clorex (with bleach) to clean up entire kitchen and bathroom and every other thing possible. Some of my friends came in appartment on last day to say good bye and they appreciated the kind of cleaning I did for entire appartment. Even one of them said “I have changed 3~4 appartments in past but never seen such a cleaning. This is as good as new”. His comment gave me satisfaction that my hard work paid off.
Now I have received final bill from appartment office to pay them approx $500 for broken tiles, curry smell and basic carpet cleaning.
When i questioned the appartment office why they did basic carpet cleaning, they said it is by default what they do everytime. Then I asked about why they have charged for using fog cleaning to eliminate curry smell, they said that is what they felt. Earlier when they charged same thing to one of another friend then their answer was “We know from where you guys come from”. I am not sure what to comment on this. Finally came the question about broken tiles, and she was not sure what was broken, though in final settlement letter her name was mentioned for walk through.

So finally llike jmlee0213 said, I am too looking for someone to tell me if I am responsible for either of these issue, because I feel like I am being taken advantage of, and if not what is the next best course of action?


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