By Simon

I am currently renting half of a duplex which has a driveway and yard.  The rent is $1800 and no utilities except water, and it is an older home. (I actually moved my bedroom from the master to the guest room as there appears to be joist issues, the house moves and shakes at will)

At any rate, I have a dog and with the landlords permission(written in lease) installed a temporary fence in the yard to seperate the two areas.  The landlord agreed to pay half, but I never asked for it, as I feel it is my animal and my responsibilty, so no problem.
I do all lawn care and snow removal for both sides (for $100 off rent a month) only to of course find out the neighbors got a discount as well for doing nothing. Go figure.  Again, carry on, just ignored it and went about life.
Now the landlord sends a text saying he will need me to park in the street on the weekend as they will be having a yard sale.  I am confused, as he doesn’t live here and lives about 15 minutes away.  I replied to the text reiterating his request.  He sends another that he needs the entire driveway and will also be using my yard and the neighbors yard for the weekend his sale.  This is all being sent to me at 4:00 PM on Friday for the next day.
I had plans for the yard Saturday so I refused, and he then wanted to do it the next weekend, which is a holiday.  I refused again until I could speak with my fiance.  He then said he will  do it after the holiday.
So, I am basically (in his eyes)supposed to pay $1800 rent, all utilities, upkeep on yard and snow as agreed, and allow him to set up a yard sale in the driveway and yard of the residence I am renting so I can’t use it for a weekend, allow a bunch of strangers through the yard and around the rental that I don’t know, and most likely be expected to allow him to use the bathroom facilties while tending to his sale? 
RIGHT.  I work 50 hours a week and work swing shift.  My fiance works the same and is in school.  We have a dog who would need to be boarded for the weekend as she would not be able to go out to go to the bathroom.
Why would a LL assume that he could do this, and can anyone tell me I am wrong if I continue to refuse and write him a letter regarding the matter? Clearly inhibiting my rights to quiet enjoyment of the rental….

Edited on: Monday, March 19th, 2012 12:46 am

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