re Itimadation hostile beligerent and unprofesional resident manager
By kathleen wesley
i wrote a letter re my comcerns i just am not sure the person to send here is my letter thanks!!!
555 Bremerton Northeast A102
Renton, WA 98059
September 24, 2013
To Whom It May Concern,
I have been a resident at your property The Windsor, in Renton, WA for over eight years. I have never had reason to write you regarding your management until now. I would also like to add in the eight years of living here I have never been late on my rent.
A couple of months ago I was approached and questioned by your current manager in the parking lot regarding my removal of items from the dumpster. She acknowledged it was not illegal but inquired as to my purpose of doing this. I explained I recovered reusable items, restored them and donated them to the needy and various community organizations.
As you can imagine with the high turnover in apartment living, many occupants move and abandon perfectly fine household goods for various reasons. I am a person who was raised to respect the environment and help others. By removing perfectly usable items from the dumpster I also leave room for "real trash" of the current residents.
On Friday, September 20, I noticed a high volume of household items, toys, etc., surrounding the dumpster area. It had appeared some others may have been sorting through the items and as a result left a terrible mess. At 5:45pm I went to the dumpster area (to salvage any unclaimed items for restoring and recycling) when I was approached by your current manager and maintenance employee. Your manager was very hostile and intimidating, scolding me loudly and very publicly for the mess of the dumpster. She threatened be with not renewing my lease. I was embarrassed and mortified to say the least, as there were witnesses to this event. I was left dumbfounded and speechless as I have never in my entire adult life been spoken to in such a harassing manner.
As I have never received any written or formal complaint, I feel I was treated completely unfairly. This manager displayed absolutely no professionalism whatsoever, and at times I felt that she had the ability to get physical. This incident has been emotionally draining for me and I currently feel that this manager is capable of retaliation and harassment. As a longtime resident I should not feel this way. I hope you can provide me with some guidance on how to deal with this situation as this is my home and I truly enjoy living here.
Edited on: Thursday, September 26th, 2013 9:19 am
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