Property Managment didn’t inform in writing of short sale

By lauramc27

This is kind of confusing so here goes.  I have a property managment company for a house we own in Utah.  After 2 years of trying to keep up on the payments on the house we financially couldn’t do it anymore.  The property managment comany offered to list the house for us and do the short sale.  In the meantime they found renters for us at a discounted rent because it was a short sale.  When I spoke with the managment company I told them I wanted it made quite clear verbally and in writing to the new tenants that this was a short sale and the time they would be in the house can not be guaranteed.  I was told by the managment company that it was all taken care of.  Well we got an offer on the house and the buyer happens to know the tenants and the tenants told the buyer that they have a lease that is not up until June 2011.  I have not been able to get the managment company to send me a copy of the lease.  My question is, the managment company had listed the house in May 2010 and the new renters didn’t move in until June or July, so the managment company knew full well it was on the market for short sale because they listed it.  Now th house may foreclose because the buyer we have can’t wait until June to move in.  What legal rights do I have to go after the managment company for not disclosing this and putting an addendum on the lease like I asked them to? 

Edited on: Wednesday, March 9th, 2011 5:50 pm

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