property manager has prefernces torward tenants

By stressed renter

The manager at my apartment complex has been harassing me and my wife. This building has limited parking space we get one per tenant the  extra spaces are first come first serve. There are other tenants always save spots by parking their cars in those spots  and leaving their spot open for when their husband /wife gets home from workand she doesn’t say anything even when i don’t work and both of us are home she comes to our door and tells us we have to park in the street because cars in those spots have to be moved constantly.She has even given us warnings that she will tow our cars away when there are tenants that have cars there that they only move once a month. My wife has also had other tenants come to our door trying to argue with her because the manager tells them that my wife talks bad about them when we don’t even talk to her we try to stay away from her as more as possible.We also have a small dog wich we paid an extra deposit to be abel to have him and she has about six dogs her self but she tried to tell us we had to get rid of him because the lanlord had said so. Of course i was kind of mad and told her to have him tell me himself because i dint just bring the dog without telling them and paying for it. The land lord never showed up but later that week we had several other tenants tell us to becarefull because she was going around trying to get them to sign a letter wich said that they all agreed we nedded to get rid of our dog. Most of them refused because they said that if she wantd to do that she nedded to set the example and get rid of her dogs first because our dog did’t bother any of them.She has aslso let weeds grow over four feet tall around the planter areas near our windows and when we asked her when they were going to clean it up she said it was our responsibility tha she only cleand before because her daughter lived next to us.She also passed out letters saying no music after nine pm. last time she warned us when it was tow pm when herself sometimes has music blasting after midnight and nobody says anything. There is also a new tenant that when he moved in alot of car traffic coming by there are many kids here including my kids so I tried to tell her she nedded to keep an on him because of all our kids safety since she always goes around saying to her kids come first.A couple days later she came to my door and said she just had told him i said he was drug dealing and claimed that he said he wasnt doing that that he sells pirated dvd’s that when ever I needed one just tell him and whe would give me some.I belive that subjects should be handel discreatly and confidently not just go pointing fingers because they can cause  big problems besides wether it’s drugs or pirateing movies it is a penalized crime. She is always on top of us for no reason and other people do things that are not allowed in her face and she doesn’t tell them anything.

Edited on: Thursday, November 11th, 2010 12:56 pm

2 Responses to “property manager has prefernces torward tenants”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 16th, 2011 10:13 am

A problem with the manager/LL, looks like talking to him/her would not resolve anything. RPA should be able to help you out. File a compliant here.


August 17th, 2011 11:57 am

sue the property manager in supreme court!

property manager has prefernces torward tenants

By stressed renter

The manager at my apartment complex has been harassing me and my wife. This building has limited parking space we get one per tenant the  extra spaces are first come first serve. There are other tenants always save spots by parking their cars in those spots  and leaving their spot open for when their husband /wife gets home from workand she doesn’t say anything even when i don’t work and both of us are home she comes to our door and tells us we have to park in the street because cars in those spots have to be moved constantly.She has even given us warnings that she will tow our cars away when there are tenants that have cars there that they only move once a month. My wife has also had other tenants come to our door trying to argue with her because the manager tells them that my wife talks bad about them when we don’t even talk to her we try to stay away from her as more as possible.We also have a small dog wich we paid an extra deposit to be abel to have him and she has about six dogs her self but she tried to tell us we had to get rid of him because the lanlord had said so. Of course i was kind of mad and told her to have him tell me himself because i dint just bring the dog without telling them and paying for it. The land lord never showed up but later that week we had several other tenants tell us to becarefull because she was going around trying to get them to sign a letter wich said that they all agreed we nedded to get rid of our dog. Most of them refused because they said that if she wantd to do that she nedded to set the example and get rid of her dogs first because our dog did’t bother any of them.She has aslso let weeds grow over four feet tall around the planter areas near our windows and when we asked her when they were going to clean it up she said it was our responsibility tha she only cleand before because her daughter lived next to us.She also passed out letters saying no music after nine pm. last time she warned us when it was tow pm when herself sometimes has music blasting after midnight and nobody says anything. There is also a new tenant that when he moved in alot of car traffic coming by there are many kids here including my kids so I tried to tell her she nedded to keep an on him because of all our kids safety since she always goes around saying to her kids come first.A couple days later she came to my door and said she just had told him i said he was drug dealing and claimed that he said he wasnt doing that that he sells pirated dvd’s that when ever I needed one just tell him and whe would give me some.I belive that subjects should be handel discreatly and confidently not just go pointing fingers because they can cause  big problems besides wether it’s drugs or pirateing movies it is a penalized crime. She is always on top of us for no reason and other people do things that are not allowed in her face and she doesn’t tell them anything.

Edited on: Thursday, November 11th, 2010 12:45 pm

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