Problems with Utilites


My boyfriend and I rented from a landlord for about a year and a half.  We moved out on June 27th and left the country for two months.  Prior to leaving, we contacting him about switching the gas over to his name.  The gas meter is in the basement of the property and they were not able to get in before we were leaving.  The landlord said that would be no problem.  We had been on good terms with him for our entire time there.  When we came home and set up the gas for our new place, the gas company told me that the other account was still active.  We had two bills for gas for two months AFTER we moved out.  We conatced the landlord through email and phone calls, all which were ignored.  We called the gas company again and they contacted the landlord.  The landlord told them that the new tenants would be putting the gas into their name.  But we have no idea if or when they would actually do that.  If you could have someone else pay your gas bill, wouldn’t you?  More emails and phone calls to the landlord telling him that we would be more than happy to do whatever we need to do to get this situation resolved and still no response.  If the landlord continues to ignore us, and the new tenants don’t switch the gas into their name, we are stuck paying for the gas in a place that we do not live forever.  I just don’t understand why he insists on screwing us over like this when we were fantastic tenants and had a friendly relationship.  Suggestions?

Edited on: Sunday, November 18th, 2012 3:58 am

2 Responses to “Problems with Utilites”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


September 11th, 2008 5:51 am

Hey LB,
This is a simple fix! All you need to do is call the gas company and tell them that you moved. The gas company will close the account and you will no longer be responsible for paying the other tenants gas bill. In fact, in the future anytime you move make a habit to contact all utility companies to tell them what day you are moving. The utility companies will gladly set up your account so that it closes on whatever date you specify. Technically, this really is your responsibility to get the gas out of your name, never rely on someone else!


September 11th, 2008 10:30 am

Thats lame, your landlord should’ve done it for you!!! Why is it so many landlords make empty promises? I’d get even by leaving negative feedback on his report. What an idiot!!!


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