problems with landlord

By awmw2006

I have lived in this townhome for 4 years now. I had new neighbors move in, and their townhome is JUST like ours. They are only paying 750 a month, and we’ve been paying 925.. is that legal? Also, everytime we need a repair, she doesn’t repair anything. The first day we moved in, she was supposed to fix handle on the oven because there isn’t one, she never did. the light is hanging down in hallway, wires and all, she never fixed it, we have leaks constantly, plumbing problems. never fixed those. One time the plumbing backed up next door and we had fecies all over our basement. She did not clean it up, I had too….Yes, I was ticked!!! Is any of this legal? Yes, I have been late a FEW times, but she’s kicking me out now because I had to fix my car and I was 5 days late on rent. Please help me. I need to know if any of this is legal. AND she has come to my house and in my house w/out giving me ANY notice. I found another place to live, but can I still file a complaint or sue her?

Edited on: Thursday, December 12th, 2013 6:29 am

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Problems with landlord

By Christina

Before we sent this letter to the landlord we currently owe 1 months rent as of july 31, 2010 our lease expired as of today we have not recieved a new renewal lease I contacted the landlord more than 4 times to make her aware of this. She owes me $5400 in ER medical bills+ 1395 security deposit if I was to leave as of Aug 3rd 2010 I have not heard back from her with a resolution. Here is the letter that we sent her please advise us to how we should proceed.

a resonable offer of resolution was emailed to you a few days ago and as of today we have not heard back from you. in regards to a installment deduction on the medical bills please keep in mind that we have figured if we stayed and renewed the lease for another year it would perhaps be best to deduct $450 from the monthly rental rate ? and Or a few months of free rent to resolve the reimbursement of the medical er bills that i had to pay On Sep 29th, 2009 we lived in unbreathable conditions  From July 26th 2009 becasue you allowed us to move in early up until Oct 19th 2009 that was the date that you resolved the air duct and ventilation system problem.  Please advise we want to work with you however these options are reasonable resolutions. Remember centex homes was contacted immediatly and even they said that you no longer was under any home warranty insurance and that it was expired when we called to inquire for someone to come out  about the central air, ventilation and air duct system. You asked me to be patient and to find a reasonable contractor to fix the problem, a estimate was even provided to me from the contractor however it was not resolved until 10/19/2009. By being patient and enduring and living in those conditions we stayed sick to the point that we had to be ER to the hospital. For a respiratory bronchial infection that we had to take meds for, due to not getting enough oxygen from not being able to breathe it was so hot and congested in the home due to the dirt and dust that the system blew out it  led to even our bones being in constant pain from the excessive work in trying to breathe  I even had people who even visited me and when the air was on they took sick as well and started choking and coughing real bad becasue of how dusty and dirty the system was.

When the system was on it was so hot in the house which made it so unbearable to live within the home which was truly a health hazard we was advised by the hospital to contact the board of health department who would have charged you with violations Because of the air ducts, and ventilation system. We have been very understanding and patient since last year.

As of today we have not recieved a renewal lease in the mail with any new deductions….We do expect to here from you today due to the 4th of the month is approaching. This is a very reasonable resolution ….if this went forward legally they will add on pain and suffering, along with compensation from the kids loss of time from school keep in mind they was not able to participate in the graduation ceremony due to missing alot of time from school due to staying sick and the loss of time from  my job.  I f i do not here back from you before the 3rd then i will presume that you are in agreement in allowing a few months free of rent to pay for the reimbursment. Which will begin starting Aug 1, 2010 and any amounts owing on our account should be notated or compensated to go towards pain and suffering.

We have been very patient, understanding, reasonable, and even endured by living in unbreathable conditions I have 4 children and it was very wrong for me to stay here in those conditions however we waited and suffered until the matter got resolved so i hope you understand. You have been a very understanding landlord and you have rectified some of the problems within the home however we lived in those conditions so therefore you can’t feel what we went threw.

Edited on: Monday, July 1st, 2013 7:45 pm

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My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)

Problems with landlord

By Felicia

I moved into a rental home on 11/4/2011 the home had a smell of pet urine I immediately told the landlord and he said he woulod clean the carpet but the previous tenant did not have a dog and the carpet was new.

The landlord came to clean the carpet(11/5 or 11/6)  and I showed him the urine stains on the carpet. The landlord confronted the previous tenant and they admitted they had dogs in the house.

On 11/7/2011 I notfied the landlord of a flea problem in the house. He told me he would spray. I told the landlord everyday for over two weeks about the flea problem and he continued to say he would spray. I even showed him the flea bites on my legs.

Finally on 11/23/2011 I purchased foggers and set them off well on 11/24/2011 I started feeling bad and my left leg was hurting. On 11/25/2011 I went to the emergency room and was informed by the doctor that I had cellulitis which was caused by the multiple flea bites.

This was a very painful condition and I could not walk for two days, had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic and had a second trip to the ER.

Informed the landlord of this and he stated he would discount my rent for a whole year if he had to in order to cover my medical cost. He discounted it for two months for a total of $500 and then said he filed a claim with his homeowners insurance and they would contact me.

On i/30/2011 he had his wife contact me about paying rent for Feb. I know when rent is due and don’t need her harassing me about rent. I told her I was very unhappy with what was going on concerning the medical bills and I let her know that the urine smell is still in the house. she became very nasty and I asked her how would she feel if she were in my place and her response was I would move. So I told her I will prepare to move now she is trying to say I am breaking the lease and refuses to give my security deposit back.

Says I rented the place as is!

They know the previous tenant brought the dogs in here and caused this problem but they want me to swallow the cost and live in a place that smells of urine.

I need some type of resolution and I no longer want to live here and deal with these people who are crooked.

The landlord’s wife told me they charged the previous tenant an extra months rent, but feel I should pay to remove the urine smell from their carpet and she thinks she can talk to me any kind of way and harass me while I am at work.

She says they have done too much I rented as is. I did not agree to rent a flea infested or urine smelling house. I could not see the fleas when I moved in here and the heat was on so I could not smell the urine I thought the smell was the heater because it had not been on in awhile.

 Matter of fact they let the previous tenant out of their lease and gave them their security deposit back. They are the ones who violated the lease by having dogs in the home.

It is not my responsibility to pay for removal of fleas that the previous tenant caused or clean their carpets and remove urine smells.

I need help in resolving this matter!

Edited on: Wednesday, May 15th, 2013 9:49 am

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Problems with landlord

By texas123

I signed a lease agreement in September.  I had to pay 1st and last months rent plus a security deposit of $500.  I am a new renter and looked over information about renting just after moving in. 

When I initially met with the owner, who was still living there, she walked me through everything to include a shop in the back, which had a "ton" of their personal belongings, along with some of the neighbors.  She assured me this would be cleaned out.  There were also several items in the home that needed to be fixed/repaired to include, changing locks, dead bolt on the back door and smoke detectors and a door to one of the bedrooms be re-attached.  She again, assured me this would all be taken care of.  The back yard had lots of "junk" just strown around to include 2 televisions and a bed frame.  They also had an old boat with a "ton" of junk in the driveway, again this was going away.  When it was time to move in, nothing had been done.  I started moving my own stuff into the home and found that the carpet in two of the bedrooms was filled with animal urine.  It smelled bad, real bad.  I asked her about taking the carpet up and she advised me that would be fine.  She may even reimburse whatever I spent.  There was trash everywear from taco bell wrappers to school books.  It was nasty, but at the time I was desperate and needed a place to live.  Me and several of my family and friends, cleaned the place up.  My lease states rent is due on the 1st, but she said as long as she had by the fourteenth she didn’t care because that’s when her mortgage payment is due.  I also have this stated in several emails and texts between the two of us.  I did have a check bounce because my bank did not move money from savings.  However, this was my fault overall for not moving the money myself from savings.  She tried to charge me $240 for her bounced check fees because of my check bouncing.  Which I paid, because of course I didn’t want to get evicted.  Upon a friend’s advice I asked for a copy of her bank stmt showing the cause for all of the fees.  She refused to give it to me and told me to deduct those charges from my November rent, which I did.  I have been using the 14th as a guideline for my rent payments because she told me it was ok.  Now she is evicting me, stating that I haven’t paid as is said in the lease agreement.  I told her that if she wanted me to pay by the 1st from now on that was fine, but she should’ve said it’s not ok to wait until the 14th anymore.  I am now contemplating my rights as a rentor.  My rent is paid up, based on the date she gave me of the 14th.

Edited on: Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012 2:32 am

One Response to “Problems with landlord”

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May 22nd, 2012 7:33 pm

It is clear the you kept your part of the bargain. I think she wouldn’t listen to you because you have been arguing a lot from the day you came in. Why not file a complaint here ( or report her so that no other tenants would get the same bad experience?


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