Problems with home maintenance

By Frustrated Tenant

I moved into my current home on July 5. Home is being managed for owner through real estate broker. I am having recurring problems with getting the required maintenance to have the air conditioner to work properly shortly after I moved in.

 Every week I am contacting the real estate brokers’ office because the air conditioner isn’t cooling properly. Everyday the temp in the house is hovering in the mid to upper 80’s even though I keep the thermostat set around 75. When I call the real estate broker, it takes several days for them to get back while they try to figure out whether it should be referred to regular maintenance or to the home warranty company. I have had at least 6-7 visits between the regular maintenance and home warranty company within the last month alone yet the problem has not been resolved. The real estate broker keeps saying they have to deal with the home warranty company and I am caught between a vicious cycle between owner, real estate broker and home warranty company. In the meantime, I’m sitting in a hot house. 

This makes me wonder what type of service I will get with any other problems in the house.  


I am very unhappy with this situation. What recourses do I have? I want to find out if I can get out of the lease without damage to my credit. Who can I go to for assistance?



Edited on: Thursday, September 5th, 2013 5:41 pm

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